feature: line: 1 title: Big PyString scenarios: - type: scenario line: 2 steps: - keyword_type: Then type: Then text: it should fail with: line: 3 arguments: - type: pystring text: "\n# language: ru\n\nUUUUUU\n\n2 scenarios (2 undefined)\n6 steps (6 undefined)\n\nYou can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:\n\n$steps->Given('/^I have entered (\\d+)$/', function($world, $arg1) {\n throw new \\Everzet\\Behat\\Exception\\Pending();\n});\n\n$steps->Then('/^I must have (\\d+)$/', function($world, $arg1) {\n throw new \\Everzet\\Behat\\Exception\\Pending();\n});\n\n$steps->Then('/^String must be \\'([^\\']*)\\'$/', function($world, $arg1) {\n throw new \\Everzet\\Behat\\Exception\\Pending();\n});"