description: 'Create users for the application' help: 'The user:create command helps you create users.' welcome: 'Welcome to the Drupal user create' options: username: 'User name to be created' password: 'User password' roles: 'User roles' email: 'User email' status: 'User status' questions: username: 'User name to be created' password: 'User password (empty to auto-generate)' roles: 'User roles (empty to skip)' email: 'User e-mail (empty to skip)' status: 'User status (empty to skip)' messages: user-id: 'User ID' username: 'Username' password: 'Password' email: 'E-mail' roles: 'Roles' created: 'Created' status: 'Status' user-created: 'User "%s" was created successfully' examples: - description: 'Create user specifying username, password, role, email and status' execution: | drupal user:create john p455w0rd \ --roles='authenticated' \ --email="" \ --status="1" - description: 'Create admin user specifying username, password, role, email and status' execution: | drupal user:create doe p455w0rd \ --roles='administrator' \ --email="" \ --status="1"