cache = $cache_service; $this->mimeTypeMapper = $mime_type_mapper; $this->configFactory = $config_factory; $this->typedConfig = $typed_config; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function validateMap(array $map) { $errors = []; // Get current config object and change the format map. $data = $this->configFactory->get('imagemagick.settings')->get(); $data['image_formats'] = $map; // Validates against schema. $schema_errors = $this->checkConfigSchema($this->typedConfig, 'imagemagick.settings', $data); if ($schema_errors !== TRUE) { foreach ($schema_errors as $key => $value) { list(, $path) = explode(':', $key); $components = explode('.', $path); if ($components[0] === 'image_formats') { if (isset($components[2])) { $errors[$components[1]]['variables'][$components[2]][] = $value; } else { $errors[$components[1]]['format'][] = $value; } } } } // Other checks. foreach ($map as $key => $value) { if (Unicode::strtoupper($key) != $key) { // Formats must be typed in uppercase. $errors[$key]['format'][] = $this->t("The format (@key) must be entered in all uppercase characters.", ['@key' => $key])->render(); } if (!isset($value['mime_type'])) { // Formats must have a MIME type mapped. $errors[$key]['format'][] = $this->t("Missing mime_type variable.")->render(); } elseif (!in_array($value['mime_type'], $this->mimeTypeMapper->getMimeTypes())) { // MIME type must exist. $errors[$key]['variables']['mime_type'][] = $this->t("MIME type (@mime_type) not found.", ['@mime_type' => $value['mime_type']])->render(); } } return $errors; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isFormatEnabled($format) { $format = Unicode::strtoupper($format); return $format ? isset($this->resolveEnabledFormats()[$format]) : FALSE; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getMimeTypeFromFormat($format) { $format = Unicode::strtoupper($format); if ($this->isFormatEnabled($format)) { return $this->resolveEnabledFormats()[$format]; } return NULL; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getFormatFromExtension($extension) { $extension = Unicode::strtolower($extension); $enabled_extensions = $this->resolveEnabledExtensions(); return $extension ? (isset($enabled_extensions[$extension]) ? $enabled_extensions[$extension] : NULL) : NULL; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getEnabledFormats() { return array_keys($this->resolveEnabledFormats()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getEnabledExtensions() { return array_keys($this->resolveEnabledExtensions()); } /** * Returns the enabled image formats, processing the config map. * * Results are cached for subsequent access. Saving the config will * invalidate the cache. * * @return array * An associative array with ImageMagick formats as keys and their MIME * type as values. */ protected function resolveEnabledFormats() { if ($cache = $this->cache->get("imagemagick:enabled_formats")) { $enabled_image_formats = $cache->data; } else { $config = $this->configFactory->get('imagemagick.settings'); $image_formats = $config->get('image_formats'); $enabled_image_formats = []; foreach ($image_formats as $format => $data) { if (!isset($data['enabled']) || (isset($data['enabled']) && $data['enabled'])) { if (isset($data['mime_type']) && in_array($data['mime_type'], $this->mimeTypeMapper->getMimeTypes())) { $enabled_image_formats[$format] = $data['mime_type']; } } } ksort($enabled_image_formats); $this->cache->set("imagemagick:enabled_formats", $enabled_image_formats, Cache::PERMANENT, $config->getCacheTags()); } return $enabled_image_formats; } /** * Returns the enabled image file extensions, processing the config map. * * Results are cached for subsequent access. Saving the config will * invalidate the cache. * * @return array * An associative array with file extensions as keys and their ImageMagick * format as values. */ protected function resolveEnabledExtensions() { if ($cache = $this->cache->get("imagemagick:enabled_extensions")) { $extensions = $cache->data; } else { // Get configured image formats. $image_formats = $this->configFactory->get('imagemagick.settings')->get('image_formats'); // Get only enabled formats. $enabled_image_formats = array_keys($this->resolveEnabledFormats()); // Apply defaults. foreach ($enabled_image_formats as $format) { if (isset($image_formats[$format]) && is_array($image_formats[$format])) { $image_formats[$format] += [ 'mime_type' => NULL, 'weight' => 0, 'exclude_extensions' => NULL, ]; } } // Scans the enabled formats to determine enabled file extensions and // their mapping to the internal Image/GraphicsMagick format. $extensions = []; $excluded_extensions = []; foreach ($enabled_image_formats as $format) { $format_extensions = $this->mimeTypeMapper->getExtensionsForMimeType($image_formats[$format]['mime_type']); $weight_checked_extensions = []; foreach ($format_extensions as $ext) { if (!isset($extensions[$ext])) { $weight_checked_extensions[$ext] = $format; } else { // Extension is already present in the array, lower weight format // prevails. if ($image_formats[$format]['weight'] < $image_formats[$extensions[$ext]]['weight']) { $weight_checked_extensions[$ext] = $format; } } } $extensions = array_merge($extensions, $weight_checked_extensions); // Accumulate excluded extensions. if ($image_formats[$format]['exclude_extensions']) { $exclude_extensions_string = Unicode::strtolower(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $image_formats[$format]['exclude_extensions'])); $excluded_extensions = array_merge($excluded_extensions, array_intersect($format_extensions, explode(',', $exclude_extensions_string))); } } // Remove the excluded extensions. $excluded_extensions = array_unique($excluded_extensions); $excluded_extensions = array_combine($excluded_extensions, $excluded_extensions); $extensions = array_diff_key($extensions, $excluded_extensions); ksort($extensions); $this->cache->set("imagemagick:enabled_extensions", $extensions, Cache::PERMANENT, $this->configFactory->get('imagemagick.settings')->getCacheTags()); } return $extensions; } }