dirname($download_location), 'yes' => TRUE, 'package-handler' => 'wget', 'source' => $download['status url'], // This is only relevant for profiles, but we generally want the variant to // be 'profile-only' so we don't end up with extra copies of core. 'variant' => $type == 'core' ? 'full' : $download['variant'], 'cache' => TRUE, ); if ($type == 'core') { $options['drupal-project-rename'] = basename($download_location); } if (drush_get_option('no-cache', FALSE)) { unset($options['cache']); } $backend_options = array(); if (!drush_get_option(array('verbose', 'debug'), FALSE)) { $backend_options['integrate'] = TRUE; $backend_options['log'] = FALSE; } // Perform actual download with `drush pm-download`. $return = drush_invoke_process('@none', 'pm-download', array($full_project_version), $options, $backend_options); if (empty($return['error_log'])) { // @todo Report the URL we used for download. See // http://drupal.org/node/1452672. drush_log(dt('@project downloaded.', array('@project' => $full_project_version)), LogLevel::OK); } } /** * Downloads a file to the specified location. * * @return mixed * The destination directory on success, FALSE on failure. */ function make_download_file($name, $type, $download, $download_location, $cache_duration = DRUSH_CACHE_LIFETIME_DEFAULT) { if ($filename = _make_download_file($download['url'], $cache_duration)) { if (!drush_get_option('ignore-checksums') && !_make_verify_checksums($download, $filename)) { return FALSE; } drush_log(dt('@project downloaded from @url.', array('@project' => $name, '@url' => $download['url'])), LogLevel::OK); $download_filename = isset($download['filename']) ? $download['filename'] : ''; $subtree = isset($download['subtree']) ? $download['subtree'] : NULL; return make_download_file_unpack($filename, $download_location, $download_filename, $subtree); } make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to download @project from @url.', array('@project' => $name, '@url' => $download['url']))); return FALSE; } /** * Wrapper to drush_download_file(). * * @param string $download * The url of the file to download. * @param int $cache_duration * The time in seconds to cache the resultant download. * * @return string * The location of the downloaded file, or FALSE on failure. */ function _make_download_file($download, $cache_duration = DRUSH_CACHE_LIFETIME_DEFAULT) { if (drush_get_option('no-cache', FALSE)) { $cache_duration = 0; } $tmp_path = make_tmp(); // Ensure that we aren't including the querystring when generating a filename // to save our download to. $file = basename(current(explode('?', $download, 2))); return drush_download_file($download, $tmp_path . '/' . $file, $cache_duration); } /** * Unpacks a file to the specified download location. * * @return mixed * The download location on success, FALSE on failure. */ function make_download_file_unpack($filename, $download_location, $name, $subtree = NULL) { $success = FALSE; if (drush_file_is_tarball($filename)) { $tmp_location = drush_tempdir(); if (!drush_tarball_extract($filename, $tmp_location)) { return FALSE; } if ($subtree) { $tmp_location .= '/' . $subtree; if (!file_exists($tmp_location)) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_MAKE_SUBTREE_NOT_FOUND', dt('Directory !subtree not found within !file', array('!subtree' => $subtree, '!file' => $filename))); } } else { $files = scandir($tmp_location); unset($files[0]); // . directory unset($files[1]); // .. directory if ((count($files) == 1) && is_dir($tmp_location . '/' . current($files))) { $tmp_location .= '/' . current($files); } } $success = drush_move_dir($tmp_location, $download_location, TRUE); // Remove the tarball. if (file_exists($filename)) { drush_delete_dir($filename, TRUE); } } else { // If this is an individual file, and no filename has been specified, // assume the original name. if (is_file($filename) && !$name) { $name = basename($filename); } // The destination directory has already been created by // findDownloadLocation(). $destination = $download_location . ($name ? '/' . $name : ''); $success = drush_move_dir($filename, $destination, TRUE); } return $success ? $download_location : FALSE; } /** * Move a downloaded and unpacked file or directory into place. */ function _make_download_file_move($tmp_path, $filename, $download_location, $subtree = NULL) { $lines = drush_scan_directory($tmp_path, '/./', array('.', '..'), 0, FALSE, 'filename', 0, TRUE); $main_directory = basename($download_location); if (count($lines) == 1) { $directory = array_shift($lines); if ($directory->basename != $main_directory) { drush_move_dir($directory->filename, $tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $main_directory, TRUE); } drush_copy_dir($tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $main_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subtree, $download_location, FILE_EXISTS_OVERWRITE); drush_delete_dir($tmp_path, TRUE); } elseif (count($lines) > 1) { drush_delete_dir($download_location, TRUE); drush_move_dir($tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subtree, $download_location, TRUE); } // Remove the tarball. if (file_exists($filename)) { drush_delete_dir($filename, TRUE); } if (file_exists($tmp_path)) { drush_delete_dir($tmp_path, TRUE); } return TRUE; } /** * For backwards compatibility. */ function make_download_get($name, $type, $download, $download_location) { return make_download_file($name, $type, $download, $download_location); } /** * Copies a folder the specified location. * * @return mixed * The TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ function make_download_copy($name, $type, $download, $download_location) { if ($folder = _make_download_copy($download['url'])) { drush_log(dt('@project copied from @url.', array('@project' => $name, '@url' => $download['url'])), LogLevel::OK); return drush_copy_dir($folder, $download_location, FILE_EXISTS_OVERWRITE); } make_error('COPY_ERROR', dt('Unable to copy @project from @url.', array('@project' => $name, '@url' => $download['url']))); return FALSE; } /** * Wrapper to drush_download_copy(). * * @param string $folder * The location of the folder to copy. * * @return string * The location of the folder, or FALSE on failure. */ function _make_download_copy($folder) { if (substr($folder, 0, 7) == 'file://') { $folder = substr($folder, 7); } if (is_dir($folder)) { return $folder; } return FALSE; } /** * Checks out a git repository to the specified download location. * * Allowed parameters in $download, in order of precedence: * - 'tag' * - 'revision' * - 'branch' * * This will also attempt to write out release information to the * .info file if the 'no-gitinfofile' option is FALSE. If * $download['full_version'] is present, this will be used, otherwise, * version will be set in this order of precedence: * - 'tag' * - 'branch' * - 'revision' * * @return mixed * The download location on success, FALSE otherwise. */ function make_download_git($name, $type, $download, $download_location) { $tmp_path = make_tmp(); $wc = _get_working_copy_option($download); $checkout_after_clone = TRUE; // If no download URL specified, assume anonymous clone from git.drupal.org. $download['url'] = isset($download['url']) ? $download['url'] : "http://git.drupal.org/project/$name.git"; // If no working-copy download URL specified, assume it is the same. $download['wc_url'] = isset($download['wc_url']) ? $download['wc_url'] : $download['url']; // If not a working copy, and if --no-cache has not been explicitly // declared, create a new git reference cache of the remote repository, // or update the existing cache to fetch recent changes. // @see package_handler_download_project() $cache = !$wc && !drush_get_option('no-cache', FALSE); if ($cache && ($git_cache = drush_directory_cache('git'))) { $project_cache = $git_cache . '/' . $name . '-' . md5($download['url']); // Set up a new cache, if it doesn't exist. if (!file_exists($project_cache)) { $command = 'git clone --mirror'; if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_VERBOSE')) { $command .= ' --verbose --progress'; } $command .= ' %s %s'; drush_shell_cd_and_exec($git_cache, $command, $download['url'], $project_cache); } else { // Update the --mirror clone. drush_shell_cd_and_exec($project_cache, 'git remote update'); } $git_cache = $project_cache; } // Use working-copy download URL if --working-copy specified. $url = $wc ? $download['wc_url'] : $download['url']; $tmp_location = drush_tempdir() . '/' . basename($download_location); $command = 'git clone %s %s'; if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_VERBOSE')) { $command .= ' --verbose --progress'; } if ($cache) { $command .= ' --reference ' . drush_escapeshellarg($git_cache); } // the shallow clone option is only applicable to git entries which reference a tag or a branch if (drush_get_option('shallow-clone', FALSE) && (!empty($download['tag']) || !empty($download['branch']))) { $branch = (!empty($download['branch']) ? $download['branch'] : $download['tag']); $command .= " --depth=1 --branch=${branch}"; // since the shallow copy option automatically "checks out" the requested branch, no further // actions are needed after the clone command $checkout_after_clone = FALSE; } // Before we can checkout anything, we need to clone the repository. if (!drush_shell_exec($command, $url, $tmp_location)) { make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to clone @project from @url.', array('@project' => $name, '@url' => $url))); return FALSE; } drush_log(dt('@project cloned from @url.', array('@project' => $name, '@url' => $url)), LogLevel::OK); if ($checkout_after_clone) { // Get the current directory (so we can move back later). $cwd = getcwd(); // Change into the working copy of the cloned repo. chdir($tmp_location); // We want to use the most specific target possible, so first try a refspec. if (!empty($download['refspec'])) { if (drush_shell_exec("git fetch %s %s", $url, $download['refspec'])) { drush_log(dt("Fetched refspec !refspec.", array('!refspec' => $download['refspec'])), LogLevel::OK); if (drush_shell_exec("git checkout FETCH_HEAD")) { drush_log(dt("Checked out FETCH_HEAD."), LogLevel::INFO); } } else { make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt("Unable to fetch the refspec @refspec from @project.", array('@refspec' => $download['refspec'], '@project' => $name))); } } // If there wasn't a refspec, try a tag. elseif (!empty($download['tag'])) { // @TODO: change checkout to refs path. if (drush_shell_exec("git checkout %s", 'refs/tags/' . $download['tag'])) { drush_log(dt("Checked out tag @tag.", array('@tag' => $download['tag'])), LogLevel::OK); } else { make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt("Unable to check out tag @tag.", array('@tag' => $download['tag']))); } } // If there wasn't a tag, try a specific revision hash. elseif (!empty($download['revision'])) { if (drush_shell_exec("git checkout %s", $download['revision'])) { drush_log(dt("Checked out revision @revision.", array('@revision' => $download['revision'])), LogLevel::OK); } else { make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt("Unable to checkout revision @revision", array('@revision' => $download['revision']))); } } // If not, see if we at least have a branch. elseif (!empty($download['branch'])) { if (drush_shell_exec("git checkout %s", $download['branch']) && (trim(implode(drush_shell_exec_output())) != '')) { drush_log(dt("Checked out branch @branch.", array('@branch' => $download['branch'])), LogLevel::OK); } elseif (drush_shell_exec("git checkout -b %s %s", $download['branch'], 'origin/' . $download['branch'])) { drush_log(dt('Checked out branch origin/@branch.', array('@branch' => $download['branch'])), LogLevel::OK); } else { make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to check out branch @branch.', array('@branch' => $download['branch']))); } } if (!empty($download['submodule'])) { $command = 'git submodule update'; foreach ($download['submodule'] as $option) { $command .= ' --%s'; } if (call_user_func_array('drush_shell_exec', array_merge(array($command), $download['submodule']))) { drush_log(dt('Initialized registered submodules.'), LogLevel::OK); } else { make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to initialize submodules.')); } } // Move back to last current directory (first line). chdir($cwd); } // Move the directory into the final resting location. drush_copy_dir($tmp_location, $download_location, FILE_EXISTS_OVERWRITE); return dirname($tmp_location); } /** * Checks out a Bazaar repository to the specified download location. * * @return mixed * The download location on success, FALSE otherwise. */ function make_download_bzr($name, $type, $download, $download_location) { $tmp_path = make_tmp(); $tmp_location = drush_tempdir() . '/' . basename($download_location); $wc = _get_working_copy_option($download); if (!empty($download['url'])) { $args = array(); $command = 'bzr'; if ($wc) { $command .= ' branch --use-existing-dir'; } else { $command .= ' export'; } if (isset($download['revision'])) { $command .= ' -r %s'; $args[] = $download['revision']; } $command .= ' %s %s'; if ($wc) { $args[] = $download['url']; $args[] = $tmp_location; } else { $args[] = $tmp_location; $args[] = $download['url']; } array_unshift($args, $command); if (call_user_func_array('drush_shell_exec', $args)) { drush_log(dt('@project downloaded from @url.', array('@project' => $name, '@url' => $download['url'])), LogLevel::OK); drush_copy_dir($tmp_location, $download_location, FILE_EXISTS_OVERWRITE); return dirname($download_location); } } else { $download['url'] = dt("unspecified location"); } make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to download @project from @url.', array('@project' => $name, '@url' => $download['url']))); drush_delete_dir(dirname($tmp_location), TRUE); return FALSE; } /** * Checks out an SVN repository to the specified download location. * * @return mixed * The download location on success, FALSE otherwise. */ function make_download_svn($name, $type, $download, $download_location) { $wc = _get_working_copy_option($download); if (!empty($download['url'])) { if (!empty($download['interactive'])) { $function = 'drush_shell_exec_interactive'; } else { $options = ' --non-interactive'; $function = 'drush_shell_exec'; } if (!isset($download['force']) || $download['force']) { $options = ' --force'; } if ($wc) { $command = 'svn' . $options . ' checkout'; } else { $command = 'svn' . $options . ' export'; } $args = array(); if (isset($download['revision'])) { $command .= ' -r%s'; $args[] = $download['revision']; } $command .= ' %s %s'; $args[] = $download['url']; $args[] = $download_location; if (!empty($download['username'])) { $command .= ' --username %s'; $args[] = $download['username']; if (!empty($download['password'])) { $command .= ' --password %s'; $args[] = $download['password']; } } array_unshift($args, $command); $result = call_user_func_array($function, $args); if ($result) { $args = array( '@project' => $name, '@command' => $command, '@url' => $download['url'], ); drush_log(dt('@project @command from @url.', $args), LogLevel::OK); return $download_location; } else { $download['url'] = dt("unspecified location"); } } else { make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to download @project from @url.', array('@project' => $name, '@url' => $download['url']))); return FALSE; } } /** * Test that any supplied hash values match the hash of the file content. * * Unsupported hash algorithms are reported as failure. */ function _make_verify_checksums($info, $filename) { $hash_algos = array('md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512'); // We only have something to do if a key is an // available function. if (array_intersect(array_keys($info), $hash_algos)) { $content = file_get_contents($filename); foreach ($hash_algos as $algo) { if (!empty($info[$algo])) { $hash = _make_hash($algo, $content); if ($hash !== $info[$algo]) { $args = array( '@algo' => $algo, '@file' => basename($filename), '@expected' => $info[$algo], '@hash' => $hash, ); make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Checksum @algo verification failed for @file. Expected @expected, received @hash.', $args)); return FALSE; } } } } return TRUE; } /** * Calculate the hash of a string for a given algorithm. */ function _make_hash($algo, $string) { switch ($algo) { case 'md5': return md5($string); case 'sha1': return sha1($string); default: return function_exists('hash') ? hash($algo, $string) : ''; } }