### Issue title The issue title should comply with the following structure: [ *ISSUE-GROUP* ] Short description The *ISSUE-GROUP* should be one of: * `command:name` * `console` * `helper` * `standard` * `template` * `translation` * `test` * `docs` ### Problem/Motivation A brief statement describing why the issue was filed. **Details to include:** - Why are we doing this? Above all, a summary should explain why a change is needed, in a few short sentences. ### How to reproduce Include steps related how to reproduce. **Details to include:** - Drupal version (you can obtain this by running `drupal site:status`). - Console version (you can obtain this by running `composer show | grep drupal/console`). - Console Launcher version (you can obtain this by running outside of a drupal site `drupal --version`). - Steps to reproduce - Include screen-shot or video whenever necessary. ### Solution A brief description of the proposed fix. **Details to include:** - A short summary of the approach proposed or used in the PR. - Approaches that have been tried and ruled out. - Links to relevant API documentation or other resources. - Known workarounds.