@api Scenario: Create a node Given I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role When I am viewing an "article" content with the title "My article" Then I should see the heading "My article" Scenario: Run cron Given I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role When I run cron And am on "admin/reports/dblog" Then I should see the link "Cron run completed" Scenario: Create many nodes Given "page" content: | title | | Page one | | Page two | And "article" content: | title | | First article | | Second article | And I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role When I go to "admin/content" Then I should see "Page one" And I should see "Page two" And I should see "First article" And I should see "Second article" Scenario: Create nodes with fields Given "article" content: | title | promote | body | | First article with fields | 1 | PLACEHOLDER BODY | When I am on the homepage And follow "First article with fields" Then I should see the text "PLACEHOLDER BODY" Scenario: Create and view a node with fields Given I am viewing an "Article" content: | title | My article with fields! | | body | A placeholder | Then I should see the heading "My article with fields!" And I should see the text "A placeholder" Scenario: Create users Given users: | name | mail | status | | Joe User | joe@example.com | 1 | And I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role When I visit "admin/people" Then I should see the link "Joe User" Scenario: Login as a user created during this scenario Given users: | name | status | | Test user | 1 | When I am logged in as "Test user" Then I should see the link "Log out" Scenario: Create a term Given I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role When I am viewing a "tags" term with the name "My tag" Then I should see the heading "My tag" Scenario: Create many terms Given "tags" terms: | name | | Tag one | | Tag two | And I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role When I go to "admin/structure/taxonomy/tags" Then I should see "Tag one" And I should see "Tag two" Scenario: Create nodes with specific authorship Given users: | name | mail | status | | Joe User | joe@example.com | 1 | And "article" content: | title | author | body | promote | | Article by Joe | Joe User | PLACEHOLDER BODY | 1 | When I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role And I am on the homepage And I follow "Article by Joe" Then I should see the link "Joe User" Scenario: Create an article with multiple term references Given "tags" terms: | name | | Tag one | | Tag two | | Tag three | | Tag four | And "article" content: | title | field_tags | | My first article | Tag one | | My second article | Tag two, Tag three | | My third article | Tag two, Tag three, Tag four |