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[yaffs-website] / vendor / behat / gherkin / tests / Behat / Gherkin / Fixtures / etalons / issue_13.yml
1 feature:
2   title:        test pystring
3   description:  second line
4   language:     en
5   line:         1
7   scenarios:
8     -
9       type:     scenario
10       title:    |-
11         testing py string in scenario
12         second line
13       line:     4
14       steps:
15         -
16           keyword_type: Given
17           type:         Given
18           text:         the pystring is
19           line:         7
20           arguments:
21             -
22               type: pystring
23               text: |-
24                 Test store name
25                 Denmark, Kolding
26                 6000
28     -
29       type:     outline
30       title:    |-
31         testing py string in scenario outline
32         second line
33       line:     14
34       steps:
35         -
36           keyword_type: Given
37           type:         Given
38           text:         the pystring is
39           line:         17
40           arguments:
41           arguments:
42             -
43               type: pystring
44               text: |-
45                 Test store name
46                 Denmark, Kolding
47                 6000
48       examples:
49         24: ['']