description: 'Compare two YAML files in order to find differences between them.' arguments: yaml-left: 'YAML file used as base to compare' yaml-right: 'YAML file used to find missing parts or differences with the base YAML file' options: stats: 'Print statistics about YAML files comparation' negate: 'Define mode diff or equal comparation, possible values TRUE/FALSE or 0/1' limit: 'Limit results to a specific number' offset: 'Starting point of a limit' questions: yaml-left: 'Path of YAML file to be used as base in comparison.' yaml-right: 'Path of YAML file to be compared.' messages: key: 'YAML Key' value: 'YAML Value' total: 'Total: "%s"' diff: 'Diff: "%s"' equal: 'Equal: "%s"'