skipPhantomJs($testCase, $test)) { return $message; } if ( 'phantomjs' !== getenv('WEBDRIVER') && 'Behat\Mink\Tests\Driver\Form\Html5Test' === $testCase && 'testHtml5Types' === $test ) { return 'WebDriver does not support setting value in color inputs. See'; } if ( 'Behat\Mink\Tests\Driver\Js\WindowTest' === $testCase && 'testWindowMaximize' === $test && 'true' === getenv('TRAVIS') ) { return 'Maximizing the window does not work when running the browser in Xvfb.'; } return parent::skipMessage($testCase, $test); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function supportsCss() { return true; } private function skipPhantomJs($testCase, $test) { if ( 'Behat\Mink\Tests\Driver\Js\WindowTest' === $testCase && in_array($test, array('testResizeWindow', 'testWindowMaximize')) ) { return 'PhantomJS is headless so resizing the window does not make sense.'; } if ( 'Behat\Mink\Tests\Driver\Basic\CookieTest' === $testCase && 'testHttpOnlyCookieIsDeleted' === $test ) { return 'This test does not work for PhantomJS. See'; } return null; } }