* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Behat\Testwork\Tester\Runtime; use Behat\Testwork\Environment\Environment; use Behat\Testwork\Specification\SpecificationIterator; use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\IntegerTestResult; use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\TestResult; use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\TestResults; use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\TestWithSetupResult; use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Setup\SuccessfulSetup; use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Setup\SuccessfulTeardown; use Behat\Testwork\Tester\SpecificationTester; use Behat\Testwork\Tester\SuiteTester; /** * Tester executing suite tests in the runtime. * * @author Konstantin Kudryashov */ final class RuntimeSuiteTester implements SuiteTester { /** * @var SpecificationTester */ private $specTester; /** * Initializes tester. * * @param SpecificationTester $specTester */ public function __construct(SpecificationTester $specTester) { $this->specTester = $specTester; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setUp(Environment $env, SpecificationIterator $iterator, $skip) { return new SuccessfulSetup(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function test(Environment $env, SpecificationIterator $iterator, $skip = false) { $results = array(); foreach ($iterator as $specification) { $setup = $this->specTester->setUp($env, $specification, $skip); $localSkip = !$setup->isSuccessful() || $skip; $testResult = $this->specTester->test($env, $specification, $localSkip); $teardown = $this->specTester->tearDown($env, $specification, $localSkip, $testResult); $integerResult = new IntegerTestResult($testResult->getResultCode()); $results[] = new TestWithSetupResult($setup, $integerResult, $teardown); } return new TestResults($results); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function tearDown(Environment $env, SpecificationIterator $iterator, $skip, TestResult $result) { return new SuccessfulTeardown(); } }