description: 'Merge two or more YAML files in a new YAML file. Latest values are preserved.' arguments: yaml-files: 'Path of YAML files to merge' yaml-destination: 'Path of new YAML file to store the result of merge.' questions: yaml-destination: 'Path of new YAML file to store the result of merge.' file: 'Path to the file to merge' other-file: 'Path to the file to merge (empty to start the merge process)' invalid-file: 'Path of file cannot be empty' file-already-added: 'Path of file was already added' messages: wrong-parse: 'YAML file "%s" is empty or doesn''t exist.' error-parsing: 'An error occurs during parsing of YAML file "%s".' two-files-required: 'At least two files are required.' error-generating: 'Error generating merged YAML file.' error-writing: 'Error writing merged YAML file.' merged: 'New file "%s" was created successfully after merging YAML files.'