$value) { $this->{$key} = $value; } if (!empty($this->options['working-copy'])) { $this->download['working-copy'] = TRUE; } // Don't recurse when we're using a pre-built profile tarball. if ($this->variant == 'projects') { $this->do_recursion = FALSE; } } /** * Get an instance for the type and project. * * @param string $type * Type of project: core, library, module, profile, or translation. * @param array $project * Project information. * * @return mixed * An instance for the project or FALSE if invalid type. */ public static function getInstance($type, $project) { if (!isset(self::$self[$type][$project['name']])) { $class = 'DrushMakeProject_' . $type; self::$self[$type][$project['name']] = class_exists($class) ? new $class($project) : FALSE; } return self::$self[$type][$project['name']]; } /** * Set the manifest array. * * @param array $manifest * An array of projects as generated by `make_projects`. */ public function setManifest($manifest) { $this->manifest = $manifest; } /** * Download a project. */ function download() { $this->downloaded = TRUE; // In some cases, make_download_factory() is going to need to know the // full version string of the project we're trying to download. However, // the version is a project-level attribute, not a download-level // attribute. So, if we don't already have a full version string in the // download array (e.g. if it was initialized via the release history XML // for the PM case), we take the version info from the project-level // attribute, convert it into a full version string, and stuff it into // $this->download so that the download backend has access to it, too. if (!empty($this->version) && empty($this->download['full_version'])) { $full_version = ''; $matches = array(); // Core needs different conversion rules than contrib. if (!empty($this->type) && $this->type == 'core') { // Generally, the version for core is already set properly. $full_version = $this->version; // However, it might just be something like '7' or '7.x', in which // case we need to turn that into '7.x-dev'; if (preg_match('/^\d+(\.x)?$/', $this->version, $matches)) { // If there's no '.x' already, append it. if (empty($matches[1])) { $full_version .= '.x'; } $full_version .= '-dev'; } } // Contrib. else { // If the version doesn't already define a core version, prepend it. if (!preg_match('/^\d+\.x-\d+.*$/', $this->version)) { // Just find the major version from $this->core so we don't end up // with version strings like '7.12-2.0'. $core_parts = explode('.', $this->core); $full_version = $core_parts[0] . '.x-'; } $full_version .= $this->version; // If the project-level version attribute is just a number it's a major // version. if (preg_match('/^\d+(\.x)?$/', $this->version, $matches)) { // If there's no '.x' already, append it. if (empty($matches[1])) { $full_version .= '.x'; } $full_version .= '-dev'; } } $this->download['full_version'] = $full_version; } $this->download['variant'] = $this->variant; if (make_download_factory($this->name, $this->type, $this->download, $this->download_location) === FALSE) { $this->downloaded = FALSE; } return $this->downloaded; } /** * Build a project. */ function make() { if ($this->made) { drush_log(dt('Attempt to build project @project more then once prevented.', array('@project' => $this->name))); return TRUE; } $this->made = TRUE; if (!isset($this->download_location)) { $this->download_location = $this->findDownloadLocation(); } if ($this->download() === FALSE) { return FALSE; } if (!$this->addLockfile($this->download_location)) { return FALSE; } if (!$this->applyPatches($this->download_location)) { return FALSE; } if (!$this->getTranslations($this->download_location)) { return FALSE; } // Handle .info file re-writing (if so desired). if (!drush_get_option('no-gitinfofile', FALSE) && isset($this->download['type']) && $this->download['type'] == 'git') { $this->processGitInfoFiles(); } // Clean-up .git directories. if (!_get_working_copy_option($this->download)) { $this->removeGitDirectory(); } if (!$this->recurse($this->download_location)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Determine the location to download project to. */ function findDownloadLocation() { $this->path = $this->generatePath(); $this->project_directory = !empty($this->directory_name) ? $this->directory_name : $this->name; $this->download_location = $this->path . '/' . $this->project_directory; // This directory shouldn't exist yet -- if it does, stop, // unless overwrite has been set to TRUE. if (is_dir($this->download_location) && !$this->overwrite) { return drush_set_error('MAKE_DIRECTORY_EXISTS', dt('Directory not empty: !directory', array('!directory' => $this->download_location))); } elseif ($this->download['type'] === 'pm') { // pm-download will create the final contrib directory. drush_mkdir(dirname($this->download_location)); } else { drush_mkdir($this->download_location); } return $this->download_location; } /** * Rewrite relative URLs and file:/// URLs * * relative path -> absolute path using the make_directory * local file:/// urls -> local paths * * @param mixed &$info * Either an array or a simple url string. The `$info` variable will be * transformed into an array. */ protected function preprocessLocalFileUrl(&$info) { if (is_string($info)) { $info = array('url' => $info, 'local' => FALSE); } if (!_drush_is_url($info['url']) && !drush_is_absolute_path($info['url'])) { $info['url'] = $this->make_directory . '/' . $info['url']; $info['local'] = TRUE; } elseif (substr($info['url'], 0, 8) == 'file:///') { $info['url'] = substr($info['url'], 7); $info['local'] = TRUE; } } /** * Retrieve and apply any patches specified by the makefile to this project. */ function applyPatches($project_directory) { if (empty($this->patch)) { return TRUE; } $patches_txt = ''; $local_patches = array(); $ignore_checksums = drush_get_option('ignore-checksums'); foreach ($this->patch as $info) { $this->preprocessLocalFileUrl($info); // Download the patch. if ($filename = _make_download_file($info['url'])) { $patched = FALSE; $output = ''; // Test each patch style; -p1 is the default with git. See // http://drupal.org/node/1054616 $patch_levels = array('-p1', '-p0'); foreach ($patch_levels as $patch_level) { $checked = drush_shell_cd_and_exec($project_directory, 'git --git-dir=. apply --check %s %s --verbose', $patch_level, $filename); if ($checked) { // Apply the first successful style. $patched = drush_shell_cd_and_exec($project_directory, 'git --git-dir=. apply %s %s --verbose', $patch_level, $filename); break; } } // In some rare cases, git will fail to apply a patch, fallback to using // the 'patch' command. if (!$patched) { foreach ($patch_levels as $patch_level) { // --no-backup-if-mismatch here is a hack that fixes some // differences between how patch works on windows and unix. if ($patched = drush_shell_exec("patch %s --no-backup-if-mismatch -d %s < %s", $patch_level, $project_directory, $filename)) { break; } } } if ($output = drush_shell_exec_output()) { // Log any command output, visible only in --verbose or --debug mode. drush_log(implode("\n", $output)); } // Set up string placeholders to pass to dt(). $dt_args = array( '@name' => $this->name, '@filename' => basename($filename), ); if ($patched) { if (!$ignore_checksums && !_make_verify_checksums($info, $filename)) { return FALSE; } $patch_url = $info['url']; // If this is a local patch, copy that into place as well. if ($info['local']) { $local_patches[] = $info['url']; // Use a local path for the PATCHES.txt file. $pathinfo = pathinfo($patch_url); $patch_url = $pathinfo['basename']; } $patches_txt .= '- ' . $patch_url . "\n"; drush_log(dt('@name patched with @filename.', $dt_args), LogLevel::OK); } else { make_error('PATCH_ERROR', dt("Unable to patch @name with @filename.", $dt_args)); } drush_op('unlink', $filename); } else { make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', 'Unable to download ' . $info['url'] . '.'); return FALSE; } } if (!empty($patches_txt) && !drush_get_option('no-patch-txt') && !file_exists($project_directory . '/PATCHES.txt')) { $patches_txt = "The following patches have been applied to this project:\n" . $patches_txt . "\nThis file was automatically generated by Drush Make (http://drupal.org/project/drush).\n"; file_put_contents($project_directory . '/PATCHES.txt', $patches_txt); drush_log('Generated PATCHES.txt file for ' . $this->name, LogLevel::OK); // Copy local patches into place. foreach ($local_patches as $url) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($url); drush_copy_dir($url, $project_directory . '/' . $pathinfo['basename']); } } return TRUE; } /** * Process info files when downloading things from git. */ function processGitInfoFiles() { // Bail out if this isn't hosted on Drupal.org (unless --force-gitinfofile option was specified). if (!drush_get_option('force-gitinfofile', FALSE) && isset($this->download['url']) && strpos($this->download['url'], 'drupal.org') === FALSE) { return; } // Figure out the proper version string to use based on the .make file. // Best case is the .make file author told us directly. if (!empty($this->download['full_version'])) { $full_version = $this->download['full_version']; } // Next best is if we have a tag, since those are identical to versions. elseif (!empty($this->download['tag'])) { $full_version = $this->download['tag']; } // If we have a branch, append '-dev'. elseif (!empty($this->download['branch'])) { $full_version = $this->download['branch'] . '-dev'; } // Ugh. Not sure what else we can do in this case. elseif (!empty($this->download['revision'])) { $full_version = $this->download['revision']; } // Probably can never reach this case. else { $full_version = 'unknown'; } // If the version string ends in '.x-dev' do the Git magic to figure out // the appropriate 'rebuild version' string, e.g. '7.x-1.2+7-dev'. $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/^(.+).x-dev$/', $full_version, $matches)) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../pm/package_handler/git_drupalorg.inc'; $rebuild_version = drush_pm_git_drupalorg_compute_rebuild_version($this->download_location, $matches[1]); if ($rebuild_version) { $full_version = $rebuild_version; } } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../pm/pm.drush.inc'; if (drush_shell_cd_and_exec($this->download_location, 'git log -1 --pretty=format:%ct')) { $output = drush_shell_exec_output(); $datestamp = $output[0]; } else { $datestamp = time(); } drush_pm_inject_info_file_metadata($this->download_location, $this->name, $full_version, $datestamp); } /** * Remove the .git directory from a project. */ function removeGitDirectory() { if (isset($this->download['type']) && $this->download['type'] == 'git' && file_exists($this->download_location . '/.git')) { drush_delete_dir($this->download_location . '/.git', TRUE); } } /** * Add a lock file. */ function addLockfile($project_directory) { if (!empty($this->lock)) { file_put_contents($project_directory . '/.drush-lock-update', $this->lock); } return TRUE; } /** * Retrieve translations for this project. */ function getTranslations($project_directory) { static $cache = array(); $langcodes = $this->translations; if ($langcodes && in_array($this->type, array('core', 'module', 'profile', 'theme'), TRUE)) { // Support the l10n_path, l10n_url keys from l10n_update. Note that the // l10n_server key is not supported. if (isset($this->l10n_path)) { $update_url = $this->l10n_path; } else { if (isset($this->l10n_url)) { $l10n_server = $this->l10n_url; } else { $l10n_server = FALSE; } if ($l10n_server) { if (!isset($cache[$l10n_server])) { $this->preprocessLocalFileUrl($l10n_server); $l10n_server = $l10n_server['url']; if ($filename = _make_download_file($l10n_server)) { $server_info = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($filename)); $cache[$l10n_server] = !empty($server_info->update_url) ? $server_info->update_url : FALSE; } } if ($cache[$l10n_server]) { $update_url = $cache[$l10n_server]; } else { make_error('XML_ERROR', dt("Could not retrieve l10n update url for !project.", array('!project' => $this->name))); return FALSE; } } } if ($update_url) { $failed = array(); foreach ($langcodes as $langcode) { $variables = array( '%project' => $this->name, '%release' => $this->download['full_version'], '%core' => $this->core, '%language' => $langcode, '%filename' => '%filename', ); $url = strtr($update_url, $variables); // Download the translation file. Since its contents are volatile, // cache for only 4 hours. if ($filename = _make_download_file($url, 3600 * 4)) { // If this is the core project type, download the translation file // and place it in every profile and an additional copy in // modules/system/translations where it can be detected for import // by other non-default install profiles. if ($this->type === 'core') { $profiles = drush_scan_directory($project_directory . '/profiles', '/.*/', array(), 0, FALSE, 'filename', 0, TRUE); foreach ($profiles as $profile) { if (is_dir($project_directory . '/profiles/' . $profile->basename)) { drush_mkdir($project_directory . '/profiles/' . $profile->basename . '/translations'); drush_copy_dir($filename, $project_directory . '/profiles/' . $profile->basename . '/translations/' . $langcode . '.po'); } } drush_mkdir($project_directory . '/modules/system/translations'); drush_copy_dir($filename, $project_directory . '/modules/system/translations/' . $langcode . '.po'); } else { drush_mkdir($project_directory . '/translations'); drush_copy_dir($filename, $project_directory . '/translations/' . $langcode . '.po', FILE_EXISTS_OVERWRITE); } } else { $failed[] = $langcode; } } if (empty($failed)) { drush_log('All translations downloaded for ' . $this->name, LogLevel::OK); } else { drush_log('Unable to download translations for ' . $this->name . ': ' . implode(', ', $failed), LogLevel::WARNING); } } } return TRUE; } /** * Generate the proper path for this project type. * * @param boolean $base * Whether include the base part (tmp dir). Defaults to TRUE. */ protected function generatePath($base = TRUE) { $path = array(); if ($base) { $path[] = make_tmp(); $path[] = '__build__'; } if (!empty($this->contrib_destination)) { $path[] = $this->contrib_destination; } if (!empty($this->subdir)) { $path[] = $this->subdir; } return implode('/', $path); } /** * Return the proper path for dependencies to be placed in. * * @return string * The path that dependencies will be placed in. */ protected function buildPath($directory) { return $this->base_contrib_destination; } /** * Recurse to process additional makefiles that may be found during * processing. */ function recurse($path) { if (!$this->do_recursion || drush_get_option('no-recursion')) { drush_log(dt("Preventing recursive makefile parsing for !project", array("!project" => $this->name)), LogLevel::NOTICE); return TRUE; } $candidates = array( $this->name . '.make.yml', $this->name . '.make', 'drupal-org.make.yml', 'drupal-org.make', ); $makefile = FALSE; foreach ($candidates as $filename) { if (file_exists($this->download_location . '/' . $filename)) { $makefile = $this->download_location . '/' . $filename; break; } } if (!$makefile) { return TRUE; } drush_log(dt("Found makefile: !makefile", array("!makefile" => basename($makefile))), LogLevel::OK); // Save the original state of the 'custom' context. $custom_context = &drush_get_context('custom'); $original_custom_context_values = $custom_context; $info = make_parse_info_file($makefile, TRUE, $this->options); if (!($info = make_validate_info_file($info))) { $result = FALSE; } else { // Inherit the translations specified in the extender makefile. if (!empty($this->translations)) { $info['translations'] = $this->translations; } // Strip out any modules that have already been processed before this. foreach ($this->manifest as $name) { unset($info['projects'][$name]); } $build_path = $this->buildPath($this->name); make_projects(TRUE, trim($build_path, '/'), $info, $this->build_path, $this->download_location); make_libraries(TRUE, trim($build_path, '/'), $info, $this->build_path, $this->download_location); $result = TRUE; } // Restore original 'custom' context so that any // settings changes made are used. $custom_context = $original_custom_context_values; return $result; } } /** * For processing Drupal core projects. */ class DrushMakeProject_Core extends DrushMakeProject { /** * Override constructor for core to adjust project info. */ protected function __construct(&$project) { parent::__construct($project); // subdir and contrib_destination are not allowed for core. $this->subdir = ''; $this->contrib_destination = ''; } /** * Determine the location to download project to. */ function findDownloadLocation() { $this->path = $this->download_location = $this->generatePath(); $this->project_directory = ''; if (is_dir($this->download_location)) { return drush_set_error('MAKE_DIRECTORY_EXISTS', dt('Directory not empty: !directory', array('!directory' => $this->download_location))); } elseif ($this->download['type'] === 'pm') { // pm-download will create the final __build__ directory, so nothing to do // here. } else { drush_mkdir($this->download_location); } return $this->download_location; } } /** * For processing libraries. */ class DrushMakeProject_Library extends DrushMakeProject { /** * Override constructor for libraries to properly set contrib destination. */ protected function __construct(&$project) { parent::__construct($project); // Allow libraries to specify where they should live in the build path. if (isset($project['destination'])) { $project_path = $project['destination']; } else { $project_path = 'libraries'; } $this->contrib_destination = ($this->base_contrib_destination != '.' ? $this->base_contrib_destination . '/' : '') . $project_path; } /** * No recursion for libraries, sorry :-( */ function recurse($path) { // Return TRUE so that processing continues in the make() method. return TRUE; } /** * No translations for libraries. */ function getTranslations($download_location) { // Return TRUE so that processing continues in the make() method. return TRUE; } } /** * For processing modules. */ class DrushMakeProject_Module extends DrushMakeProject { /** * Override constructor for modules to properly set contrib destination. */ protected function __construct(&$project) { parent::__construct($project); $this->contrib_destination = ($this->base_contrib_destination != '.' ? $this->base_contrib_destination . '/' : '') . 'modules'; } } /** * For processing installation profiles. */ class DrushMakeProject_Profile extends DrushMakeProject { /** * Override contructor for installation profiles to properly set contrib * destination. */ protected function __construct(&$project) { parent::__construct($project); $this->contrib_destination = (!empty($this->destination) ? $this->destination : 'profiles'); } /** * Find the build path. */ protected function buildPath($directory) { return $this->generatePath(FALSE) . '/' . $directory; } } /** * For processing themes. */ class DrushMakeProject_Theme extends DrushMakeProject { /** * Override contructor for themes to properly set contrib destination. */ protected function __construct(&$project) { parent::__construct($project); $this->contrib_destination = ($this->base_contrib_destination != '.' ? $this->base_contrib_destination . '/' : '') . 'themes'; } } /** * For processing translations. */ class DrushMakeProject_Translation extends DrushMakeProject { /** * Override constructor for translations to properly set contrib destination. */ protected function __construct(&$project) { parent::__construct($project); switch ($project['core']) { case '5.x': // Don't think there's an automatic place we can put 5.x translations, // so we'll toss them in a translations directory in the Drupal root. $this->contrib_destination = ($this->base_contrib_destination != '.' ? $this->base_contrib_destination . '/' : '') . 'translations'; break; default: $this->contrib_destination = ''; break; } } }