'Install Drupal along with modules/themes/configuration using the specified install profile.', 'arguments' => array( // In Drupal 7 installation profiles can be marked as exclusive by placing // a // @code // exclusive: true // @endcode // line in the profile's info file. // See https://www.drupal.org/node/1022020 for more information. // // In Drupal 8 you can turn your installation profile into a distribution // by providing a // @code // distribution: // name: 'Distribution name' // @endcode // block in the profile's info YAML file. // See https://www.drupal.org/node/2210443 for more information. 'profile' => 'The install profile you wish to run. Defaults to \'default\' in D6, \'standard\' in D7+, unless an install profile is marked as exclusive (or as a distribution in D8+ terminology) in which case that is used.', 'key=value...' => 'Any additional settings you wish to pass to the profile. Fully supported on D7+, partially supported on D6 (single step configure forms only). The key is in the form [form name].[parameter name] on D7 or just [parameter name] on D6.', ), 'options' => array( 'db-url' => array( 'description' => 'A Drupal 6 style database URL. Only required for initial install - not re-install.', 'example-value' => 'mysql://root:pass@host/db', ), 'db-prefix' => 'An optional table prefix to use for initial install. Can be a key-value array of tables/prefixes in a drushrc file (not the command line).', 'db-su' => array( 'description' => 'Account to use when creating a new database. Must have Grant permission (mysql only). Optional.', 'example-value' => 'root', ), 'db-su-pw' => array( 'description' => 'Password for the "db-su" account. Optional.', 'example-value' => 'pass', ), 'account-name' => 'uid1 name. Defaults to admin', 'account-pass' => 'uid1 pass. Defaults to a randomly generated password. If desired, set a fixed password in drushrc.php.', 'account-mail' => 'uid1 email. Defaults to admin@example.com', 'locale' => array( 'description' => 'A short language code. Sets the default site language. Language files must already be present. You may use download command to get them.', 'example-value' => 'en-GB', ), 'clean-url'=> 'Defaults to clean; use --no-clean-url to disable. Note that Drupal 8 and later requires clean.', 'site-name' => 'Defaults to Site-Install', 'site-mail' => 'From: for system mailings. Defaults to admin@example.com', 'sites-subdir' => array( 'description' => "Name of directory under 'sites' which should be created. Only needed when the subdirectory does not already exist. Defaults to 'default'", 'value' => 'required', 'example-value' => 'directory_name', ), 'config-dir' => 'A path pointing to a full set of configuration which should be imported after installation.', ), 'examples' => array( 'drush site-install expert --locale=uk' => '(Re)install using the expert install profile. Set default language to Ukrainian.', 'drush site-install --db-url=mysql://root:pass@localhost:port/dbname' => 'Install using the specified DB params.', 'drush site-install --db-url=sqlite://sites/example.com/files/.ht.sqlite' => 'Install using SQLite (D7+ only).', 'drush site-install --account-name=joe --account-pass=mom' => 'Re-install with specified uid1 credentials.', 'drush site-install standard install_configure_form.site_default_country=FR my_profile_form.my_settings.key=value' => 'Pass additional arguments to the profile (D7 example shown here - for D6, omit the form id).', "drush site-install standard install_configure_form.update_status_module='array(FALSE,FALSE)'" => 'Disable email notification during install and later. If your server has no smtp, this gets rid of an error during install.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT, 'aliases' => array('si'), ); return $items; } /** * Implements hook_drush_help_alter(). */ function site_install_drush_help_alter(&$command) { // Drupal version-specific customizations. if ($command['command'] == 'site-install') { if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 8) { unset($command['options']['clean-url']); } else { unset($command['options']['config-dir']); } } } /** * Command validate. */ function drush_core_site_install_validate() { if ($sites_subdir = drush_get_option('sites-subdir')) { $lower = strtolower($sites_subdir); if ($sites_subdir != $lower) { drush_log(dt('Only lowercase sites-subdir are valid. Switching to !lower.', array('!lower' => $lower)), LogLevel::WARNING); drush_set_option('sites-subdir', $lower); } // Make sure that we will bootstrap to the 'sites-subdir' site. drush_set_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_URI', 'http://' . $sites_subdir); } if ($config = drush_get_option('config-dir')) { if (!file_exists($config)) { return drush_set_error('config_import_target', 'The config source directory does not exist.'); } if (!is_dir($config)) { return drush_set_error('config_import_target', 'The config source is not a directory.'); } $configFiles = glob("$config/*.yml"); if (empty($configFiles)) { drush_log(dt('Configuration import directory !config does not contain any configuration; will skip import.', array('!config' => $config)), LogLevel::WARNING); drush_set_option('config-dir', ''); } } } /** * Perform setup tasks for installation. */ function drush_core_pre_site_install($profile = NULL) { $sql = drush_sql_get_class(); if (!$db_spec = $sql->db_spec()) { drush_set_error(dt('Could not determine database connection parameters. Pass --db-url option.')); return; } // Make sure URI is set so we get back a proper $alias_record. Needed for quick-drupal. _drush_bootstrap_selected_uri(); $alias_record = drush_sitealias_get_record('@self'); $sites_subdir = drush_sitealias_local_site_path($alias_record); // Override with sites-subdir if specified. if ($dir = drush_get_option('sites-subdir')) { $sites_subdir = "sites/$dir"; } $conf_path = $sites_subdir; // Handle the case where someuse uses --variables to set the file public path. Won't work on D8+. $files = !empty($GLOBALS['conf']['files_public_path']) ? $GLOBALS['conf']['files_public_path'] : "$conf_path/files"; $settingsfile = "$conf_path/settings.php"; $sitesfile = "sites/sites.php"; $default = realpath($alias_record['root'] . '/sites/default'); $sitesfile_write = drush_drupal_major_version() >= 8 && $conf_path != $default && !file_exists($sitesfile); if (!file_exists($settingsfile)) { $msg[] = dt('create a @settingsfile file', array('@settingsfile' => $settingsfile)); } if ($sitesfile_write) { $msg[] = dt('create a @sitesfile file', array('@sitesfile' => $sitesfile)); } if ($sql->db_exists()) { $msg[] = dt("DROP all tables in your '@db' database.", array('@db' => $db_spec['database'])); } else { $msg[] = dt("CREATE the '@db' database.", array('@db' => $db_spec['database'])); } if (!drush_confirm(dt('You are about to ') . implode(dt(' and '), $msg) . ' Do you want to continue?')) { return drush_user_abort(); } // Can't install without sites subdirectory and settings.php. if (!file_exists($conf_path)) { if (!drush_mkdir($conf_path) && !drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { drush_set_error(dt('Failed to create directory @conf_path', array('@conf_path' => $conf_path))); return; } } else { drush_log(dt('Sites directory @subdir already exists - proceeding.', array('@subdir' => $conf_path))); } if (!drush_file_not_empty($settingsfile)) { if (!drush_op('copy', 'sites/default/default.settings.php', $settingsfile) && !drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { return drush_set_error(dt('Failed to copy sites/default/default.settings.php to @settingsfile', array('@settingsfile' => $settingsfile))); } if (drush_drupal_major_version() == 6) { // On D6, we have to write $db_url ourselves. In D7+, the installer does it. file_put_contents($settingsfile, "\n" . '$db_url = \'' . drush_get_option('db-url') . "';\n", FILE_APPEND); // Instead of parsing and performing string replacement on the configuration file, // the options are appended and override the defaults. // Database table prefix if (!empty($db_spec['db_prefix'])) { if (is_array($db_spec['db_prefix'])) { // Write db_prefix configuration as an array $db_prefix_config = '$db_prefix = ' . var_export($db_spec['db_prefix'], TRUE) . ';'; } else { // Write db_prefix configuration as a string $db_prefix_config = '$db_prefix = \'' . $db_spec['db_prefix'] . '\';'; } file_put_contents($settingsfile, "\n" . $db_prefix_config . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } } } // Write an empty sites.php if we are on D8 and using multi-site. if ($sitesfile_write) { if (!drush_op('copy', 'sites/example.sites.php', $sitesfile) && !drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { return drush_set_error(dt('Failed to copy sites/example.sites.php to @sitesfile', array('@sitesfile' => $sitesfile))); } } // We need to be at least at DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE to select the site uri to install to define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', 'install'); if (drush_drupal_major_version() == 6) { // The Drupal 6 installer needs to bootstrap up to the specified site. drush_bootstrap(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION); } else { drush_bootstrap(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE); } if (!$sql->drop_or_create($db_spec)) { return drush_set_error(dt('Failed to create database: @error', array('@error' => implode(drush_shell_exec_output())))); } return TRUE; } /** * Command callback. */ function drush_core_site_install($profile = NULL) { $args = func_get_args(); $form_options = array(); if ($args) { // The first argument is the profile. $profile = array_shift($args); // Subsequent arguments are additional form values. foreach ($args as $arg) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $arg, 2); // Allow for numeric and NULL values to be passed in. if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = intval($value); } elseif ($value == 'NULL') { $value = NULL; } $form_options[$key] = $value; } } // If the profile is not explicitly set, default to the 'minimal' for an issue-free config import. if (empty($profile) && drush_get_option('config-dir')) { $profile = 'minimal'; } drush_include_engine('drupal', 'site_install'); drush_core_site_install_version($profile, $form_options); // Post installation, run the configuration import. if ($config = drush_get_option('config-dir')) { // Set the destination site UUID to match the source UUID, to bypass a core fail-safe. $source_storage = new FileStorage($config); $options = ['yes' => TRUE]; drush_invoke_process('@self', 'config-set', array('system.site', 'uuid', $source_storage->read('system.site')['uuid']), $options); // Run a full configuration import. drush_invoke_process('@self', 'config-import', array(), array('source' => $config) + $options); } }