' * * @param * A string with the help section (prepend with 'drush:') * * @return * A string with the help text for your command. */ function core_drush_help($section) { switch ($section) { case 'meta:core:title': return dt("Core Drush commands"); case 'drush:php-script': return dt("Runs the given php script(s) after a full Drupal bootstrap. A useful alternative to eval command when your php is lengthy or you can't be bothered to figure out bash quoting. If you plan to share a script with others, consider making a full drush command instead, since that's more self-documenting. Drush provides commandline options to the script via drush_get_option('option-name'), and commandline arguments can be accessed either via drush_get_arguments(), which returns all arguments in an array, or drush_shift(), which removes the next argument from the list and returns it."); case 'drush:rsync': return dt("Sync the entire drupal directory or a subdirectory to a using ssh. Excludes reserved files and directories for supported VCSs. Useful for pushing copies of your tree to a staging server, or retrieving a files directory from a remote site. Relative paths start from the Drupal root directory if a site alias is used; otherwise they start from the current working directory."); case 'error:DRUSH_DRUPAL_DB_ERROR': $message = dt("Drush was not able to start (bootstrap) the Drupal database.\n"); $message .= dt("Hint: This may occur when Drush is trying to:\n"); $message .= dt(" * bootstrap a site that has not been installed or does not have a configured database. In this case you can select another site with a working database setup by specifying the URI to use with the --uri parameter on the command line. See `drush topic docs-aliases` for details.\n"); $message .= dt(" * connect the database through a socket. The socket file may be wrong or the php-cli may have no access to it in a jailed shell. See http://drupal.org/node/1428638 for details.\n"); $message .= dt("\nDrush was attempting to connect to: \n!credentials\n", array('!credentials' => _core_site_credentials(12))); return $message; case 'error:DRUSH_DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR': $message = dt("Drush was not able to start (bootstrap) Drupal.\n"); $message .= dt("Hint: This error can only occur once the database connection has already been successfully initiated, therefore this error generally points to a site configuration issue, and not a problem connecting to the database.\n"); $message .= dt("\nDrush was attempting to connect to: \n!credentials\n", array('!credentials' => _core_site_credentials(12))); return $message; break; } } /** * Implements hook_drush_help_alter(). */ function core_drush_help_alter(&$command) { // Drupal 8+ only options. if (drush_drupal_major_version() < 8) { if ($command['commandfile'] == 'core' && $command['command'] == 'updatedb') { unset($command['options']['entity-updates']); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_drush_command(). * * In this hook, you specify which commands your * drush module makes available, what it does and * description. * * Notice how this structure closely resembles how * you define menu hooks. * * @return * An associative array describing your command(s). */ function core_drush_command() { $items = array(); $items['version'] = array( 'description' => 'Show drush version.', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, // No bootstrap. 'options' => array( 'pipe' => 'Print just the version number, and nothing else.', ), 'outputformat' => array( 'default' => 'key-value', 'pipe-format' => 'string', 'label' => 'Drush Version', 'output-data-type' => 'format-single', ), ); $items['core-cron'] = array( 'description' => 'Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site.', 'aliases' => array('cron'), 'topics' => array('docs-cron'), ); $items['updatedb'] = array( 'description' => 'Apply any database updates required (as with running update.php).', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE, 'global-options' => array( 'cache-clear', ), 'options' => array( 'entity-updates' => 'Run automatic entity schema updates at the end of any update hooks. Defaults to --no-entity-updates.', ), 'aliases' => array('updb'), ); $items['entity-updates'] = array( 'description' => 'Apply pending entity schema updates.', 'aliases' => array('entup'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL, 'core' => array('8+'), ); $items['twig-compile'] = array( 'description' => 'Compile all Twig template(s).', 'aliases' => array('twigc'), 'core' => array('8+'), ); $items['updatedb-status'] = array( 'description' => 'List any pending database updates.', 'outputformat' => array( 'default' => 'table', 'pipe-format' => 'csv', 'field-labels' => array('module' => 'Module', 'update_id' => 'Update ID', 'description' => 'Description'), 'fields-default' => array('module', 'update_id', 'description'), 'output-data-type' => 'format-table', ), 'aliases' => array('updbst'), ); $items['core-config'] = array( 'description' => 'Edit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files.', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_MAX, 'arguments' => array( 'filter' => 'A substring for filtering the list of files. Omit this argument to choose from loaded files.', ), 'global-options' => array('editor', 'bg'), 'examples' => array( 'drush core-config' => 'Pick from a list of config/alias/settings files. Open selected in editor.', 'drush --bg core-config' => 'Return to shell prompt as soon as the editor window opens.', 'drush core-config etc' => 'Edit the global configuration file.', 'drush core-config demo.alia' => 'Edit a particular alias file.', 'drush core-config sett' => 'Edit settings.php for the current Drupal site.', 'drush core-config --choice=2' => 'Edit the second file in the choice list.', ), 'aliases' => array('conf', 'config'), ); $items['core-status'] = array( 'description' => 'Provides a birds-eye view of the current Drupal installation, if any.', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_MAX, 'aliases' => array('status', 'st'), 'examples' => array( 'drush core-status version' => 'Show all status lines that contain version information.', 'drush core-status --pipe' => 'A list key=value items separated by line breaks.', 'drush core-status drush-version --pipe' => 'Emit just the drush version with no label.', 'drush core-status config-sync --pipe' => 'Emit just the sync Config directory with no label.', ), 'arguments' => array( 'item' => 'Optional. The status item line(s) to display.', ), 'options' => array( 'show-passwords' => 'Show database password. Defaults to --no-show-passwords.', 'full' => 'Show all file paths and drush aliases in the report, even if there are a lot.', 'project' => array( 'description' => 'One or more projects that should be added to the path list', 'example-value' => 'foo,bar', ), ), 'outputformat' => array( 'default' => 'key-value', 'pipe-format' => 'json', 'field-labels' => array('drupal-version' => 'Drupal version', 'uri' => 'Site URI', 'db-driver' => 'Database driver', 'db-hostname' => 'Database hostname', 'db-port' => 'Database port', 'db-username' => 'Database username', 'db-password' => 'Database password', 'db-name' => 'Database name', 'db-status' => 'Database', 'bootstrap' => 'Drupal bootstrap', 'user' => 'Drupal user', 'theme' => 'Default theme', 'admin-theme' => 'Administration theme', 'php-bin' => 'PHP executable', 'php-conf' => 'PHP configuration', 'php-os' => 'PHP OS', 'drush-script' => 'Drush script', 'drush-version' => 'Drush version', 'drush-temp' => 'Drush temp directory', 'drush-conf' => 'Drush configuration', 'drush-alias-files' => 'Drush alias files', 'install-profile' => 'Install profile', 'root' => 'Drupal root', 'drupal-settings-file' => 'Drupal Settings File', 'site-path' => 'Site path', 'root' => 'Drupal root', 'site' => 'Site path', 'themes' => 'Themes path', 'modules' => 'Modules path', 'files' => 'File directory path', 'private' => 'Private file directory path', 'temp' => 'Temporary file directory path', 'config-sync' => 'Sync config path', 'files-path' => 'File directory path', 'temp-path' => 'Temporary file directory path', '%paths' => 'Other paths'), 'formatted-filter' => '_drush_core_status_format_table_data', 'private-fields' => 'db-password', 'simplify-single' => TRUE, 'table-metadata' => array( 'list-separator' => ' ', ), 'output-data-type' => 'format-list', ), 'topics' => array('docs-readme'), ); $items['core-requirements'] = array( 'description' => 'Provides information about things that may be wrong in your Drupal installation, if any.', 'aliases' => array('status-report','rq'), 'examples' => array( 'drush core-requirements' => 'Show all status lines from the Status Report admin page.', 'drush core-requirements --severity=2' => 'Show only the red lines from the Status Report admin page.', 'drush core-requirements --pipe' => 'Print out a short report in JSON format, where severity 2=error, 1=warning, and 0/-1=OK', ), 'options' => array( 'severity' => array( 'description' => 'Only show status report messages with a severity greater than or equal to the specified value.', 'value' => 'required', 'example-value' => '3', ), 'ignore' => 'Comma-separated list of requirements to remove from output. Run with --pipe to see key values to use.', ), 'outputformat' => array( 'default' => 'table', 'pipe-format' => 'json', 'field-labels' => array('title' => 'Title', 'severity' => 'Severity', 'sid' => 'SID', 'description' => 'Description', 'value' => 'Summary', 'reason' => 'Reason', 'weight' => 'Weight'), 'fields-default' => array('title', 'severity', 'description'), 'column-widths' => array('severity' => 8), 'concatenate-columns' => array('description' => array('value', 'description')), 'strip-tags' => TRUE, 'ini-item' => 'sid', 'key-value-item' => 'severity', 'list-metadata' => array( 'list-item' => 'severity', ), 'output-data-type' => 'format-table', ), ); $items['php-eval'] = array( 'description' => 'Evaluate arbitrary php code after bootstrapping Drupal (if available).', 'examples' => array( 'drush php-eval \'variable_set("hello", "world");\'' => 'Sets the hello variable using Drupal API.', 'drush php-eval \'$node = node_load(1); print $node->title;\'' => 'Loads node with nid 1 and then prints its title.', 'drush php-eval "file_unmanaged_copy(\'$HOME/Pictures/image.jpg\', \'public://image.jpg\');"' => 'Copies a file whose path is determined by an environment\'s variable. Note the use of double quotes so the variable $HOME gets replaced by its value.', 'drush php-eval "node_access_rebuild();"' => 'Rebuild node access permissions.', ), 'arguments' => array( 'code' => 'PHP code', ), 'required-arguments' => TRUE, 'allow-additional-options' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_MAX, 'aliases' => array('eval', 'ev'), 'outputformat' => array( 'default' => 'var_export', ), ); $items['php-script'] = array( 'description' => "Run php script(s).", 'examples' => array( 'drush php-script scratch' => 'Run scratch.php script. See commands/core directory.', 'drush php-script example --script-path=/path/to/scripts:/another/path' => 'Run script from specified paths', 'drush php-script' => 'List all available scripts.', '' => '', "#!/usr/bin/env drush\n "Execute php code with a full Drupal bootstrap directly from a shell script.", ), 'arguments' => array( 'filename' => 'Optional. The file you wish to execute (without extension). If omitted, list files ending in .php in the current working directory and specified script-path. Some might not be real drush scripts. Beware.', ), 'options' => array( 'script-path' => array( 'description' => "Additional paths to search for scripts, separated by : (Unix-based systems) or ; (Windows).", 'example-value' => '~/scripts', ), ), 'allow-additional-options' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_MAX, 'aliases' => array('scr'), 'topics' => array('docs-examplescript', 'docs-scripts'), ); $items['core-execute'] = array( 'description' => 'Execute a shell command. Usually used with a site alias.', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, // No bootstrap. 'arguments' => array( 'command' => 'The shell command to be executed.', ), 'options' => array( 'escape' => 'Escape parameters before executing them with the shell. Default is escape; use --no-escape to disable.', ) + drush_shell_exec_proc_build_options(), 'required-arguments' => TRUE, 'allow-additional-options' => TRUE, 'handle-remote-commands' => TRUE, 'strict-option-handling' => TRUE, 'examples' => array( 'drush core-execute git pull origin rebase' => 'Retrieve latest code from git', ), 'aliases' => array('exec', 'execute'), 'topics' => array('docs-aliases'), ); $items['core-rsync'] = array( 'description' => 'Rsync the Drupal tree to/from another server using ssh.', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, // No bootstrap. 'arguments' => array( 'source' => 'May be rsync path or site alias. See rsync documentation and example.aliases.drushrc.php.', 'destination' => 'May be rsync path or site alias. See rsync documentation and example.aliases.drushrc.php.', ), 'options' => array( 'mode' => 'The unary flags to pass to rsync; --mode=rultz implies rsync -rultz. Default is -akz.', 'exclude-conf' => 'Excludes settings.php from being rsynced. Default.', 'include-conf' => 'Allow settings.php to be rsynced. Default is to exclude settings.php.', 'include-vcs' => 'Include special version control directories (e.g. .svn). Default is to exclude vcs files.', 'exclude-files' => 'Exclude the files directory.', 'exclude-sites' => 'Exclude all directories in "sites/" except for "sites/all".', 'exclude-other-sites' => 'Exclude all directories in "sites/" except for "sites/all" and the site directory for the site being synced. Note: if the site directory is different between the source and destination, use --exclude-sites followed by "drush rsync @from:%site @to:%site"', 'exclude-paths' => 'List of paths to exclude, seperated by : (Unix-based systems) or ; (Windows).', 'include-paths' => 'List of paths to include, seperated by : (Unix-based systems) or ; (Windows).', '{rsync-option-name}' => "Replace {rsync-option-name} with the rsync option (or option='value') that you would like to pass through to rsync. Examples include --delete, --exclude=*.sql, --filter='merge /etc/rsync/default.rules', etc. See the rsync documentation for a complete explanation of all the rsync options and values.", 'rsync-version' => 'Set to the version of rsync you are using to signal Drush to go into backwards-compatibility mode when using very old versions of rsync. For example, --rsync-version=2.6.8 or earlier will cause Drush to avoid the --remove-source-files flag.', ), 'strict-option-handling' => TRUE, 'examples' => array( 'drush rsync @dev @stage' => 'Rsync Drupal root from Drush alias dev to the alias stage. Either or both may be remote.', 'drush rsync ./ @stage:%files/img' => 'Rsync all files in the current directory to the \'img\' directory in the file storage folder on the Drush alias stage.', 'drush -s rsync @dev @stage --exclude=*.sql --delete' => "Simulate Rsync Drupal root from the Drush alias dev to the alias stage (one of which must be local), excluding all files that match the filter '*.sql' and delete all files on the destination that are no longer on the source.", ), 'aliases' => array('rsync'), 'topics' => array('docs-aliases'), ); $items['drupal-directory'] = array( 'description' => 'Return the filesystem path for modules/themes and other key folders.', 'arguments' => array( 'target' => 'A module/theme name, or special names like root, files, private, or an alias : path alias string such as @alias:%files. Defaults to root.', ), 'options' => array( 'component' => "The portion of the evaluated path to return. Defaults to 'path'; 'name' returns the site alias of the target.", 'local-only' => "Reject any target that specifies a remote site.", ), 'examples' => array( 'cd `drush dd devel`' => 'Navigate into the devel module directory', 'cd `drush dd` ' => 'Navigate to the root of your Drupal site', 'cd `drush dd files`' => 'Navigate to the files directory.', 'drush dd @alias:%files' => 'Print the path to the files directory on the site @alias.', 'edit `drush dd devel`/devel.module' => "Open devel module in your editor (customize 'edit' for your editor)", ), 'aliases' => array('dd'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, ); $items['batch-process'] = array( 'description' => 'Process operations in the specified batch set', 'hidden' => TRUE, 'arguments' => array( 'batch-id' => 'The batch id that will be processed.', ), 'required-arguments' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_LOGIN, ); $items['updatedb-batch-process'] = array( 'description' => 'Perform update functions', 'hidden' => TRUE, 'arguments' => array( 'batch-id' => 'The batch id that will be processed', ), 'required-arguments' => TRUE, // Drupal 7 needs DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION, while Drupal 8 needs _FULL. // Therefore we bootstrap to _FULL in commands/core/drupal/update.inc. 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION, ); $items['core-global-options'] = array( 'description' => 'All global options', 'hidden' => TRUE, 'topic' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'outputformat' => array( 'default' => 'table', 'pipe-format' => 'csv', 'field-labels' => array('label' => 'Label', 'description' => 'Description'), 'output-data-type' => 'format-table', ), ); $items['core-quick-drupal'] = array( 'description' => 'Download, install, serve and login to Drupal with minimal configuration and dependencies.', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'aliases' => array('qd', 'cutie'), 'arguments' => array( 'site' => 'Short name for the site to be created - used as a directory name and as sqlite file name. Optional - if omitted timestamped "quick-drupal" directory will be used instead.', 'projects' => 'A list of projects to download into the new site. If projects contain extensions (modules or themes) with the same name they will be enabled by default. See --enable option to control this behaviour further.', ), 'examples' => array( 'drush qd' => 'Download and install stable release of Drupal into a timestamped directory, start server, and open the site logged in as admin.', 'drush qd --profile=minimal --cache --core=drupal-8.0.x --yes' => 'Fire up dev release of Drupal site with minimal install profile.', 'drush qd testsite devel --server=:8081/admin --browser=firefox --cache --yes' => 'Fire up stable release (using the cache) of Drupal site called "testsite", download and enable devel module, start a server on port 8081 and open /admin in firefox.', 'drush qd commercesite --core=commerce_kickstart --profile=commerce_kickstart --cache --yes --watchdog' => 'Download and install the "Commerce Kickstart" distribution/install profile, display watchdog messages on the server console.', 'drush qd --makefile=mysite.make' => 'Create and install a site from a makefile.', ), ); // Add in options/engines. drush_core_quick_drupal_options($items); // Add in topics for engines $items += drush_get_engine_topics(); return $items; } /** * Command argument complete callback. * * @return * Array of available profile names. */ function core_site_install_complete() { $max = drush_bootstrap_max(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT); if ($max >= DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT) { return array('values' => array_keys(drush_find_profiles(DRUPAL_ROOT))); } } /** * Command argument complete callback. * * @return * Array of available site aliases. */ function core_core_rsync_complete() { return array('values' => array_keys(_drush_sitealias_all_list())); } /** * @defgroup engines Engine types * @{ */ /** * Implementation of hook_drush_engine_type_info(). */ function core_drush_engine_type_info() { $info = array(); $info['drupal'] = array(); return $info; } /** * Implements hook_drush_engine_ENGINE_TYPE(). */ function core_drush_engine_drupal() { $engines = array( 'batch' => array(), 'update'=> array(), 'environment' => array(), 'site_install' => array(), 'pm' => array(), 'cache' => array(), 'image' => array(), ); return $engines; } /** * @} End of "Engine types". */ /** * Command handler. Apply pending entity schema updates. */ function drush_core_entity_updates() { if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { drush_log(dt('entity-updates command does not support --simulate option.'), LogLevel::OK); } drush_include_engine('drupal', 'update'); if (entity_updates_main() === FALSE) { return FALSE; } drush_drupal_cache_clear_all(); drush_log(dt('Finished performing updates.'), LogLevel::OK); } /** * Command handler. Execute update.php code from drush. */ function drush_core_updatedb() { if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { drush_log(dt('updatedb command does not support --simulate option.'), LogLevel::OK); return TRUE; } drush_include_engine('drupal', 'update'); $result = update_main(); if ($result === FALSE) { return FALSE; } elseif ($result > 0) { // Clear all caches in a new process. We just performed major surgery. drush_drupal_cache_clear_all(); drush_log(dt('Finished performing updates.'), LogLevel::OK); } } /** * Command handler. List pending DB updates. */ function drush_core_updatedb_status() { require_once DRUSH_DRUPAL_CORE . '/includes/install.inc'; drupal_load_updates(); drush_include_engine('drupal', 'update'); list($pending, $start) = updatedb_status(); if (empty($pending)) { drush_log(dt("No database updates required"), LogLevel::OK); } return $pending; } function _core_site_credentials($right_margin = 0) { // Leave some space on the right so that we can put the result into the // drush_log, which will again wordwrap the result. $original_columns = drush_get_context('DRUSH_COLUMNS', 80); drush_set_context('DRUSH_COLUMNS', $original_columns - $right_margin); $status_table = _core_site_status_table(); $metadata = drush_get_command_format_metadata('core-status'); $output = drush_format($status_table, $metadata, 'key-value'); drush_set_context('DRUSH_COLUMNS', $original_columns); return $output; } function _core_path_aliases($project = '') { $paths = array(); $site_wide = drush_drupal_sitewide_directory(); $boot = drush_get_bootstrap_object(); if ($drupal_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT')) { $paths['%root'] = $drupal_root; if ($site_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_SITE_ROOT')) { $paths['%site'] = $site_root; if (is_dir($modules_path = $boot->conf_path() . '/modules')) { $paths['%modules'] = $modules_path; } else { $paths['%modules'] = ltrim($site_wide . '/modules', '/'); } if (is_dir($themes_path = $boot->conf_path() . '/themes')) { $paths['%themes'] = $themes_path; } else { $paths['%themes'] = ltrim($site_wide . '/themes', '/'); } if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 8 && drush_has_boostrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION)) { try { if (isset($GLOBALS['config_directories'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['config_directories'] as $label => $unused) { $paths["%config-$label"] = config_get_config_directory($label); } } } catch (Exception $e) { // Nothing to do. } } if (drush_has_boostrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL)) { $paths['%files'] = drush_file_get_public(); if ($private_path = drush_file_get_private()) { $paths['%private'] = $private_path; } } if (function_exists('file_directory_temp')) { $paths['%temp'] = file_directory_temp(); } // If the 'project' parameter was specified, then search // for a project (or a few) and add its path to the path list if (!empty($project)) { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); $projects = array_merge(drush_get_modules(), drush_get_themes()); foreach(explode(',', $project) as $target) { if (array_key_exists($target, $projects)) { $paths['%' . $target] = $drupal_root . '/' . _drush_extension_get_path($projects[$target]); } } } } } // Add in all of the global paths from $options['path-aliases'] $paths = array_merge($paths, drush_get_option('path-aliases', array())); return $paths; } function _core_site_status_table($project = '') { $phase = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE'); if ($drupal_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT')) { $status_table['drupal-version'] = drush_drupal_version(); $boot_object = drush_get_bootstrap_object(); $conf_dir = $boot_object->conf_path(); $settings_file = "$conf_dir/settings.php"; $status_table['drupal-settings-file'] = file_exists($settings_file) ? $settings_file : ''; if ($site_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_SITE_ROOT')) { $status_table['uri'] = drush_get_context('DRUSH_URI'); try { $sql = drush_sql_get_class(); $db_spec = $sql->db_spec(); $status_table['db-driver'] = $db_spec['driver']; if (!empty($db_spec['unix_socket'])) { $status_table['db-socket'] = $db_spec['unix_socket']; } elseif (isset($db_spec['host'])) { $status_table['db-hostname'] = $db_spec['host']; } $status_table['db-username'] = isset($db_spec['username']) ? $db_spec['username'] : NULL; $status_table['db-password'] = isset($db_spec['password']) ? $db_spec['password'] : NULL; $status_table['db-name'] = isset($db_spec['database']) ? $db_spec['database'] : NULL; $status_table['db-port'] = isset($db_spec['port']) ? $db_spec['port'] : NULL; if ($phase > DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION) { $status_table['install-profile'] = $boot_object->get_profile(); if ($phase > DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_DATABASE) { $status_table['db-status'] = dt('Connected'); if ($phase > DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL) { $status_table['bootstrap'] = dt('Successful'); if ($phase == DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_LOGIN) { $status_table['user'] = drush_user_get_class()->getCurrentUserAsSingle()->getUsername(); } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { // Don't worry be happy. } } if (drush_has_boostrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL)) { $status_table['theme'] = drush_theme_get_default(); $status_table['admin-theme'] = drush_theme_get_admin(); } } if ($php_bin = drush_get_option('php')) { $status_table['php-bin'] = $php_bin; } $status_table['php-os'] = PHP_OS; if ($php_ini_files = _drush_core_config_php_ini_files()) { $status_table['php-conf'] = $php_ini_files; } $status_table['drush-script'] = DRUSH_COMMAND; $status_table['drush-version'] = DRUSH_VERSION; $status_table['drush-temp'] = drush_find_tmp(); $status_table['drush-conf'] = drush_flatten_array(drush_get_context_options('context-path', '')); $alias_files = _drush_sitealias_find_alias_files(); $status_table['drush-alias-files'] = $alias_files; $paths = _core_path_aliases($project); if (!empty($paths)) { foreach ($paths as $target => $one_path) { $name = $target; if (substr($name,0,1) == '%') { $name = substr($name,1); } $status_table[$name] = $one_path; } } // Store the paths into the '%paths' index; this will be // used by other code, but will not be included in the output // of the drush status command. $status_table['%paths'] = $paths; return $status_table; } // Adjust the status output for any non-pipe output format function _drush_core_status_format_table_data($output, $metadata) { if (drush_get_option('full', FALSE) == FALSE) { // Hide any key that begins with a % foreach ($output as $key => $value) { if ($key[0] == '%') { unset($output[$key]); } } // Hide 'Modules path' and 'Themes path' as well unset($output['modules']); unset($output['themes']); // Shorten the list of alias files if there are too many if (isset($output['drush-alias-files']) && count($output['drush-alias-files']) > 24) { $msg = dt("\nThere are !count more alias files. Run with --full to see the full list.", array('!count' => count($output['drush-alias-files']) - 1)); $output['drush-alias-files'] = array($output['drush-alias-files'][0] , $msg); } if (isset($output['drupal-settings-file']) && empty($output['drupal-settings-file'])) { $output['drupal-settings-file'] = dt('MISSING'); } } return $output; } /** * Command callback. Runs all cron hooks. */ function drush_core_cron() { if (drush_drupal_major_version() < 8) { $result = drupal_cron_run(); } else { $result = \Drupal::service('cron')->run(); } if ($result) { drush_log(dt('Cron run successful.'), LogLevel::SUCCESS); } else { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_CRON_FAILED', dt('Cron run failed.')); } } /** * Command callback. Edit drushrc and alias files. */ function drush_core_config($filter = NULL) { $all = drush_core_config_load(); // Apply any filter that was supplied. if ($filter) { foreach ($all as $key => $file) { if (strpos($file, $filter) === FALSE) { unset($all[$key]); } } } $all = drush_map_assoc(array_values($all)); $exec = drush_get_editor(); if (count($all) == 1) { $filepath = current($all); } else { $choice = drush_choice($all, 'Enter a number to choose which file to edit.', '!key'); if (!$choice) { return drush_user_abort(); } $filepath = $all[$choice]; } return drush_shell_exec_interactive($exec, $filepath, $filepath); } /** * Command argument complete callback. * * @return * Array of available configuration files for editing. */ function core_core_config_complete() { return array('values' => drush_core_config_load(FALSE)); } function drush_core_config_load($headers = TRUE) { $php_header = $php = $rcs_header = $rcs = $aliases_header = $aliases = $drupal_header = $drupal = array(); $php = _drush_core_config_php_ini_files(); if (!empty($php)) { if ($headers) { $php_header = array('phpini' => '-- PHP ini files --'); } } $bash = _drush_core_config_bash_files(); if (!empty($bash)) { if ($headers) { $bash_header = array('bash' => '-- Bash files --'); } } drush_sitealias_load_all(); if ($rcs = drush_get_context_options('context-path', TRUE)) { if ($headers) { $rcs_header = array('drushrc' => '-- Drushrc --'); } } if ($aliases = drush_get_context('drush-alias-files')) { if ($headers) { $aliases_header = array('aliases' => '-- Aliases --'); } } if ($site_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_SITE_ROOT')) { $drupal[] = realpath($site_root . '/settings.php'); if (file_exists($site_root . '/settings.local.php')) { $drupal[] = realpath($site_root . '/settings.local.php'); } $drupal[] = realpath(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/.htaccess'); if ($headers) { $drupal_header = array('drupal' => '-- Drupal --'); } } return array_merge($php_header, $php, $bash_header, $bash, $rcs_header, $rcs, $aliases_header, $aliases, $drupal_header, $drupal); } function _drush_core_config_php_ini_files() { $ini_files = array(); $ini_files[] = php_ini_loaded_file(); if ($drush_ini = getenv('DRUSH_INI')) { if (file_exists($drush_ini)) { $ini_files[] = $drush_ini; } } foreach (array(DRUSH_BASE_PATH, '/etc/drush', drush_server_home() . '/.drush') as $ini_dir) { if (file_exists($ini_dir . "/drush.ini")) { $ini_files[] = realpath($ini_dir . "/drush.ini"); } } return array_unique($ini_files); } function _drush_core_config_bash_files() { $bash_files = array(); $home = drush_server_home(); if ($bashrc = drush_init_find_bashrc($home)) { $bash_files[] = $bashrc; } $prompt = $home . '/.drush/drush.prompt.sh'; if (file_exists($prompt)) { $bash_files[] = $prompt; } return $bash_files; } /** * Command callback. Provides information from the 'Status Reports' admin page. */ function drush_core_requirements() { include_once DRUSH_DRUPAL_CORE . '/includes/install.inc'; $severities = array( REQUIREMENT_INFO => t('Info'), REQUIREMENT_OK => t('OK'), REQUIREMENT_WARNING => t('Warning'), REQUIREMENT_ERROR => t('Error'), ); drupal_load_updates(); drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); $requirements = drush_module_invoke_all('requirements', 'runtime'); // If a module uses "$requirements[] = " instead of // "$requirements['label'] = ", then build a label from // the title. foreach($requirements as $key => $info) { if (is_numeric($key)) { unset($requirements[$key]); $new_key = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $info['title'])); $requirements[$new_key] = $info; } } $ignore_requirements = drush_get_option_list('ignore'); foreach ($ignore_requirements as $ignore) { unset($requirements[$ignore]); } ksort($requirements); $min_severity = drush_get_option('severity', -1); foreach($requirements as $key => $info) { $severity = array_key_exists('severity', $info) ? $info['severity'] : -1; $requirements[$key]['sid'] = $severity; $requirements[$key]['severity'] = $severities[$severity]; if ($severity < $min_severity) { unset($requirements[$key]); } if (isset($requirements[$key]['description'])) { $requirements[$key]['description'] = drush_render($requirements[$key]['description']); } } return $requirements; } /** * Command callback. Provides a birds-eye view of the current Drupal * installation. */ function drush_core_status() { $status_table = _core_site_status_table(drush_get_option('project','')); // If args are specified, filter out any entry that is not named // (in other words, only show lines named by one of the arg values) $args = func_get_args(); if (!empty($args)) { $field_list = $args; $metadata = drush_get_command_format_metadata('core-status'); foreach ($metadata['field-labels'] as $field_key => $field_label) { if (_drush_core_is_named_in_array($field_label, $args)) { $field_list[] = $field_key; } } foreach ($status_table as $key => $value) { if (!_drush_core_is_named_in_array($key, $field_list)) { unset($status_table[$key]); } } } return $status_table; } // Command callback. Show all global options. Exposed via topic command. function drush_core_global_options() { drush_print(dt('These options are applicable to most drush commands. Most options can be disabled by using --no-option (i.e. --no-debug to disable --debug.)')); drush_print(); $fake = drush_global_options_command(FALSE); return drush_format_help_section($fake, 'options'); } function _drush_core_is_named_in_array($key, $the_array) { $is_named = FALSE; $simplified_key = str_replace(array(' ', '_', '-'), array('', '', ''), $key); foreach ($the_array as $name) { if (stristr($simplified_key, str_replace(array(' ', '_', '-'), array('', '', ''), $name))) { $is_named = TRUE; } } return $is_named; } /** * Callback for core-quick-drupal command. */ function drush_core_quick_drupal() { $requests = FALSE; $make_projects = array(); $args = func_get_args(); $name = drush_get_option('use-name'); drush_set_option('backend', TRUE); drush_set_option('strict', FALSE); // We fail option validation because do so much internal drush_invoke(). $makefile = drush_get_option('makefile'); $root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_DRUPAL_ROOT'); if (drush_get_option('use-existing', ($root != FALSE))) { if (!$root) { return drush_set_error('QUICK_DRUPAL_NO_ROOT_SPECIFIED', 'Must specify site with --root when using --use-existing.'); } // If a --db-url was not explicitly provided, and if there is already // a settings.php file provided, then use the db-url defined inside it. if (!drush_get_option('db-url', FALSE)) { $values = drush_invoke_process('@self', 'site-alias', array('@self'), array('with-db-url' => TRUE), array('integrate' => FALSE, 'override-simulated' => TRUE)); if (!empty($values['object']['self']['db-url'])) { drush_set_option('db-url', $values['object']['self']['db-url']); } } if (empty($name)) { $name = basename($root); } $base = dirname($root); } else { if (!empty($args) && empty($name)) { $name = array_shift($args); } if (empty($name)) { $name = 'quick-drupal-' . gmdate('YmdHis', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']); } $root = drush_get_option('root', FALSE); $core = drush_get_option('core', 'drupal'); $project_rename = $core; if ($root) { $base = dirname($root); $project_rename = basename($root); } else { $base = getcwd() . '/' . $name; $root = $base . '/' . $core; } if (!empty($makefile)) { // Invoke 'drush make $makefile'. $result = drush_invoke_process('@none', 'make', array($makefile, $root), array('core-quick-drupal' => TRUE)); if ($result['error_status'] != 0) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_QD_MAKE', 'Could not make; aborting.'); } $make_projects = array_diff(array_keys($result['object']['projects']), array('drupal')); } else { drush_mkdir($base); drush_set_option('destination', $base); drush_set_option('drupal-project-rename', $project_rename); if (drush_invoke('pm-download', array($core)) === FALSE) { return drush_set_error('QUICK_DRUPAL_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAIL', 'Drupal core download/extract failed.'); } } } if (!drush_get_option('db-url', FALSE)) { drush_set_option('db-url', 'sqlite://sites/' . strtolower(drush_get_option('sites-subdir', 'default')) . "/files/$name.sqlite"); } // We have just created a site root where one did not exist before. // We therefore must manually reset DRUSH_SELECTED_DRUPAL_ROOT to // our new root, and force a bootstrap to DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT. drush_set_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_DRUPAL_ROOT', $root); if (!drush_bootstrap_to_phase(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT)) { return drush_set_error('QUICK_DRUPAL_ROOT_LOCATE_FAIL', 'Unable to locate Drupal root directory.'); } if (!empty($args)) { $requests = pm_parse_arguments($args, FALSE); } if ($requests) { // Unset --destination, so that downloads go to the site directories. drush_unset_option('destination'); if (drush_invoke('pm-download', $requests) === FALSE) { return drush_set_error('QUICK_DRUPAL_PROJECT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL', 'Project download/extract failed.'); } } drush_invoke('site-install', array(drush_get_option('profile'))); // Log in with the admin user. // TODO: If site-install is given a sites-subdir other than 'default', // then it will bootstrap to DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE get the installer // to recognize the desired site directory. This somehow interferes // with our desire to bootstrap to DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_LOGIN here. // We could do the last few steps in a new process if uri is not 'default'. drush_set_option('user', '1'); if (!drush_bootstrap_to_phase(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_LOGIN)) { return drush_set_error('QUICK_DRUPAL_INSTALL_FAIL', 'Drupal core install failed.'); } $enable = array_merge(pm_parse_arguments(drush_get_option('enable', $requests)), $make_projects); if (!empty($enable)) { if (drush_invoke('pm-enable', $enable) === FALSE) { return drush_set_error('QUICK_DRUPAL_PROJECT_ENABLE_FAIL', 'Project enable failed.'); } } $server = drush_get_option('server', '/'); if ($server) { $server_uri = runserver_uri($server); _drush_core_qd_cache_uri($server_uri); } if (!drush_get_option('no-server', FALSE)) { if ($server) { // Current CLI user is also the web server user, which is for development // only. Hence we can safely make the site directory writable. This makes // it easier to delete and edit settings.php. $boot = drush_get_bootstrap_object(); @chmod($boot->conf_path(), 0700); drush_invoke_process(array('root' => $root, 'uri' => $server_uri), 'runserver', array($server)); } } else { drush_print(dt('Login URL: ') . drush_invoke('user-login')); } } // Write a drushrc.php to cache the server information for future Drush calls function _drush_core_qd_cache_uri($uri) { $server = $uri['host']; if (!empty($uri["port"])) { $server .= ':' . $uri["port"]; } $dir = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/drush'; $target_file = $dir . '/drushrc.php'; drush_log(dt("Caching 'uri' !uri in !target", array('!uri' => $server, '!target' => $target_file)), LogLevel::OK); $create_file = TRUE; if (file_exists($target_file)) { // Don't bother to ask with --use-existing; just // continue. if (drush_get_option('use-existing', FALSE)) { $create_file = FALSE; } else { $create_file = drush_confirm(dt('!target already exists. Overwrite?', array('!target' => $target_file))); } } $content = << 'Drupal core to download. Defaults to "drupal" (latest stable version).', 'use-existing' => 'Use an existing Drupal root, specified with --root. Overrides --core. Defaults to true when run from an existing site.', 'profile' => 'The install profile to use. Defaults to standard.', 'enable' => 'Specific extensions (modules or themes) to enable. By default, extensions with the same name as requested projects will be enabled automatically.', 'server' => 'Host IP address and port number to bind to and path to open in web browser (hyphen to clear a default path), all elements optional. See runserver examples for shorthand.', 'no-server' => 'Avoid starting runserver (and browser) for the created Drupal site.', 'browser' => 'Optional name of a browser to open site in. If omitted the OS default browser will be used. Set --no-browser to disable.', 'use-name' => array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Overrides "name" argument.'), 'makefile' => array('description' => 'Makefile to use. Makefile must specify which version of Drupal core to build.', 'example-value' => 'mysite.make', 'value' => 'optional'), 'root' => array('description' => 'Path to Drupal root.', 'example-value' => '/path/to/root', 'value' => 'optional'), ); $pm = pm_drush_command(); foreach ($pm['pm-download']['options'] as $option => $description) { if (is_array($description)) { $description = $description['description']; } $options[$option] = 'Download option: ' . $description; } // Unset a few options that are not usable here, as we control them ourselves // or they are otherwise implied by the environment. unset($options['destination']); unset($options['drupal-project-rename']); unset($options['default-major']); unset($options['use-site-dir']); $si = site_install_drush_command(); foreach ($si['site-install']['options'] as $option => $description) { if (is_array($description)) { $description = $description['description']; } $options[$option] = 'Site install option: ' . $description; } unset($options['sites-subdir']); $runserver = runserver_drush_command(); foreach ($runserver['runserver']['options'] as $option => $description) { $options[$option] = 'Runserver option: ' . $description; } unset($options['user']); $items['core-quick-drupal']['options'] = $options; $items['core-quick-drupal']['engines'] = $pm['pm-download']['engines']; } /** * Command callback. Runs "naked" php scripts * and drush "shebang" scripts ("#!/usr/bin/env drush"). */ function drush_core_php_script() { $found = FALSE; $script = NULL; if ($args = func_get_args()) { $script = $args[0]; } if ($script == '-') { return eval(stream_get_contents(STDIN)); } elseif (file_exists($script)) { $found = $script; } else { // Array of paths to search for scripts $searchpath['DIR'] = dirname(__FILE__); $searchpath['cwd'] = drush_cwd(); // Additional script paths, specified by 'script-path' option if ($script_path = drush_get_option('script-path', FALSE)) { foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $script_path) as $path) { $searchpath[] = $path; } } drush_log(dt('Searching for scripts in ') . implode(',', $searchpath), LogLevel::DEBUG); if (!isset($script)) { // List all available scripts. $all = array(); foreach($searchpath as $key => $path) { $recurse = !(($key == 'cwd') || ($path == '/')); $all = array_merge( $all , array_keys(drush_scan_directory($path, '/\.php$/', array('.', '..', 'CVS'), NULL, $recurse)) ); } drush_print(implode("\n", $all)); } else { // Execute the specified script. foreach($searchpath as $path) { $script_filename = $path . '/' . $script; if (file_exists($script_filename . '.php')) { $script_filename .= '.php'; } if (file_exists($script_filename)) { $found = $script_filename; break; } $all[] = $script_filename; } if (!$found) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_TARGET_NOT_FOUND', dt('Unable to find any of the following: @files', array('@files' => implode(', ', $all)))); } } } if ($found) { // Set the DRUSH_SHIFT_SKIP to two; this will cause // drush_shift to skip the next two arguments the next // time it is called. This allows scripts to get all // arguments, including the 'php-script' and script // pathname, via drush_get_arguments(), or it can process // just the arguments that are relevant using drush_shift(). drush_set_context('DRUSH_SHIFT_SKIP', 2); if (_drush_core_eval_shebang_script($found) === FALSE) { return include($found); } } } function drush_core_php_eval($php) { return eval($php . ';'); } /** * Evaluate a script that begins with #!drush php-script */ function _drush_core_eval_shebang_script($script_filename) { $found = FALSE; $fp = fopen($script_filename, "r"); if ($fp !== FALSE) { $line = fgets($fp); if (_drush_is_drush_shebang_line($line)) { $first_script_line = ''; while ($line = fgets($fp)) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == ' $target))); } } /** * Called for `drush version` or `drush --version` */ function drush_core_version() { return DRUSH_VERSION; } /** * Command callback. Execute specified shell code. Often used by shell aliases * that start with !. */ function drush_core_execute() { $result = TRUE; $escape = drush_get_option('escape', TRUE); // Get all of the args and options that appear after the command name. $args = drush_get_original_cli_args_and_options(); if ($escape) { for ($x = 0; $x < count($args); $x++) { // escape all args except for command separators. if (!in_array($args[$x], array('&&', '||', ';'))) { $args[$x] = drush_escapeshellarg($args[$x]); } } } $cmd = implode(' ', $args); // If we selected a Drupal site, then cwd to the site root prior to exec $cwd = FALSE; if ($selected_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_DRUPAL_ROOT')) { if (is_dir($selected_root)) { $cwd = getcwd(); drush_op('chdir', $selected_root); } } if ($alias = drush_get_context('DRUSH_TARGET_SITE_ALIAS')) { $site = drush_sitealias_get_record($alias); if (!empty($site['site-list'])) { $sites = drush_sitealias_resolve_sitelist($site); foreach ($sites as $site_name => $site_spec) { $result = _drush_core_execute_cmd($site_spec, $cmd); if (!$result) { break; } } } else { $result = _drush_core_execute_cmd($site, $cmd); } } else { // Must be a local command. $result = (drush_shell_proc_open($cmd) == 0); } // Restore the cwd if we changed it if ($cwd) { drush_op('chdir', $selected_root); } if (!$result) { return drush_set_error('CORE_EXECUTE_FAILED', dt("Command !command failed.", array('!command' => $cmd))); } return $result; } function drush_core_twig_compile() { require_once DRUSH_DRUPAL_CORE . "/themes/engines/twig/twig.engine"; // Scan all enabled modules and themes. // @todo refactor since \Drush\Boot\DrupalBoot::commandfile_searchpaths is similar. $ignored_modules = drush_get_option_list('ignored-modules', array()); $cid = drush_cid_install_profile(); if ($cached = drush_cache_get($cid)) { $ignored_modules[] = $cached->data; } foreach (array_diff(drush_module_list(), $ignored_modules) as $module) { $searchpaths[] = drupal_get_path('module', $module); } $themes = drush_theme_list(); foreach ($themes as $name => $theme) { $searchpaths[] = $theme->getPath(); } foreach ($searchpaths as $searchpath) { foreach ($file = drush_scan_directory($searchpath, '/\.html.twig/', array('tests')) as $file) { $relative = str_replace(drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT'). '/', '', $file->filename); // @todo Dynamically disable twig debugging since there is no good info there anyway. twig_render_template($relative, array('theme_hook_original' => '')); drush_log(dt('Compiled twig template !path', array('!path' => $relative)), LogLevel::NOTICE); } } } /** * Helper function for drush_core_execute: run one shell command */ function _drush_core_execute_cmd($site, $cmd) { if (!empty($site['remote-host'])) { // Remote, so execute an ssh command with a bash fragment at the end. $exec = drush_shell_proc_build($site, $cmd, TRUE); return (drush_shell_proc_open($exec) == 0); } elseif (!empty($site['root']) && is_dir($site['root'])) { return (drush_shell_proc_open('cd ' . drush_escapeshellarg($site['root']) . ' && ' . $cmd) == 0); } return (drush_shell_proc_open($cmd) == 0); }