@api @d6 Feature: Environment check Scenario: Frontpage Given I am not logged in And I am on the homepage Then I should see "User login" Scenario: assertAnonymousUser Given I am an anonymous user @api Scenario: assertAuthenticatedByRole Given I am logged in as a user with the "authenticated" role @api Scenario: assertAuthenticatedByRoleWithGivenFields Given I am logged in as a user with the "authenticated" role and I have the following fields: | name | test | @api Scenario: createNode Given I am viewing a story with the title "test" Then I should see "test" @api Scenario: createNodes Given article content: | title | author | status | created | | My title | Joe Editor | 1 | 2014-10-17 8:00am | When I am viewing a content with the title "My title" Then I should see "My title" @api Scenario: createTerm Given I am viewing a tags term with the name "example tag" Then I should see "example tag" @api Scenario: createUsers Given I am logged in as a user with the "administer users" permission And users: | name | mail | | user foo | foo@bar.com | | user bar | baz@bar.com | When I visit "admin/user/user" Then I should see "user foo" And I should see "user bar" @api Scenario: create node with terms. Given tags terms: | name | | test-tag | And article content: | title | status | taxonomy | | My title | 1 | test-tag | When I am on the homepage Then I should see "test-tag"