simplifyOutput($this->getOutput()); } /** * Returns a simplified version of the error output to facilitate testing. * * @return string * A simplified version of the error output that has things like full * paths and superfluous whitespace removed from it. */ protected function getSimplifiedErrorOutput() { return $this->simplifyOutput($this->getErrorOutput()); } /** * Remove things like full paths and extra whitespace from the given string. * * @param string $output * The output string to simplify. * * @return string * The simplified output. */ protected function simplifyOutput($output) { // We do not care if Drush inserts a -t or not in the string. Depends on whether there is a tty. $output = preg_replace('# -t #', ' ', $output); // Remove double spaces from output to help protect test from false negatives if spacing changes subtlely $output = preg_replace('# *#', ' ', $output); // Remove leading and trailing spaces. $output = preg_replace('#^ *#m', '', $output); $output = preg_replace('# *$#m', '', $output); // Debug flags may be added to command strings if we are in debug mode. Take those out so that tests in phpunit --debug mode work $output = preg_replace('# --debug #', ' ', $output); $output = preg_replace('# --verbose #', ' ', $output); // Get rid of any full paths in the output $output = str_replace(__DIR__, '__DIR__', $output); $output = str_replace(self::getSandbox(), '__SANDBOX__', $output); $output = str_replace(self::getSut(), '__SUT__', $output); return $output; } /** * Accessor for the last output, trimmed. * * @return string * Trimmed output as text. * * @access public */ public function getOutput() { return trim($this->getOutputRaw()); } /** * Accessor for the last output, non-trimmed. * * @return string * Raw output as text. * * @access public */ public function getOutputRaw() { return $this->process ? $this->process->getOutput() : ''; } /** * Accessor for the last output, rtrimmed and split on newlines. * * @return array * Output as array of lines. * * @access public */ public function getOutputAsList() { return array_map('rtrim', explode("\n", $this->getOutput())); } /** * Accessor for the last stderr output, trimmed. * * @return string * Trimmed stderr as text. * * @access public */ public function getErrorOutput() { return trim($this->getErrorOutputRaw()); } /** * Accessor for the last stderr output, non-trimmed. * * @return string * Raw stderr as text. * * @access public */ public function getErrorOutputRaw() { return $this->process ? $this->process->getErrorOutput() : ''; } /** * Accessor for the last stderr output, rtrimmed and split on newlines. * * @return array * Stderr as array of lines. * * @access public */ public function getErrorOutputAsList() { return array_map('rtrim', explode("\n", $this->getErrorOutput())); } /** * Accessor for the last output, decoded from json. * * @param string $key * Optionally return only a top level element from the json object. * * @return object * Decoded object. */ public function getOutputFromJSON($key = null) { $json = json_decode($this->getOutput()); if (isset($key)) { $json = $json->{$key}; // } return $json; } /** * Actually runs the command. * * @param string $command * The actual command line to run. * @param integer $expected_return * The return code to expect * @param sting cd * The directory to run the command in. * @param array $env * @todo: Not fully implemented yet. Inheriting environment is hard - * @see drush_env(). * Extra environment variables. * @param string $input * A string representing the STDIN that is piped to the command. * @return integer * Exit code. Usually self::EXIT_ERROR or self::EXIT_SUCCESS. */ public function execute($command, $expected_return = self::EXIT_SUCCESS, $cd = null, $env = null, $input = null) { $return = 1; $this->tick(); // Apply the environment variables we need for our test to the head of the // command (excludes Windows). Process does have an $env argument, but it replaces the entire // environment with the one given. This *could* be used for ensuring the // test ran with a clean environment, but it also makes tests fail hard on // Travis, for unknown reasons. // @see $prefix = ''; if ($env && !$this->isWindows()) { foreach ($env as $env_name => $env_value) { $prefix .= $env_name . '=' . self::escapeshellarg($env_value) . ' '; } } $this->log("Executing: $command", 'verbose'); try { // Process uses a default timeout of 60 seconds, set it to 0 (none). $this->process = new Process($command, $cd, null, $input, 0); if (!getenv('UNISH_NO_TIMEOUTS')) { $this->process->setTimeout($this->timeout) ->setIdleTimeout($this->idleTimeout); } $return = $this->process->run(); if ($expected_return !== $return) { $message = 'Unexpected exit code ' . $return . ' (expected ' . $expected_return . ") for command:\n" . $command; throw new UnishProcessFailedError($message, $this->process); } // Reset timeouts to default. $this->timeout = $this->defaultTimeout; $this->idleTimeout = $this->defaultIdleTimeout; return $return; } catch (ProcessTimedOutException $e) { if ($e->isGeneralTimeout()) { $message = 'Command runtime exceeded ' . $this->timeout . " seconds:\n" . $command; } else { $message = 'Command had no output for ' . $this->idleTimeout . " seconds:\n" . $command; } throw new UnishProcessFailedError($message, $this->process); } } /** * Invoke drush in via execute(). * * @param command * A defined drush command such as 'cron', 'status' or any of the available ones such as 'drush pm'. * @param args * Command arguments. * @param $options * An associative array containing options. * @param $site_specification * A site alias or site specification. Include the '@' at start of a site alias. * @param $cd * A directory to change into before executing. * @param $expected_return * The expected exit code. Usually self::EXIT_ERROR or self::EXIT_SUCCESS. * @param $suffix * Any code to append to the command. For example, redirection like 2>&1. * @param array $env * Not used. Environment variables to pass along to the subprocess. * @todo Look into inheritEnvironmentVariables() - available since Process 3.1. See * @return integer * An exit code. */ public function drush($command, array $args = [], array $options = [], $site_specification = null, $cd = null, $expected_return = self::EXIT_SUCCESS, $suffix = null, $env = []) { // cd is added for the benefit of siteSshTest which tests a strict command. $global_option_list = ['simulate', 'root', 'uri', 'include', 'config', 'alias-path', 'ssh-options', 'backend', 'cd']; $options += ['uri' => 'dev']; // Default value. $hide_stderr = false; $cmd[] = self::getDrush(); // Insert global options. foreach ($options as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $global_option_list)) { unset($options[$key]); if ($key == 'backend') { $hide_stderr = true; $value = null; } if ($key == 'uri' && $value == 'OMIT') { continue; } if (!isset($value)) { $cmd[] = "--$key"; } else { $cmd[] = "--$key=" . self::escapeshellarg($value); } } } if ($level = $this->logLevel()) { $cmd[] = '--' . $level; } $cmd[] = "--no-interaction"; // Insert code coverage argument before command, in order for it to be // parsed as a global option. This matters for commands like ssh and rsync // where options after the command are passed along to external commands. $result = $this->getTestResultObject(); if ($result->getCollectCodeCoverageInformation()) { $coverage_file = tempnam($this->getTmp(), 'drush_coverage'); if ($coverage_file) { $cmd[] = "--drush-coverage=" . $coverage_file; } } // Insert site specification and drush command. $cmd[] = empty($site_specification) ? null : self::escapeshellarg($site_specification); $cmd[] = $command; // Insert drush command arguments. foreach ($args as $arg) { $cmd[] = self::escapeshellarg($arg); } // insert drush command options foreach ($options as $key => $value) { if (!isset($value)) { $cmd[] = "--$key"; } else { $cmd[] = "--$key=" . self::escapeshellarg($value); } } $cmd[] = $suffix; if ($hide_stderr) { $cmd[] = '2>' . $this->bitBucket(); } $exec = array_filter($cmd, 'strlen'); // Remove NULLs // Set sendmail_path to 'true' to disable any outgoing emails // that tests might cause Drupal to send. $php_options = (array_key_exists('PHP_OPTIONS', $env)) ? $env['PHP_OPTIONS'] . " " : ""; // @todo The PHP Options below are not yet honored by execute(). See .travis.yml for an alternative way. $env['PHP_OPTIONS'] = "${php_options}-d sendmail_path='true'"; $cmd = implode(' ', $exec); $return = $this->execute($cmd, $expected_return, $cd, $env); // Save code coverage information. if (!empty($coverage_file)) { $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($coverage_file)); unlink($coverage_file); // Save for appending after the test finishes. $this->coverage_data[] = $data; } return $return; } /** * Override the run method, so we can add in our code coverage data after the * test has run. * * We have to collect all coverage data, merge them and append them as one, to * avoid having phpUnit duplicating the test function as many times as drush * has been invoked. * * Runs the test case and collects the results in a TestResult object. * If no TestResult object is passed a new one will be created. * * @param \PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult * @throws \PHPUnit_Framework_Exception */ public function run(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result = null) { $result = parent::run($result); $data = []; foreach ($this->coverage_data as $merge_data) { foreach ($merge_data as $file => $lines) { if (!isset($data[$file])) { $data[$file] = $lines; } else { foreach ($lines as $num => $executed) { if (!isset($data[$file][$num])) { $data[$file][$num] = $executed; } else { $data[$file][$num] = ($executed == 1 ? $executed : $data[$file][$num]); } } } } } // Reset coverage data. $this->coverage_data = []; if (!empty($data)) { $result->getCodeCoverage()->append($data, $this); } return $result; } /** * A slightly less functional copy of drush_backend_parse_output(). */ public function parseBackendOutput($string) { $regex = sprintf(self::getBackendOutputDelimiter(), '(.*)'); preg_match("/$regex/s", $string, $match); if (isset($match[1])) { // we have our JSON encoded string $output = $match[1]; // remove the match we just made and any non printing characters $string = trim(str_replace(sprintf(self::getBackendOutputDelimiter(), $match[1]), '', $string)); } if (!empty($output)) { $data = json_decode($output, true); if (is_array($data)) { return $data; } } return $string; } /** * Ensure that an expected log message appears in the Drush log. * * $this->drush('command', array(), array('backend' => NULL)); * $parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput()); * $this->assertLogHasMessage($parsed['log'], "Expected message", 'debug') * * @param $log Parsed log entries from backend invoke * @param $message The expected message that must be contained in * some log entry's 'message' field. Substrings will match. * @param $logType The type of log message to look for; all other * types are ignored. If FALSE (the default), then all log types * will be searched. */ public function assertLogHasMessage($log, $message, $logType = false) { foreach ($log as $entry) { if (!$logType || ($entry['type'] == $logType)) { $logMessage = $this->getLogMessage($entry); if (strpos($logMessage, $message) !== false) { return true; } } } $this->fail("Could not find expected message in log: " . $message); } protected function getLogMessage($entry) { return $this->interpolate($entry['message'], $entry); } protected function interpolate($message, array $context) { // build a replacement array with braces around the context keys $replace = []; foreach ($context as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val) && (!is_object($val) || method_exists($val, '__toString'))) { $replace[sprintf('{%s}', $key)] = $val; } } // interpolate replacement values into the message and return return strtr($message, $replace); } public function drushMajorVersion() { static $major; if (!isset($major)) { $this->drush('version', [], ['field' => 'drush-version']); $version = trim($this->getOutput()); list($major) = explode('.', $version); } return (int)$major; } protected function assertOutputEquals($expected, $filter = '') { $output = $this->getSimplifiedOutput(); if (!empty($filter)) { $output = preg_replace($filter, '', $output); } $this->assertEquals($expected, $output); } /** * Checks that the error output matches the expected output. * * This matches against a simplified version of the actual output that has * absolute paths and duplicate whitespace removed, to avoid false negatives * on minor differences. * * @param string $expected * The expected output. * @param string $filter * Optional regular expression that should be ignored in the error output. */ protected function assertErrorOutputEquals($expected, $filter = '') { $output = $this->getSimplifiedErrorOutput(); if (!empty($filter)) { $output = preg_replace($filter, '', $output); } $this->assertEquals($expected, $output); } }