'Use system notifications to signal command completion. If set to a number, commands that finish in fewer seconds will not trigger a notification.', 'example-value' => 60, 'never-propagate' => TRUE, ); $command['options']['notify-audio'] = array( 'description' => 'Trigger an audio alert to signal command completion. If set to a number, commands that finish in fewer seconds will not trigger a notification.', 'example-value' => 60, 'never-propagate' => TRUE, ); $command['sub-options']['notify']['notify-cmd'] = array( 'description' => 'Specify the shell command to trigger the notification.', 'never-propagate' => TRUE, ); $command['sub-options']['notify']['notify-cmd-audio'] = array( 'description' => 'Specify the shell command to trigger the audio notification.', 'never-propagate' => TRUE, ); } } } /** * Implements hook_drush_help(). */ function notify_drush_help($section) { switch ($section) { case 'notify:cache-clear': return dt('Caches have been cleared.'); case 'notify:site-install:error': return dt('Failed on site installation'); } } /** * Shutdown function to signal on errors. */ function drush_notify_shutdown() { $cmd = drush_get_command(); if (empty($cmd['command'])) { return; } // pm-download handles its own notification. if ($cmd['command'] != 'pm-download' && drush_notify_allowed($cmd['command'])) { $msg = dt("Command '!command' completed.", array('!command' => $cmd['command'])); drush_notify_send(drush_notify_command_message($cmd['command'], $msg)); } if (drush_get_option('notify', FALSE) && drush_get_error()) { // If the only error is that notify failed, do not try to notify again. $log = drush_get_error_log(); if (count($log) == 1 && array_key_exists('NOTIFY_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', $log)) { return; } // Send an alert that the command failed. if (drush_notify_allowed($cmd['command'])) { $msg = dt("Command '!command' failed.", array('!command' => $cmd['command'])); drush_notify_send(drush_notify_command_message($cmd['command'] . ':error', $msg)); } } } /** * Determine the message to send on command completion. * * @param string $command * Name of the Drush command for which we check message overrides. * @param string $default * (Default: NULL) Default message to use if there are not notification message overrides. * * @return string * Message to use for notification. */ function drush_notify_command_message($command, $default = NULL) { if ($msg = drush_command_invoke_all('drush_help', 'notify:' . $command)) { $msg = implode("\n", $msg); } else { $msg = $default ? $default : $msg = $command . ': No news is good news.'; } return $msg; } /** * Prepares and dispatches notifications to delivery mechanisms. * * You may avoid routing a message to secondary messaging mechanisms (e.g. audio), * by direct use of the delivery functions. * * @param string $msg * Message to send via notification. */ function drush_notify_send($msg) { drush_notify_send_text($msg); if (drush_get_option('notify-audio', FALSE)) { drush_notify_send_audio($msg); } } /** * Send text-based system notification. * * This is the automatic, default behavior. It is intended for use with tools * such as libnotify in Linux and Notification Center on OSX. * * @param string $msg * Message text for delivery. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ function drush_notify_send_text($msg) { $override = drush_get_option('notify-cmd', FALSE); if (!empty($override)) { $cmd = $override; } else { switch (PHP_OS) { case 'Darwin': $cmd = 'terminal-notifier -message %s -title Drush'; $error_message = dt('terminal-notifier command failed. Please install it from https://github.com/alloy/terminal-notifier.'); break; case 'Linux': default: $icon = drush_normalize_path(DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/drush_logo-black.png'); $cmd = "notify-send %s -i $icon"; $error_message = dt('notify-send command failed. Please install it as per http://coderstalk.blogspot.com/2010/02/how-to-install-notify-send-in-ubuntu.html.'); break; } } if (!drush_shell_exec($cmd, $msg)) { return drush_set_error('NOTIFY_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', $error_message . ' ' . dt('Or you may specify an alternate command to run by specifying --notify-cmd=')); } return TRUE; } /** * Send an audio-based system notification. * * This function is only automatically invoked with the additional use of the * --notify-audio flag or configuration state. * * @param $msg * Message for audio recital. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ function drush_notify_send_audio($msg) { $override = drush_get_option('notify-cmd-audio', FALSE); if (!empty($override)) { $cmd = $override; } else { switch (PHP_OS) { case 'Darwin': $cmd = 'say %s'; break; case 'Linux': default: $cmd = drush_get_option('notify-cmd-audio', 'spd-say') . ' %s'; } } if (!drush_shell_exec($cmd, $msg)) { return drush_set_error('NOTIFY_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', dt('The third party notification utility failed.')); } } /** * Identify if the given Drush request should trigger a notification. * * @param $command * Name of the command. * * @return * Boolean */ function drush_notify_allowed($command) { $notify = drush_get_option(array('notify', 'notify-audio'), FALSE); $execution = time() - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; return ($notify === TRUE || (is_numeric($notify) && $notify > 0 && $execution > $notify)); }