@d8 @api Feature: DrupalContext In order to prove the Drupal context is working properly for Drupal 8 As a developer I need to use the step definitions of this context Scenario: Create and log in as a user Given I am logged in as a user with the "authenticated user" role When I click "My account" Then I should see the text "Member for" Scenario: Target links within table rows Given I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role When I am at "admin/structure/types" And I click "Manage fields" in the "Article" row Then I should be on "admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields" And I should see the link "Add field" Scenario: Create users with roles Given users: | name | mail | roles | | Joe User | joe@example.com | Administrator | | Jane Doe | jane@example.com | | And I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role When I visit "admin/people" Then I should see the text "Administrator" in the "Joe User" row And I should not see the text "administrator" in the "Jane Doe" row Scenario: Find a heading in a region Given I am not logged in When I am on the homepage Then I should see the heading "Search" in the "left sidebar" region