FALSE) + install_state_defaults(); try { install_begin_request($class_loader, $install_state); $profile = _install_select_profile($install_state); } catch (\Exception $e) { // This is only a best effort to provide a better default, no harm done // if it fails. } if (empty($profile)) { $profile = 'standard'; } } $sql = drush_sql_get_class(); $db_spec = $sql->db_spec(); $account_name = drush_get_option('account-name', 'admin'); $account_pass = drush_get_option('account-pass', FALSE); $show_password = drush_get_option('show-passwords', !$account_pass); if (!$account_pass) { $account_pass = drush_generate_password(); } $settings = array( 'parameters' => array( 'profile' => $profile, 'langcode' => drush_get_option('locale', 'en'), ), 'forms' => array( 'install_settings_form' => array( 'driver' => $db_spec['driver'], $db_spec['driver'] => $db_spec, 'op' => dt('Save and continue'), ), 'install_configure_form' => array( 'site_name' => drush_get_option('site-name', 'Site-Install'), 'site_mail' => drush_get_option('site-mail', 'admin@example.com'), 'account' => array( 'name' => $account_name, 'mail' => drush_get_option('account-mail', 'admin@example.com'), 'pass' => array( 'pass1' => $account_pass, 'pass2' => $account_pass, ), ), 'enable_update_status_module' => TRUE, 'enable_update_status_emails' => TRUE, 'clean_url' => drush_get_option('clean-url', TRUE), 'op' => dt('Save and continue'), ), ), ); // Merge in the additional options. foreach ($additional_form_options as $key => $value) { $current = &$settings['forms']; foreach (explode('.', $key) as $param) { $current = &$current[$param]; } $current = $value; } $msg = 'Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while.'; if (is_null(drush_get_option('notify'))) { $msg .= ' Consider using the --notify global option.'; } drush_log(dt($msg), LogLevel::OK); drush_op('install_drupal', $class_loader, $settings); if ($show_password) { drush_log(dt('Installation complete. User name: @name User password: @pass', array('@name' => $account_name, '@pass' => $account_pass)), LogLevel::OK); } else { drush_log(dt('Installation complete.'), LogLevel::OK); } }