"List all projects that can be analysed by Hacked! ", 'drupal dependencies' => ['hacked'], 'options' => [ 'force-rebuild' => 'Rebuild the Hacked! report instead of getting a cached version.', ], 'aliases' => ['hlp'], ]; $items['hacked-lock-modified'] = [ 'description' => "Lock all projects that Hacked! detects are modified, so that drush pm-updatecode will not touch them. (drush-4.x+ only)", 'drupal dependencies' => ['hacked'], ]; $items['hacked-details'] = [ 'description' => "Show the Hacked! report about a specific project.", 'drupal dependencies' => ['hacked'], 'arguments' => [ 'project' => 'The machine name of the project to report on.', ], 'options' => [ 'include-unchanged' => 'Show the files that are unchanged too.', ], 'aliases' => ['hd'], ]; $items['hacked-diff'] = [ 'description' => "Output a unified diff of the project specified.", 'drupal dependencies' => ['hacked'], 'arguments' => [ 'project' => 'The machine name of the project to report on.', ], 'options' => [ 'diff-options' => 'Command line options to pass through to the diff command.', ], ]; return $items; } /** * Compute the report data for hacked. * * WARNING: This function can invoke a batch process and end your current page. * So you'll want to be very careful if you call this! * * @param array $projects * An array of Drupal projects. * @param bool|FALSE $force * If TRUE, force rebuild of project data. */ function hacked_calculate_project_data_drush($projects, $force = FALSE) { include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/batch.inc'; // Try to get the report form cache if we can. $cache = \Drupal::cache(HACKED_CACHE_TABLE)->get('hacked:drush:full-report'); if (!empty($cache->data) && !$force) { return $cache->data; } // Enter a batch to build the report. $operations = []; foreach ($projects as $project) { $operations[] = [ 'hacked_build_report_batch', [$project['name']], ]; } $batch = [ 'operations' => $operations, 'finished' => 'hacked_build_report_batch_finished_drush', 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'hacked') . '/hacked.report.inc', 'title' => t('Building report'), ]; drush_print('Rebuilding Hacked! report'); batch_set($batch); $batch =& batch_get(); $batch['progressive'] = FALSE; drush_backend_batch_process(); drush_print('Done.'); // Now we can get the data from the cache. $cache = \Drupal::cache(HACKED_CACHE_TABLE)->get('hacked:drush:full-report'); if (!empty($cache->data)) { return $cache->data; } } /** * Completion callback for the report batch. * * @param bool $success * Boolean value of batch success. * @param array $results * An array of batch results. */ function hacked_build_report_batch_finished_drush($success, $results) { if ($success) { // Sort the results. usort($results['report'], '_hacked_project_report_sort_by_status'); // Store them. \Drupal::cache(HACKED_CACHE_TABLE) ->set('hacked:drush:full-report', $results['report'], strtotime('+1 day')); } } /** * Drush command callback that shows the listing of changed/unchanged projects. */ function drush_hacked_list_projects() { // Go get the data: module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.report'); if ($available = update_get_available(TRUE)) { module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.compare'); $data = update_calculate_project_data($available); $force_rebuild = drush_get_option('force-rebuild', FALSE); $projects = hacked_calculate_project_data_drush($data, $force_rebuild); // Now print the data using drush: $rows[] = [ dt('Title'), dt('Name'), dt('Version'), dt('Status'), dt('Changed'), dt('Deleted'), ]; foreach ($projects as $project) { $row = [ $project['title'], $project['name'], $project['existing_version'], ]; // Now add the status: switch ($project['status']) { case HACKED_STATUS_UNHACKED: $row[] = dt('Unchanged'); break; case HACKED_STATUS_HACKED: $row[] = t('Changed'); break; case HACKED_STATUS_UNCHECKED: default: $row[] = t('Unchecked'); break; } $row[] = $project['counts']['different']; $row[] = $project['counts']['missing']; $rows[] = $row; } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE); return $projects; } } /** * Lock all of the modified files so that pm-updatecode will not touch them. */ function drush_hacked_lock_modified() { $drupal_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT'); module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.report'); if (isset($drupal_root) && ($available = update_get_available(TRUE))) { module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.compare'); $data = update_calculate_project_data($available); $projects = hacked_calculate_project_data_drush($data, TRUE); foreach ($projects as $project) { $row = [ empty($project['title']) ? $project['name'] : $project['title'], $project['name'], $project['existing_version'], ]; // Lock the file if it is not already locked. switch ($project['status']) { case HACKED_STATUS_HACKED: $project_ob = NULL; $project_ob = new hackedProject($project['project_name']); $lockfile = $project_ob->file_get_location('local', '.drush-lock-update'); if (!file_exists($lockfile)) { drush_op('file_put_contents', $lockfile, dt("Locked: modified.")); drush_print(dt("Locked: @project", ['@project' => $project['name']])); } else { drush_print(dt("@project is modified and already locked", ['@project' => $project['name']])); } break; case HACKED_STATUS_UNHACKED: case HACKED_STATUS_UNCHECKED: default: break; } } } } /** * Add a --lock-modified flag to pm-updatecode. */ function drush_hacked_pre_pm_updatecode() { if (drush_get_option('lock-modified')) { drush_print(dt('Hacked! is checking for modified projects...')); drush_hacked_lock_modified(); drush_print(dt('Hacked! modification check complete.')); } } /** * Implements hook_drush_help_alter(). * * Add --lock-modified to the pm-updatecode and pm-update help. */ function hacked_drush_help_alter(&$command) { if (($command['command'] == 'pm-updatecode') || ($command['command'] == 'pm-update')) { $command['sub-options']['--lock']['--lock-modified'] = "Lock any project that Hacked! determines is modified."; } } /** * Validate hook for the hacked_details drush command. * * @param string $short_name * The project short name. */ function drush_hacked_details_validate($short_name = '') { return drush_hacked_drush_command_validate($short_name); } /** * Validate hook for the hacked drush commands that need a project. * * @param string $short_name * The project short name. */ function drush_hacked_drush_command_validate($short_name = '') { if (empty($short_name)) { return drush_set_error('HACKED_PROJECT_NOT_FOUND', dt('A valid project must be specified', ['@project' => $short_name])); } $project = new hackedProject($short_name); $project->identify_project(); if (!$project->project_identified) { return drush_set_error('HACKED_PROJECT_NOT_FOUND', dt('Could not find project: @project', ['@project' => $short_name])); } $project = NULL; } /** * Drush callback that shows the list of changes/unchanged files in a project. * * You may specify the --include-unchanged option to show unchanged files too, * otherwise just the changed and deleted files are shown. * * @param string $short_name * The project short name. */ function drush_hacked_details($short_name) { $project = new hackedProject($short_name); $report = $project->compute_details(); drush_print(dt('Details for project: @name', ['@name' => $project->title()])); drush_print(dt('Total files: @total_files, files changed: @changed_files, deleted files: @deleted_files', [ '@total_files' => count($report['files']), '@changed_files' => $report['counts']['different'], '@deleted_files' => $report['counts']['missing'], ])); drush_print(''); drush_print(dt('Detailed results:')); // Sort the results: arsort($report['files']); $rows[] = [ dt('Status'), dt('File'), ]; $show_unchanged = drush_get_option('include-unchanged', FALSE); foreach ($report['files'] as $file => $status) { if (!$show_unchanged && $status == HACKED_STATUS_UNHACKED) { continue; } $row = []; // Now add the status: switch ($status) { case HACKED_STATUS_UNHACKED: $row[] = dt('Unchanged'); break; case HACKED_STATUS_HACKED: $row[] = t('Changed'); break; case HACKED_STATUS_DELETED: $row[] = t('Deleted'); break; case HACKED_STATUS_UNCHECKED: default: $row[] = t('Unchecked'); break; } $row[] = $file; $rows[] = $row; } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE); } /** * Validate hook for the hacked_diff drush command. * * @param string $short_name * The project short name. */ function drush_hacked_diff_validate($short_name = '') { return drush_hacked_drush_command_validate($short_name); } /** * Drush callback that shows the list of changes/unchanged files in a project. * * You may specify the --include-unchanged option to show unchanged files too, * otherwise just the changed and deleted files are shown. * * @param string $short_name * The project short name. */ function drush_hacked_diff($short_name) { $project = new hackedProject($short_name); $local_location = $project->file_get_location('local', ''); $clean_location = $project->file_get_location('remote', ''); // If the hasher is our ignore line endings one, then ignore line endings. $hasher = \Drupal::config('hacked.settings')->get('selected_file_hasher'); $hasher = is_null($hasher) ? HACKED_DEFAULT_FILE_HASHER : $hasher; if ($hasher == 'hacked_ignore_line_endings') { $default_options = '-uprb'; } else { $default_options = '-upr'; } $diff_options = drush_get_option('diff-options', $default_options); drush_shell_exec("diff $diff_options $clean_location $local_location"); $lines = drush_shell_exec_output(); $local_location_trim = dirname($local_location . '/dummy.file') . '/'; $clean_location_trim = dirname($clean_location . '/dummy.file') . '/'; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (strpos($line, '+++') === 0) { $line = str_replace($local_location_trim, '', $line); } if (strpos($line, '---') === 0) { $line = str_replace($clean_location_trim, '', $line); } if (strpos($line, 'diff -upr') === 0) { $line = str_replace($clean_location_trim, 'a/', $line); $line = str_replace($local_location_trim, 'b/', $line); } drush_print($line); } }