description: 'Generate a new content entity' help: '' options: module: common.options.module entity-class: 'The content entity class' entity-name: 'The content entity name' label: 'The label' has-bundles: 'Entity has bundles' base-path: 'The base-path for the content entity routes' is-translatable: 'Content entity translatable' questions: module: common.questions.module entity-class: 'Enter the class of your new content entity' entity-name: 'Enter the machine name of your new content entity' label: 'Enter the label of your new content entity' has-bundles: 'Do you want this (content) entity to have bundles' base-path: 'Enter the base-path for the content entity routes' is-translatable: 'Is your entity translatable' revisionable: 'Is your entity revisionable'