description: 'Generate a new content type (node / entity bundle)' help: 'Use: generate:contenttype to create a new content type name with the machine name of fancy and the human-readable name of Fancy.' welcome: 'Welcome to the Drupal Content Type generator' options: module: 'The Module name.' bundle-name: 'The content type''s machine name' bundle-title: 'The content type''s human-readable name' questions: module: 'Enter the module name' bundle-name: 'Enter the machine name of your new content type' bundle-title: 'Enter the human-readable name of your new content type' message: error-state1: placeholder examples: - description: 'Generate bundle entity specifying the module, the bundle name and its title' execution: | drupal generate:entity:bundle \ --module="modulename" \ --bundle-name="default" \ --bundle-title="default"