'Backup your code, files, and database into a single file.', 'arguments' => array( 'sites' => 'Optional. Site specifications, delimited by commas. Typically, list subdirectory name(s) under /sites.', ), // Most options on sql-dump should not be shown, so just offer a subset. 'options' => drush_sql_get_table_selection_options() + array( 'description' => 'Describe the archive contents.', 'tags' => 'Add tags to the archive manifest. Delimit multiple by commas.', 'destination' => 'The full path and filename in which the archive should be stored. If omitted, it will be saved to the drush-backups directory and a filename will be generated.', 'overwrite' => 'Do not fail if the destination file exists; overwrite it instead. Default is --no-overwrite.', 'generator' => 'The generator name to store in the MANIFEST file. The default is "Drush archive-dump".', 'generatorversion' => 'The generator version number to store in the MANIFEST file. The default is ' . DRUSH_VERSION . '.', 'pipe' => 'Only print the destination of the archive. Useful for scripts that don\'t pass --destination.', 'preserve-symlinks' => 'Preserve symbolic links.', 'no-core' => 'Exclude Drupal core, so the backup only contains the site specific stuff.', 'tar-options' => 'Options passed thru to the tar command.', ), 'examples' => array( 'drush archive-dump default,example.com,foo.com' => 'Write an archive containing 3 sites in it.', 'drush archive-dump @sites' => 'Save archive containing all sites in a multi-site.', 'drush archive-dump default --destination=/backups/mysite.tar' => 'Save archive to custom location.', 'drush archive-dump --tar-options="--exclude=.git --exclude=sites/default/files"' => 'Omits any .git directories found in the tree as well as sites/default/files.', 'drush archive-dump --tar-options="--exclude=%files"' => 'Placeholder %files is replaced with the real path for the current site, and that path is excluded.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE, 'aliases' => array('ard', 'archive-backup', 'arb'), ); $items['archive-restore'] = array( 'description' => 'Expand a site archive into a Drupal web site.', 'arguments' => array( 'file' => 'The site archive file that should be expanded.', 'site name' => 'Optional. Which site within the archive you want to restore. Defaults to all.', ), 'required-arguments' => 1, 'options' => array( 'destination' => 'Specify where the Drupal site should be expanded, including the docroot. Defaults to the current working directory.', 'db-prefix' => 'An optional table prefix to use during restore.', 'db-url' => array( 'description' => 'A Drupal 6 style database URL indicating the target for database restore. If not provided, the archived settings.php is used.', 'example-value' => 'mysql://root:pass@host/db', ), 'db-su' => 'Account to use when creating the new database. Optional.', 'db-su-pw' => 'Password for the "db-su" account. Optional.', 'overwrite' => 'Allow drush to overwrite any files in the destination. Default is --no-overwrite.', 'tar-options' => 'Options passed thru to the tar command.', ), 'examples' => array( 'drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz' => 'Restore the files and databases for all sites in the archive.', 'drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz example.com' => 'Restore the files and database for example.com site.', 'drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz --destination=/var/www/example.com/docroot' => 'Restore archive to a custom location.', 'drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz --db-url=mysql://root:pass@' => 'Restore archive to a new database (and customize settings.php to point there.).', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'aliases' => array('arr'), ); return $items; } /** * Command callback. Generate site archive file. */ function drush_archive_dump($sites_subdirs = '@self') { $include_platform = !drush_get_option('no-core', FALSE); $tar = drush_get_tar_executable(); $sites = array(); list($aliases, $not_found) = drush_sitealias_resolve_sitespecs(explode(',', $sites_subdirs)); if (!empty($not_found)) { drush_log(dt("Some site subdirectories are not valid Drupal sites: @list", array("@list" => implode(', ', $not_found))), LogLevel::WARNING); } foreach ($aliases as $key => $alias) { $sites[$key] = $alias; if (($db_record = sitealias_get_databases_from_record($alias))) { $sites[$key]['databases'] = $db_record; } else { $sites[$key]['databases'] = array(); drush_log(dt('DB definition not found for !alias', array('!alias' => $key)), LogLevel::NOTICE); } } // The user can specify a destination filepath or not. That filepath might // end with .gz, .tgz, or something else. At the end of this command we will // gzip a file, and we want it to end up with the user-specified name (if // any), but gzip renames files and refuses to compress files ending with // .gz and .tgz, making our lives difficult. Solution: // // 1. Create a unique temporary base name to which gzip WILL append .gz. // 2. If no destination is provided, set $dest_dir to a backup directory and // $final_destination to be the unique name in that dir. // 3. If a destination is provided, set $dest_dir to that directory and // $final_destination to the exact name given. // 4. Set $destination, the actual working file we will build up, to the // unqiue name in $dest_dir. // 5. After gzip'ing $destination, rename $destination.gz to // $final_destination. // // Sheesh. // Create the unique temporary name. $prefix = 'none'; if (!empty($sites)) { $first = current($sites); if ( !empty($first['databases']['default']['default']['database']) ) { $prefix = count($sites) > 1 ? 'multiple_sites' : str_replace('/', '-', $first['databases']['default']['default']['database']); } } $date = gmdate('Ymd_His'); $temp_dest_name = "$prefix.$date.tar"; $final_destination = drush_get_option('destination'); if (!$final_destination) { // No destination provided. $backup = drush_include_engine('version_control', 'backup'); // TODO: this standard Drush pattern leads to a slightly obtuse directory structure. $dest_dir = $backup->prepare_backup_dir('archive-dump'); if (empty($dest_dir)) { $dest_dir = drush_tempdir(); } $final_destination = "$dest_dir/$temp_dest_name.gz"; } else { // Use the supplied --destination. If it is relative, resolve it // relative to the directory in which drush was invoked. $command_cwd = getcwd(); drush_op('chdir', drush_get_context('DRUSH_OLDCWD', getcwd())); // This doesn't perform realpath on the basename, but that's okay. This is // not path-based security. We just use it for checking for perms later. drush_mkdir(dirname($final_destination)); $dest_dir = realpath(dirname($final_destination)); $final_destination = $dest_dir . '/' . basename($final_destination); drush_op('chdir', $command_cwd); } // $dest_dir is either the backup directory or specified directory. Set our // working file. $destination = "$dest_dir/$temp_dest_name"; // Validate the FINAL destination. It should be a file that does not exist // (unless --overwrite) in a writable directory (and a writable file if // it exists). We check all this up front to avoid failing after a long // dump process. $overwrite = drush_get_option('overwrite'); $dest_dir = dirname($final_destination); $dt_args = array('!file' => $final_destination, '!dir' => $dest_dir); if (is_dir($final_destination)) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_DEST_IS_DIR', dt('Destination !file must be a file, not a directory.', $dt_args)); return; } else if (file_exists($final_destination)) { if (!$overwrite) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_DEST_EXISTS', dt('Destination !file exists; specify --overwrite to overwrite.', $dt_args)); return; } else if (!is_writable($final_destination)) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_DEST_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE', dt('Destination !file is not writable.', $dt_args)); return; } } else if (!is_writable($dest_dir)) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_DEST_DIR_NOT_WRITEABLE', dt('Destination directory !dir is not writable.', $dt_args)); return; } // Get the extra options for tar, if any $tar_extra_options = drush_sitealias_evaluate_paths_in_options(drush_get_option('tar-options', '')); // Start adding codebase to the archive. $docroot_path = realpath(drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT')); $docroot = basename($docroot_path); $workdir = dirname($docroot_path); if ($include_platform) { $dereference = (drush_get_option('preserve-symlinks', FALSE)) ? '' : '--dereference '; // Convert destination path to Unix style for tar on MinGW - see http://drupal.org/node/1844224 if (drush_is_mingw()) { $destination_orig = $destination; $destination = str_replace('\\', '/', $destination); $destination = preg_replace('$^([a-zA-Z]):$', '/$1', $destination); } // Archive Drupal core, excluding sites dir. drush_shell_cd_and_exec($workdir, "$tar {$tar_extra_options} --exclude \"{$docroot}/sites\" {$dereference}-cf %s %s", $destination, $docroot); // Add sites/all to the same archive. drush_shell_cd_and_exec($workdir, "$tar {$tar_extra_options} {$dereference}-rf %s %s", $destination, "{$docroot}/sites/all"); // Add special files in sites/ to the archive. Last 2 items are new in Drupal8. $files_to_add = array('sites/README.txt', 'sites/sites.php', 'sites/example.sites.php', 'sites/development.services.yml', 'sites/example.settings.local.php'); foreach ($files_to_add as $file_to_add) { if (file_exists($file_to_add)) { drush_shell_cd_and_exec($workdir, "$tar {$dereference}-rf %s %s", $destination, $docroot . '/' . $file_to_add); } } } $tmp = drush_tempdir(); $all_dbs = array(); // Dump the default database for each site and add to the archive. foreach ($sites as $key => $alias) { if (isset($alias['databases']['default']['default'])) { $db_spec = $alias['databases']['default']['default']; // Use a subdirectory name matching the docroot name. drush_mkdir("{$tmp}/{$docroot}"); // Ensure uniqueness by prefixing key if needed. Remove path delimiters. $dbname = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '-', $db_spec['database']); $result_file = count($sites) == 1 ? "$tmp/$dbname.sql" : str_replace('@', '', "$tmp/$key-$dbname.sql"); $all_dbs[$key] = array( 'file' => basename($result_file), 'driver' => $db_spec['driver'], ); $sql = drush_sql_get_class($db_spec); $sql->dump($result_file); drush_shell_cd_and_exec($tmp, "$tar {$tar_extra_options} --dereference -rf %s %s", $destination, basename($result_file)); } } // Build a manifest file AND add sites/$subdir to archive as we go. $platform = array( 'datestamp' => time(), 'formatversion' => '1.0', 'generator' => drush_get_option('generator', 'Drush archive-dump'), 'generatorversion' => drush_get_option('generatorversion', DRUSH_VERSION), 'description' => drush_get_option('description', ''), 'tags' => drush_get_option('tags', ''), 'archiveformat' => ($include_platform ? 'platform' : 'site'), ); $contents = drush_export_ini(array('Global' => $platform)); $i=0; foreach ($sites as $key => $alias) { $status = drush_invoke_process($alias, 'core-status', array(), array(), array('integrate' => FALSE)); if (!$status || $status['error_log']) { drush_log(dt('Unable to determine sites directory for !alias', array('!alias' => $key)), LogLevel::WARNING); } // Add the site specific directory to archive. if (!empty($status['object']['%paths']['%site'])) { drush_shell_cd_and_exec($workdir, "$tar {$tar_extra_options} --dereference -rf %s %s", $destination, "{$docroot}/sites/" . basename($status['object']['%paths']['%site'])); } $site = array( 'docroot' => DRUPAL_ROOT, 'sitedir' => @$status['object']['%paths']['%site'], 'files-public' => @$status['object']['%paths']['%files'], 'files-private' => @$status['object']['%paths']['%private'], ); $site["database-default-file"] = $all_dbs[$key]['file']; $site["database-default-driver"] = $all_dbs[$key]['driver']; // The section title is the sites subdirectory name. $info[basename($site['sitedir'])] = $site; $contents .= "\n" . drush_export_ini($info); unset($info); $i++; } file_put_contents("{$tmp}/MANIFEST.ini", $contents); // Add manifest to archive. drush_shell_cd_and_exec($tmp, "$tar --dereference -rf %s %s", $destination, 'MANIFEST.ini'); // Ensure that default/default.settings.php is in the archive. This is needed // by site-install when restoring a site without any DB. // NOTE: Windows tar file replace operation is broken so we have to check if file already exists. // Otherwise it will corrupt the archive. $res = drush_shell_cd_and_exec($workdir, "$tar -tf %s %s", $destination, $docroot . '/sites/default/default.settings.php'); $output = drush_shell_exec_output(); if (!$res || !isset($output[0]) || empty($output[0])) { drush_shell_cd_and_exec($workdir, "$tar --dereference -vrf %s %s", $destination, $docroot . '/sites/default/default.settings.php'); } // Switch back to original destination in case it was modified for tar on MinGW. if (!empty($destination_orig)) { $destination = $destination_orig; } // Compress the archive if (!drush_shell_exec("gzip --no-name -f %s", $destination)) { // Clean up the tar file drush_register_file_for_deletion($destination); return drush_set_error(DRUSH_APPLICATION_ERROR, dt('Failed to gzip !destination', ['!destination' => $destination])); } // gzip appends .gz unless the name already ends in .gz, .tgz, or .taz. if ("{$destination}.gz" != $final_destination) { drush_move_dir("{$destination}.gz", $final_destination, $overwrite); } drush_log(dt('Archive saved to !dest', array('!dest' => $final_destination)), LogLevel::OK); return $final_destination; } /** * Command argument complete callback. * * @return * List of site names/aliases for archival. */ function archive_archive_dump_complete() { return array('values' => array_keys(_drush_sitealias_all_list())); } /** * Command callback. Restore web site(s) from a site archive file. */ function drush_archive_restore($file, $site_id = NULL) { $tmp = drush_tempdir(); // Get the extra options for tar, if any $tar_extra_options = drush_sitealias_evaluate_paths_in_options(drush_get_option('tar-options', '')); if (!$files = drush_tarball_extract($file, $tmp, FALSE, $tar_extra_options)) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_UNABLE_TO_EXTRACT', dt('Unable to extract site archive tarball to !tmp.', array('!tmp' => $tmp))); } $manifest = $tmp . '/MANIFEST.ini'; if (file_exists($manifest)) { if (!$ini = parse_ini_file($manifest, TRUE)) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_UNABLE_TO_PARSE_MANIFEST', dt('Unable to parse MANIFEST.ini in the archive.')); } } else { $ini = drush_archive_guess_manifest($tmp); } // Backward compatibility: 'archiveformat' did not exist // in older versions of archive-dump. if (!isset( $ini['Global']['archiveformat'])) { $ini['Global']['archiveformat'] = 'platform'; } // Grab the first site in the Manifest and move docroot to destination. $ini_tmp = $ini; unset($ini_tmp['Global']); $first = array_shift($ini_tmp); $docroot = basename($first['docroot']); $destination = drush_get_option('destination', realpath('.') . "/$docroot"); if ($ini['Global']['archiveformat'] == 'platform') { // Move the whole platform in-place at once. if (!drush_move_dir("$tmp/$docroot", $destination, drush_get_option('overwrite'))) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_UNABLE_TO_RESTORE_FILES', dt('Unable to restore platform to !dest', array('!dest' => $destination))); } } else { // When no platform is included we do this on a per-site basis. } // Loop over sites and restore databases and append to settings.php. foreach ($ini as $section => $site) { if ($section != 'Global' && (!isset($site_id) || $section == $site_id) && !empty($site['database-default-file'])) { $site_destination = $destination . '/' . $site['sitedir']; // Restore site, in case not already done above. if ($ini['Global']['archiveformat'] == 'site') { if (!drush_move_dir("$tmp/$docroot/" . $site['sitedir'], $site_destination, drush_get_option('overwrite'))) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_UNABLE_TO_RESTORE_FILES', dt('Unable to restore site to !dest', array('!dest' => $site_destination))); } } // Restore database. $sql_file = $tmp . '/' . $site['database-default-file']; if ($db_url = drush_get_option('db-url')) { if (empty($site_id) && count($ini) >= 3) { // TODO: Use drushrc to provide multiple db-urls for multi-restore? return drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_UNABLE_MULTI_RESTORE', dt('You must specify a site to restore when the archive contains multiple sites and a db-url is provided.')); } $db_spec = drush_convert_db_from_db_url($db_url); } else { $site_specification = $destination . '#' . $section; if ($return = drush_invoke_process($site_specification, 'sql-conf', array(), array('all' => TRUE), array('integrate' => FALSE, 'override-simulated' => TRUE))) { $databases = $return['object']; $db_spec = $databases['default']['default']; } else { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_ARCHIVE_UNABLE_DISCOVER_DB', dt('Unable to get database details from db-url option or settings.php', array('!key' => $key))); } } $sql = drush_sql_get_class($db_spec); $sql->drop_or_create(); $sql->query(NULL, $sql_file); // Append new DB info to settings.php. if ($db_url) { $settingsfile = $destination . '/' . $site['sitedir'] . '/settings.php'; //If settings.php doesn't exist in the archive, create it from default.settings.php. if (!file_exists($settingsfile)) { drush_op('copy', $destination . '/sites/default/default.settings.php', $settingsfile); } // Need to do something here or else we can't write. chmod($settingsfile, 0664); file_put_contents($settingsfile, "\n// Appended by drush archive-restore command.\n", FILE_APPEND); if (drush_drupal_major_version($destination) >= 7) { file_put_contents($settingsfile, "\n" . '$databases = ' . var_export(drush_sitealias_convert_db_from_db_url($db_url), TRUE) . ";\n", FILE_APPEND); } else { file_put_contents($settingsfile, "\n" . '$db_url = \'' . $db_url . "';\n", FILE_APPEND); } drush_log(dt('Drush appended the new database configuration at settings.php. Optionally remove the old configuration manually.'), LogLevel::OK); } } } drush_log(dt('Archive restored to !dest', array('!dest' => $destination)), LogLevel::OK); return $destination; } /** * Command argument complete callback. * * @return * Strong glob of files to complete on. */ function archive_archive_restore_complete() { return array( 'files' => array( 'directories' => array( 'pattern' => '*', 'flags' => GLOB_ONLYDIR, ), 'tar' => array( 'pattern' => '*.tar.gz', ), ), ); } /** * Try to find docroot and DB dump file in an extracted archive. * * @param string $path The location of the extracted archive. * @return array The manifest data. */ function drush_archive_guess_manifest($path) { $db_file = drush_scan_directory($path, '/\.sql$/', array('.', '..', 'CVS'), 0, 0); if (file_exists($path . '/index.php')) { $docroot = './'; } else { $directories = glob($path . '/*' , GLOB_ONLYDIR); $docroot = reset($directories); } $ini = array( 'Global' => array( // Very crude detection of a platform... 'archiveformat' => (drush_drupal_version($docroot) ? 'platform' : 'site'), ), 'default' => array( 'docroot' => $docroot, 'sitedir' => 'sites/default', 'database-default-file' => key($db_file), ), ); return $ini; }