proc_open() PHP function is disabled. It must be enabled for the toolkit to be installed. Edit the disable_functions entry in your php.ini file, or consult your hosting provider.", [ ':proc_open_url' => '', ':disable_functions_url' => '', ]); $requirements = [ 'imagemagick' => [ 'title' => t('ImageMagick'), 'description' => [ '#markup' => implode('
', $reported_info), ], 'severity' => $severity, ], ]; } return $requirements; } /** * Enable file_mdm module. */ function imagemagick_update_8201() { \Drupal::service('module_installer')->install([ 'file_mdm', ]); } /** * Adds the 'prepend_pre_source' config setting. */ function imagemagick_update_8202() { $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory(); $setting = $config_factory->getEditable('imagemagick.settings') ->set('prepend_pre_source', FALSE) ->save(TRUE); } /** * Clear caches to discover service changes. */ function imagemagick_update_8203() { // Empty function. }