array( 'ffi' => 'ffi', 'ffl' => 'ffl', 'ff' => 'ff', 'fi' => 'fi', 'fl' => 'fl', 'ij' => 'ij', 'IJ' => 'IJ', 'st' => 'st', 'ss' => 'ß', ), // See . 'punctuation' => array( '...' => '…', '..' => '‥', '. . .' => '…', '---' => '—', '--' => '–', ), 'fraction' => array( '1/4' => '¼', '1/2' => '½', '3/4' => '¾', '1/3' => '⅓', '2/3' => '⅔', '1/5' => '⅕', '2/5' => '⅖', '3/5' => '⅗', '4/5' => '⅘', '1/6' => '⅙', '5/6' => '⅚', '1/8' => '⅛', '3/8' => '⅜', '5/8' => '⅝', '7/8' => '⅞', ), 'quotes' => array( ',,' => '„', "''" => '”', '<<' => '«', '>>' => '»', ), // See . 'arrow' => array( '->>' => '↠', '<<-' => '↞', '->|' => '⇥', '|<-' => '⇤', '<->' => '↔', '->' => '→', '<-' => '←', '<=>' => '⇔', '=>' => '⇒', '<=' => '⇐', ), ); if ($type == 'all') { return array_merge($map['ligature'], $map['arrow'], $map['punctuation'], $map['quotes'], $map['fraction']); } elseif ($type == 'nested') { return $map; } else { return $map[$type]; } } /** * Perform character conversion. * * @param string $text * Text to be parsed. * @param array $characters_to_convert * Array of ASCII characters to convert. * * @return string * The result of the conversion. */ public static function convertCharacters($text, $characters_to_convert) { if (($characters_to_convert == NULL) || (count($characters_to_convert) < 1)) { // Do nothing. return $text; } // Get ascii to unicode mappings. $unicode_map = self::map(); foreach ($characters_to_convert as $ascii_string) { $unicode_strings[] = $unicode_map[$ascii_string]; } $tokens = SmartyPants::tokenizeHtml($text); $result = ''; // Keep track of when we're inside
 or  tags.
    $in_pre = 0;
    foreach ($tokens as $cur_token) {
      if ($cur_token[0] == "tag") {
        // Don't mess with text inside tags, 
 blocks, or  blocks.
        $result .= $cur_token[1];
        // Get the tags to skip regex from SmartyPants.
        if (preg_match(SmartyPants::SMARTYPANTS_TAGS_TO_SKIP, $cur_token[1], $matches)) {
          $in_pre = isset($matches[1]) && $matches[1] == '/' ? 0 : 1;
      else {
        $t = $cur_token[1];
        if ($in_pre == 0) {
          $t = SmartyPants::processEscapes($t);
          $t = str_replace($characters_to_convert, $unicode_strings, $t);
        $result .= $t;
    return $result;
