getSites()) { $this->setUpDrupal(2, true); } } /** * Test drush rsync --simulate. */ public function testRsyncSimulated() { if ($this->isWindows()) { $this->markTestSkipped('rsync command not currently available on Windows.'); } $options = [ 'simulate' => null, 'alias-path' => __DIR__ . '/resources/alias-fixtures', ]; // Test simulated simple rsync with two local sites $this->drush('rsync', ['@example.stage', ''], $options, null, null, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1'); $expected = "Calling system(rsync -e 'ssh ' -akz /path/to/stage /path/to/dev);"; $this->assertOutputEquals($expected); // Test simulated rsync with relative paths $this->drush('rsync', ['', '@example.stage:files'], $options, null, null, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1'); $expected = "Calling system(rsync -e 'ssh ' -akz /path/to/dev/files /path/to/stage/files);"; $this->assertOutputEquals($expected); // Test simulated rsync on local machine with a remote target $this->drush('rsync', ['', ''], $options, null, null, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1'); $expected = "Calling system(rsync -e 'ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=example' -akz /path/to/dev/files;"; $this->assertOutputEquals($expected); // Test simulated backend invoke. // Note that command-specific options are not processed for remote // targets. The aliases are not interpreted at all until they recache // the remote side, at which point they will be evaluated & any needed // injection will be done. $this->drush('rsync', ['', '@example.stage'], $options, 'user@server/path/to/drupal#sitename', null, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1'); $expected = "Simulating backend invoke: ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no user@server 'drush --root=/path/to/drupal --uri=sitename --no-interaction rsync '\'''\'' '\''@example.stage'\'' 2>&1' 2>&1"; $this->assertOutputEquals($expected, '# --alias-path=[^ ]*#'); } public function testRsyncPathAliases() { $aliases = $this->getAliases(); $source_alias = array_shift($aliases); $target_alias = current($aliases); $options = [ 'yes' => null, 'alias-path' => __DIR__ . '/resources/alias-fixtures', ]; $source = $this->webroot() . '/sites/dev/files/a'; $target = $this->webroot() . '/sites/stage/files/b'; @mkdir($source); @mkdir($target); $source_file = "$source/example.txt"; $target_file = "$target/example.txt"; // Delete target file just to be sure that we are running a clean test. if (file_exists($target_file)) { unlink($target_file); } // Create something on the dev site at $source for us to copy $test_data = "This is my test data"; file_put_contents($source_file, $test_data); // We just deleted it -- should be missing $this->assertFileNotExists($target_file); $this->assertFileExists($source_file); // Test an actual rsync between our two fixture sites. Note that // these sites share the same web root. $this->drush('rsync', ["$source_alias:%files/a/", "$target_alias:%files/b"], $options, null, null, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1'); $this->assertContains('You will delete files in', $this->getOutput()); // Test to see if our fixture file now exists at $target $this->assertFileExists($target_file); $this->assertStringEqualsFile($target_file, $test_data); } /** * Test to see if rsync @site:%files calculates the %files path correctly. * This tests the non-optimized code path. The optimized code path (direct * call to Drush API functions rather than an `exec`) has not been implemented. */ public function testRsyncAndPercentFiles() { $site = current($this->getAliases()); $uri = $this->getUri(); $options['simulate'] = null; $this->drush('core-rsync', ["$site:%files", "/tmp"], $options, null, null, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1;'); $output = $this->getOutput(); $level = $this->logLevel(); $pattern = in_array($level, ['verbose', 'debug']) ? "Calling system(rsync -e 'ssh ' -akzv --stats --progress %s /tmp);" : "Calling system(rsync -e 'ssh ' -akz %s /tmp);"; $expected = sprintf($pattern, $this->webroot(). "/sites/$uri/files/"); $this->assertEquals($expected, $output); } }