/** * Implements hook_field_update_forbid(). */ function {{ machine_name }}_field_update_forbid($field, $prior_field, $has_data) { // A 'list' field stores integer keys mapped to display values. If // the new field will have fewer values, and any data exists for the // abandoned keys, the field will have no way to display them. So, // forbid such an update. if ($has_data && count($field['settings']['allowed_values']) < count($prior_field['settings']['allowed_values'])) { // Identify the keys that will be lost. $lost_keys = array_diff(array_keys($field['settings']['allowed_values']), array_keys($prior_field['settings']['allowed_values'])); // If any data exist for those keys, forbid the update. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $found = $query ->fieldCondition($prior_field['field_name'], 'value', $lost_keys) ->range(0, 1) ->execute(); if ($found) { throw new FieldUpdateForbiddenException("Cannot update a list field not to include keys with existing data"); } } }