/** * Implements hook_entity_prepare_view(). */ function {{ machine_name }}_entity_prepare_view($entity_type_id, array $entities, array $displays, $view_mode) { // Load a specific node into the user object for later theming. if (!empty($entities) && $entity_type_id == 'user') { // Only do the extra work if the component is configured to be // displayed. This assumes a 'mymodule_addition' extra field has been // defined for the entity bundle in hook_entity_extra_field_info(). $ids = []; foreach ($entities as $id => $entity) { if ($displays[$entity->bundle()]->getComponent('mymodule_addition')) { $ids[] = $id; } } if ($ids) { $nodes = mymodule_get_user_nodes($ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { $entities[$id]->user_node = $nodes[$id]; } } } }