entity; // If this is a new media, fill in the default values. if ($media->isNew()) { $media->setPublisherId($this->currentUser()->id()); $media->setCreatedTime(REQUEST_TIME); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function form(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $form = parent::form($form, $form_state); // Media author information for administrators. if (isset($form['uid']) || isset($form['created'])) { $form['author'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => $this->t('Authoring information'), '#group' => 'advanced', '#attributes' => [ 'class' => ['node-form-author'], ], '#attached' => [ 'library' => ['node/drupal.node'], ], '#weight' => 90, '#optional' => TRUE, ]; } if (isset($form['uid'])) { $form['uid']['#group'] = 'author'; } if (isset($form['created'])) { $form['created']['#group'] = 'author'; } $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'node/form'; $form['#entity_builders']['update_status'] = [$this, 'updateStatus']; return $form; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function actions(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $element = parent::actions($form, $form_state); $media = $this->entity; // Add a "Publish" button. $element['publish'] = $element['submit']; // If the "Publish" button is clicked, we want to update the status to // "published". $element['publish']['#published_status'] = TRUE; $element['publish']['#dropbutton'] = 'save'; if ($media->isNew()) { $element['publish']['#value'] = $this->t('Save and publish'); } else { $element['publish']['#value'] = $media->isPublished() ? $this->t('Save and keep published') : $this->t('Save and publish'); } $element['publish']['#weight'] = 0; // Add a "Unpublish" button. $element['unpublish'] = $element['submit']; // If the "Unpublish" button is clicked, we want to update the status to // "unpublished". $element['unpublish']['#published_status'] = FALSE; $element['unpublish']['#dropbutton'] = 'save'; if ($media->isNew()) { $element['unpublish']['#value'] = $this->t('Save as unpublished'); } else { $element['unpublish']['#value'] = !$media->isPublished() ? $this->t('Save and keep unpublished') : $this->t('Save and unpublish'); } $element['unpublish']['#weight'] = 10; // If already published, the 'publish' button is primary. if ($media->isPublished()) { unset($element['unpublish']['#button_type']); } // Otherwise, the 'unpublish' button is primary and should come first. else { unset($element['publish']['#button_type']); $element['unpublish']['#weight'] = -10; } // Remove the "Save" button. $element['submit']['#access'] = FALSE; $element['delete']['#access'] = $media->access('delete'); $element['delete']['#weight'] = 100; return $element; } /** * Entity builder updating the media status with the submitted value. * * @param string $entity_type_id * The entity type identifier. * @param \Drupal\media_entity\MediaInterface $media * The media updated with the submitted values. * @param array $form * The complete form array. * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state * The current state of the form. * * @see \Drupal\media\MediaForm::form() */ public function updateStatus($entity_type_id, MediaInterface $media, array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $element = $form_state->getTriggeringElement(); if (isset($element['#published_status'])) { $media->setPublished($element['#published_status']); } } }