language: php php: - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0 env: global: - PATH=$PATH:/home/travis/.composer/vendor/bin - TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION="4.0.0" matrix: - DRUPAL_VERSION=6 - DRUPAL_VERSION=7 - DRUPAL_VERSION=8 matrix: exclude: - php: 5.6 env: DRUPAL_VERSION=6 - php: 7.0 env: DRUPAL_VERSION=6 allow_failures: - php: 7.0 env: DRUPAL_VERSION=7 - php: 5.3 # Enable Travis containers. sudo: false install: - composer self-update # Use the example composer.json file for Drupal 8, and also install the behat drush endpoint. - test ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -ne 8 || (cp doc/_static/composer.json.d8 ./composer.json && composer require --prefer-source drush-ops/behat-drush-endpoint drupal/drupal-driver:dev-master) - composer install # Install drush. - composer global require drush/drush:~8.0 # Install the Behat Drush Endpoint for Drupal 7 tests. - test ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -ne 7 || (git clone drush/behat-drush-endpoint && (cd drush/behat-drush-endpoint && composer install)) # Pin node version. # @see - rm -rf ~/.nvm && git clone ~/.nvm && (cd ~/.nvm && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`) && source ~/.nvm/ && nvm install $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION - npm install before_script: # Set NODE_PATH for zombie driver. - export NODE_PATH="`pwd`/node_modules" # Define the module path according to the Drupal version being tested. - test ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -eq 8 && export MODULE_PATH='drupal/modules' || export MODULE_PATH='drupal/sites/all/modules' # Drupal 8 uses semantic versioning. - test ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -eq 8 && export PROJECT_NAME='drupal-8.1.x' || export PROJECT_NAME="drupal-${DRUPAL_VERSION}.x" # Set sendmail so drush doesn't throw an error during site install. - echo "sendmail_path='true'" >> `php --ini | grep "Loaded Configuration" | awk '{print $4}'` # Download and install Drupal so we can test API abilities. - mysql -e 'create database drupal' - drush --quiet dl ${PROJECT_NAME} --all --drupal-project-rename=drupal - drush --yes --root=$PWD/drupal site-install --db-url=mysql://travis:@ # Copy the static HTML that is used for blackbox testing in the web root. - cp -r fixtures/blackbox $PWD/drupal # Copy our test module to the correct location. - cp -r fixtures/drupal${DRUPAL_VERSION}/modules/behat_test ${MODULE_PATH} - cd drupal - drush --yes en behat_test - drush cc drush - test ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -eq 6 || drush help behat # Only revert features on Drupal 7. - test \! ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -eq 7 || drush --yes fr behat_test # Disable the page cache on Drupal 8. - test \! ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -eq 8 || drush --yes pmu page_cache # Test with big_pipe enabled for Drupal 8. - test \! ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -eq 8 || drush --yes en -y big_pipe # Clear the cache on Drupal 6 and 7, rebuild on Drupal 8. - test ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -eq 8 && drush cr || drush cc all || true - drush --debug runserver :8888 > ~/debug.txt 2>&1 & - cd - - sleep 4s script: - find ./src -name "*.php" -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P8 php -l - vendor/bin/phpspec run -f pretty --no-interaction - vendor/bin/behat -fprogress --strict - vendor/bin/behat -fprogress --profile=drupal${DRUPAL_VERSION} --strict # Do not test the Drush profile unless Drupal 7 was installed. - test ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -ne 7 || vendor/bin/behat -fprogress --profile=drush --strict after_failure: - cat ~/debug.txt