getDataFetcherPlugin()->getResponseContent($url); // Convert objects to associative arrays. $source_data = json_decode($response, TRUE); // If json_decode() has returned NULL, it might be that the data isn't // valid utf8 - see if (is_null($source_data)) { $utf8response = utf8_encode($response); $source_data = json_decode($utf8response, TRUE); } // Backwards-compatibility for depth selection. if (is_int($this->itemSelector)) { return $this->selectByDepth($source_data); } // Otherwise, we're using xpath-like selectors. $selectors = explode('/', trim($this->itemSelector, '/')); foreach ($selectors as $selector) { if (!empty($selector)) { $source_data = $source_data[$selector]; } } return $source_data; } /** * Get the source data for reading. * * @param array $raw_data * Raw data from the JSON feed. * * @return array * Selected items at the requested depth of the JSON feed. */ protected function selectByDepth(array $raw_data) { // Return the results in a recursive iterator that can traverse // multidimensional arrays. $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveArrayIterator($raw_data), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $items = []; // Backwards-compatibility - an integer item_selector is interpreted as a // depth. When there is an array of items at the expected depth, pull that // array out as a distinct item. $identifierDepth = $this->itemSelector; $iterator->rewind(); while ($iterator->valid()) { $item = $iterator->current(); if (is_array($item) && $iterator->getDepth() == $identifierDepth) { $items[] = $item; } $iterator->next(); } return $items; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function openSourceUrl($url) { // (Re)open the provided URL. $source_data = $this->getSourceData($url); $this->iterator = new \ArrayIterator($source_data); return TRUE; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function fetchNextRow() { $current = $this->iterator->current(); if ($current) { foreach ($this->fieldSelectors() as $field_name => $selector) { $field_data = $current; $field_selectors = explode('/', trim($selector, '/')); foreach ($field_selectors as $field_selector) { $field_data = $field_data[$field_selector]; } $this->currentItem[$field_name] = $field_data; } if (!empty($this->configuration['include_raw_data'])) { $this->currentItem['raw'] = $current; } $this->iterator->next(); } } }