moduleHandler()->moduleExists('views')) { return $this->createResult(CheckResult::INFO); } $result = CheckResult::SUCCESS; $findings = []; $views = View::loadMultiple(); /** @var View[] $views */ // Iterate through views and their displays. foreach ($views as $view) { if ($view->status()) { foreach ($view->get('display') as $display_name => $display) { $access = &$display['display_options']['access']; if (isset($access) && $access['type'] == 'none') { // Access is not controlled for this display. $findings[$view->id()][] = $display_name; } } } } if (!empty($findings)) { $result = CheckResult::FAIL; } return $this->createResult($result, $findings); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function help() { $paragraphs = []; $paragraphs[] = $this->t("Views can check if the user is allowed access to the content. It is recommended that all Views implement some amount of access control, at a minimum checking for the permission 'access content'."); return [ '#theme' => 'check_help', '#title' => $this->t('Views access'), '#paragraphs' => $paragraphs, ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function evaluate(CheckResult $result) { $findings = $result->findings(); if (empty($findings)) { return []; } $paragraphs = []; $paragraphs[] = $this->t('The following View displays do not check access.'); $items = []; foreach ($findings as $view_id => $displays) { $view = View::load($view_id); /** @var View $view */ foreach ($displays as $display) { $items[] = $this->l( $view->label() . ': ' . $display, Url::fromRoute( 'entity.view.edit_display_form', [ 'view' => $view_id, 'display_id' => $display, ] ) ); } } return [ '#theme' => 'check_evaluation', '#paragraphs' => $paragraphs, '#items' => $items, ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function evaluatePlain(CheckResult $result) { $findings = $result->findings(); if (empty($findings)) { return ''; } $output = $this->t('Views without access check:') . ":\n"; foreach ($findings as $view_id => $displays) { $output .= "\t" . $view_id . ": " . implode(', ', $displays) . "\n"; } return $output; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getMessage($result_const) { switch ($result_const) { case CheckResult::SUCCESS: return $this->t('Views are access controlled.'); case CheckResult::FAIL: return $this->t('There are Views that do not provide any access checks.'); case CheckResult::INFO: return $this->t('Module views is not enabled.'); default: return $this->t('Unexpected result.'); } } }