appRoot = $appRoot; $this->configurationManager = $configurationManager; parent::__construct(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function configure() { $this ->setName('server') ->setDescription($this->trans('commands.server.description')) ->addArgument( 'address', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, $this->trans('commands.server.arguments.address'), '' )->setAliases(['serve']); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $address = $this->validatePort($input->getArgument('address')); $finder = new PhpExecutableFinder(); if (false === $binary = $finder->find()) { $this->getIo()->error($this->trans('commands.server.errors.binary')); return 1; } $router = $this->configurationManager ->getVendorCoreDirectory() . 'router.php'; $processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder([$binary, '-S', $address, $router]); $processBuilder->setTimeout(null); $processBuilder->setWorkingDirectory($this->appRoot); $process = $processBuilder->getProcess(); $this->getIo()->success( sprintf( $this->trans('commands.server.messages.executing'), $binary ) ); $this->getIo()->commentBlock( sprintf( $this->trans('commands.server.messages.listening'), 'http://'.$address ) ); if ($this->getIo()->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL) { $callback = [$this, 'outputCallback']; } else { $callback = null; } // Use the process helper to copy process output to console output. $this->getHelper('process')->run($output, $process, null, $callback); if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { $this->getIo()->error($process->getErrorOutput()); return 1; } return 0; } /** * @param string $address * @return string */ private function validatePort($address) { if (false === strpos($address, ':')) { $host = $address; $port = '8088'; } else { $host = explode(':', $address)[0]; $port = explode(':', $address)[1]; } if (fsockopen($host, $port)) { $port = rand(8888, 9999); $address = sprintf( '%s:%s', $host, $port ); $address = $this->validatePort($address); } return $address; } public function outputCallback($type, $buffer) { // TODO: seems like $type is Process::ERR always echo $buffer; } }