makefile_path = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'makefiles'; } /** * Run a given makefile test. * * @param $test * The test makefile to run, as defined by $this->getMakefile(); */ private function runMakefileTest($test) { $default_options = array( 'test' => NULL, 'md5' => 'print', ); $config = $this->getMakefile($test); $options = array_merge($config['options'], $default_options); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['makefile']; $return = !empty($config['fail']) ? self::EXIT_ERROR : self::EXIT_SUCCESS; $this->drush('make', array($makefile), $options, NULL, NULL, $return); // Check the log for the build hash if this test should pass. if (empty($config['fail'])) { $output = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertContains($config['md5'], $output, $config['name'] . ' - build md5 matches expected value: ' . $config['md5']); } } function getMakefile($key) { static $tests; $tests = $this->listMakefileTests(); return $tests[$key]; } function listMakefileTests() { $tests = array( 'bzr' => array( 'name' => 'Bzr', 'makefile' => 'bzr.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '272e2b9bb27794c54396f2f03c159725', 'options' => array(), ), 'bz2' => array( 'name' => 'bzip2', 'makefile' => 'bz2.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '5ec081203131a1a3277c8b23f9ddb995', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'bz2-singlefile' => array( 'name' => 'bzip2 single file', 'makefile' => 'bz2-singlefile.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '4f9d57f6caaf6ece0526d867327621cc', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'contrib-destination' => array( 'name' => 'Contrib-destination attribute', 'makefile' => 'contrib-destination.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '2aed36201ede1849ce43d9b7d6f7e9e1', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'contrib-destination' => '.'), ), 'defaults' => array( 'name' => 'Test defaults array.', 'makefile' => 'defaults.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'e6c0d6b37cd8573cbd188742b95a274e', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'contrib-destination' => '.'), ), 'file' => array( 'name' => 'File extraction', 'makefile' => 'file.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '4e9883d6f9f6572af287635689c2545d', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'file-extract' => array( 'name' => 'Extract archives', 'makefile' => 'file-extract.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'b43d271ab3510eb33c1e300c78893458', // @todo This test often fails with concurrency set to more than one. 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'concurrency' => 1), ), 'get' => array( 'name' => 'Test GET retrieval of projects', 'makefile' => 'get.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '4bf18507da89bed601548210c22a3bed', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'git' => array( 'name' => 'GIT integration', 'makefile' => 'git.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '4c80d78b50c89b5ba11a997bafec2b43', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'no-gitinfofile' => NULL), ), 'git-simple' => array( 'name' => 'Simple git integration', 'makefile' => 'git-simple.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '0147681209adef163a8ac2c0cff2a07e', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'no-gitinfofile' => NULL), ), 'git-simple-8' => array( 'name' => 'Simple git integration for D8', 'makefile' => 'git-simple-8.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'gzip' => array( 'name' => 'gzip', 'makefile' => 'gzip.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '25b514df18a87b655437388af083e22c', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'ignore-checksums' => array( 'name' => 'Ignore invalid checksum/s', 'makefile' => 'md5-fail.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'f76ec174a775ce67f8e9edcb02336ef2', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'ignore-checksums' => NULL), ), 'include' => array( 'name' => 'Including files and property overrides', 'makefile' => 'include.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'e2e230ec5eccaf5618050559ab11510d', 'options' => array(), ), 'includes-git' => array( 'name' => 'Including makefiles from remote repositories', 'makefile' => 'includes-main.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'options' => array(), ), 'limit-libraries' => array( 'name' => 'Limit libraries downloaded', 'makefile' => 'limited-projects-libraries.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'cb0da4465d86eb34cafb167787862eb6', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'libraries' => 'drush_make'), ), 'limit-libraries-multiple' => array( 'name' => 'Limit multiple libraries downloaded', 'makefile' => 'limited-projects-libraries.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '7c10e6fc65728a77a2b0aed4ec2a29cd', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'libraries' => 'drush_make,token'), ), 'limit-projects' => array( 'name' => 'Limit projects downloaded', 'makefile' => 'limited-projects-libraries.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '3149650120e541d7d0fa577eef0ee9a3', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'projects' => 'boxes'), ), 'limit-projects-multiple' => array( 'name' => 'Limit multiple projects downloaded', 'makefile' => 'limited-projects-libraries.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'ef8996c4d6c6f0d229e2237c73860071', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'projects' => 'boxes,admin_menu'), ), 'md5-fail' => array( 'name' => 'Failed MD5 validation test', 'makefile' => 'md5-fail.make', 'build' => FALSE, 'md5' => FALSE, 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), 'fail' => TRUE, ), 'md5-succeed' => array( 'name' => 'MD5 validation', 'makefile' => 'md5-succeed.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'f76ec174a775ce67f8e9edcb02336ef2', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'no-patch-txt' => array( 'name' => 'Test --no-patch-txt option', 'makefile' => 'patches.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '59267a04f98374ed5b0b75e90cefcd9c', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL, 'no-patch-txt' => NULL), ), 'options-array' => array( 'name' => 'Test global options array', 'makefile' => 'options-array.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'options' => array(), ), 'options-project' => array( 'name' => 'Test per-project options array', 'makefile' => 'options-project.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'options' => array(), ), 'patch' => array( 'name' => 'Test patching and writing of PATCHES.txt file', 'makefile' => 'patches.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '536ee287344c24f47e0808622d7d091b', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'recursion' => array( 'name' => 'Recursion', 'makefile' => 'recursion.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'cd095bd6dadb2f0d3e81f85f13685372', 'options' => array( 'no-core' => NULL, 'contrib-destination' => 'profiles/drupal_forum', ), ), 'recursion-override' => array( 'name' => 'Recursion overrides', 'makefile' => 'recursion-override.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'a13c3d5d416be9fa78569514844b96a2', 'options' => array( 'no-core' => NULL, ), ), 'subtree' => array( 'name' => 'Use subtree from downloaded archive', 'makefile' => 'subtree.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => 'db3770d8b4c9ce77510cbbcc566da9b8', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'svn' => array( 'name' => 'SVN', 'makefile' => 'svn.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '0cb28a15958d7fc4bbf8bf6b00bc6514', 'options' => array('no-core' => NULL), ), 'translations' => array( 'name' => 'Translation downloads', 'makefile' => 'translations.make', 'options' => array( 'translations' => 'es,pt-br', 'no-core' => NULL, ), ), 'translations-inside' => array( 'name' => 'Translation downloads inside makefile', 'makefile' => 'translations-inside.make', ), 'translations-inside7' => array( 'name' => 'Translation downloads inside makefile, core 7.x', 'makefile' => 'translations-inside7.make', ), 'use-distribution-as-core' => array( 'name' => 'Use distribution as core', 'makefile' => 'use-distribution-as-core.make', 'build' => TRUE, 'md5' => '643a603025a20d498eb583a1e7970bad', 'options' => array(), ), ); // Replicate ini tests for YAML format. foreach ($tests as $id => $test) { $id_yaml = $id . '-yaml'; $tests[$id_yaml] = $test; $tests[$id_yaml]['name'] = $tests[$id]['name'] . '(in YAML format)'; $tests[$id_yaml]['makefile'] = $tests[$id]['makefile'] . '.yml'; } return $tests; } /************************************************************************ * * * List of make tests (in alphabetical order, for easier navigation.) * * * ************************************************************************/ /** * Test .info file writing and the use of a git reference cache for * git downloads. */ function testInfoFileWritingGit() { // Use the git-simple.make file. $config = $this->getMakefile('git-simple'); $options = array('no-core' => NULL); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['makefile']; $this->drush('make', array($makefile, UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build'), $options); // Test file. $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build/sites/all/modules/cck_signup/'); $contents = file_get_contents(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build/sites/all/modules/cck_signup/'); $this->assertContains('; Information added by drush on 2011-07-27', $contents); $this->assertContains('version = "2fe932c"', $contents); $this->assertContains('project = "cck_signup"', $contents); // Verify that a reference cache was created. $cache_dir = UNISH_CACHE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache'; $this->assertFileExists($cache_dir . '/git/cck_signup-' . md5('')); // Test file. $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build/sites/all/modules/context_admin/'); $contents = file_get_contents(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build/sites/all/modules/context_admin/'); $this->assertContains('; Information added by drush on 2011-10-27', $contents); $this->assertContains('version = "eb9f05e"', $contents); $this->assertContains('project = "context_admin"', $contents); // Verify git reference cache exists. $this->assertFileExists($cache_dir . '/git/context_admin-' . md5('')); // Text caption_filter .info rewrite. $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build/sites/all/modules/contrib/caption_filter/'); $contents = file_get_contents(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build/sites/all/modules/contrib/caption_filter/'); $this->assertContains('; Information added by drush on 2011-09-20', $contents); $this->assertContains('version = "7.x-1.2+0-dev"', $contents); $this->assertContains('project = "caption_filter"', $contents); } /** * Test .info file writing and the use of a git reference cache for * git downloads. */ function testInfoYamlFileWritingGit() { // Use the Drupal 8 .make file. $config = $this->getMakefile('git-simple-8'); $options = array('no-core' => NULL); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['makefile']; $this->drush('make', array($makefile, UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build'), $options); $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build/modules/honeypot/'); $contents = file_get_contents(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-build/modules/honeypot/'); $this->assertContains('# Information added by drush on 2015-09-03', $contents); $this->assertContains("version: '8.x-1.x-dev'", $contents); $this->assertContains("project: 'honeypot'", $contents); } function testMakeBzr() { // Silently skip bzr test if bzr is not installed. exec('which bzr', $output, $whichBzrErrorCode); if (!$whichBzrErrorCode) { $this->runMakefileTest('bzr'); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('bzr command is not available.'); } } function testMakeBZ2() { // Silently skip bz2 test if bz2 is not installed. exec('which bzip2', $output, $whichBzip2ErrorCode); if (!$whichBzip2ErrorCode) { $this->runMakefileTest('bz2'); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('bzip2 command not available.'); } } /* TODO: cannot be downloaded any longer function testMakeBZ2SingleFile() { // Silently skip bz2 test if bz2 is not installed. exec('which bzip2', $output, $whichBzip2ErrorCode); if (!$whichBzip2ErrorCode) { $this->runMakefileTest('bz2-singlefile'); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('bzip2 command not available.'); } } */ function testMakeContribDestination() { $this->runMakefileTest('contrib-destination'); } /** @group make.yml */ function testMakeContribDestinationYaml() { $this->runMakefileTest('contrib-destination-yaml'); } function testMakeDefaults() { $this->runMakefileTest('defaults'); } /** @group make.yml */ function testMakeDefaultsYaml() { $this->runMakefileTest('defaults-yaml'); } function testMakeFile() { $this->runMakefileTest('file'); } function testMakeFileExtract() { // Silently skip file extraction test if unzip is not installed. exec('which unzip', $output, $whichUnzipErrorCode); if (!$whichUnzipErrorCode) { $this->runMakefileTest('file-extract'); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('unzip command not available.'); } } function testMakeGet() { $this->runMakefileTest('get'); } function testMakeGit() { $this->runMakefileTest('git'); } function testMakeGitSimple() { $this->runMakefileTest('git-simple'); } function testMakeGZip() { // Silently skip gzip test if either gzip or unzip is not installed. exec('which gzip', $output, $whichGzipErrorCode); if (!$whichGzipErrorCode) { exec('which unzip', $output, $whichUnzipErrorCode); if (!$whichUnzipErrorCode) { $this->runMakefileTest('gzip'); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('unzip command not available.'); } } else { $this->markTestSkipped('gzip command not available.'); } } function testMakeIgnoreChecksums() { $this->runMakefileTest('ignore-checksums'); } function testMakeInclude() { $this->runMakefileTest('include'); } /** @group make.yml */ function testMakeIncludeYaml() { $this->runMakefileTest('include-yaml'); } /** * Test git support on includes directive. */ function testMakeIncludesGit() { $config = $this->getMakefile('includes-git'); $options = array(); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['makefile']; $this->drush('make', array($makefile, UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-git-includes'), $options); // Verify that core and example main module were downloaded. $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-git-includes/README.txt'); $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-git-includes/sites/all/modules/contrib/apachesolr/README.txt'); // Verify that module included in sub platform was downloaded. $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-git-includes/sites/all/modules/contrib/jquery_update/README.txt'); } function testMakeLimitProjects() { $this->runMakefileTest('limit-projects'); $this->runMakefileTest('limit-projects-multiple'); } function testMakeLimitLibraries() { $this->runMakefileTest('limit-libraries'); $this->runMakefileTest('limit-libraries-multiple'); } function testMakeMd5Fail() { $this->runMakefileTest('md5-fail'); } function testMakeMd5Succeed() { $this->runMakefileTest('md5-succeed'); } /** * Test that make_move_build() doesn't wipe out directories that it shouldn't. */ function testMakeMoveBuild() { // Manually download a module. $options = array( 'default-major' => 6, // The makefile used below is core = "6.x". 'destination' => UNISH_SANDBOX . '/sites/all/modules/contrib', 'yes' => NULL, 'dev' => NULL, ); $this->drush('pm-download', array('cck_signup'), $options); // Build a make file. $config = $this->getMakefile('contrib-destination'); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['makefile']; $this->drush('make', array($makefile, '.'), $config['options']); // Verify that the manually downloaded module still exists. $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/sites/all/modules/contrib/cck_signup/README.txt'); } function testMakeNoPatchTxt() { $this->runMakefileTest('no-patch-txt'); } function testMakeNoRecursion() { $config = $this->getMakefile('recursion'); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['makefile']; $install_directory = UNISH_SANDBOX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'norecursion'; $this->drush('make', array('--no-core', '--no-recursion', $makefile, $install_directory)); $this->assertNotContains("ctools", $this->getOutput(), "Make with --no-recursion does not recurse into drupal_forum to download ctools."); } /** * Test no-core and working-copy in options array. */ function testMakeOptionsArray() { // Use the goptions-array.make file. $config = $this->getMakefile('options-array'); $makefile_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/makefiles'; $makefile = $makefile_path . '/' . $config['makefile']; $install_directory = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/options-array'; $this->drush('make', array($makefile, $install_directory)); // Test cck_signup .git/HEAD file. $this->assertFileExists($install_directory . '/sites/all/modules/cck_signup/.git/HEAD'); $contents = file_get_contents($install_directory . '/sites/all/modules/cck_signup/.git/HEAD'); $this->assertContains('2fe932c', $contents); // Test context_admin .git/HEAD file. $this->assertFileExists($install_directory . '/sites/all/modules/context_admin/.git/HEAD'); $contents = file_get_contents($install_directory . '/sites/all/modules/context_admin/.git/HEAD'); $this->assertContains('eb9f05e', $contents); } /** * Test per project working-copy option. */ function testMakeOptionsProject() { // Use the options-project.make file. $config = $this->getMakefile('options-project'); $makefile_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/makefiles'; $options = array('no-core' => NULL); $makefile = $makefile_path . '/' . $config['makefile']; $install_directory = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/options-project'; $this->drush('make', array($makefile, $install_directory), $options); // Test context_admin .git/HEAD file. $this->assertFileExists($install_directory . '/sites/all/modules/context_admin/.git/HEAD'); $contents = file_get_contents($install_directory . '/sites/all/modules/context_admin/.git/HEAD'); $this->assertContains('eb9f05e', $contents); // Test cck_signup .git/HEAD file does not exist. $this->assertFileNotExists($install_directory . '/sites/all/modules/cck_signup/.git/HEAD'); // Test caption_filter .git/HEAD file. $this->assertFileExists($install_directory . '/sites/all/modules/contrib/caption_filter/.git/HEAD'); $contents = file_get_contents($install_directory . '/sites/all/modules/contrib//caption_filter/.git/HEAD'); $this->assertContains('c9794cf', $contents); } function testMakePatch() { $this->runMakefileTest('patch'); } function testMakeRecursion() { $this->runMakefileTest('recursion'); } function testMakeRecursionOverride() { // @todo This is skipped for now since the test relies on sourceforge. // It can be replaced if a suitable module that installs projects (not // libraries, which aren't properly overridable). $this->markTestSkipped('skipping recursion-override test'); return; // Silently skip file extraction test if unzip is not installed. exec('which unzip', $output, $whichUnzipErrorCode); if (!$whichUnzipErrorCode) { $this->runMakefileTest('recursion-override'); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('unzip command not available.'); } } function testMakeSubtree() { // Silently skip subtree test if unzip is not installed. exec('which unzip', $output, $whichUnzipErrorCode); if (!$whichUnzipErrorCode) { $config = $this->getMakefile('subtree'); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['makefile']; $install_directory = UNISH_SANDBOX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'subtree'; $this->drush('make', array('--no-core', $makefile, $install_directory)); $files['nivo-slider'] = array( 'exists' => array( 'jquery.nivo.slider.js', 'jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js', 'license.txt', 'nivo-slider.css', 'README', ), 'notexists' => array( '__MACOSX', 'nivo-slider', ), ); $files['fullcalendar'] = array( 'exists' => array( 'fullcalendar.css', 'fullcalendar.js', 'fullcalendar.min.js', 'fullcalendar.print.css', 'gcal.js', ), 'notexists' => array( 'changelog.txt', 'demos', 'fullcalendar', 'GPL-LICENSE.txt', 'jquery', 'MIT-LICENSE.txt', ), ); $basedir = $install_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sites' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'all' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries'; foreach ($files as $lib => $details) { $dir = $basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lib; if (!empty($details['exists'])) { foreach ($details['exists'] as $file) { $this->assertFileExists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); } } if (!empty($details['notexists'])) { foreach ($details['notexists'] as $file) { $this->assertFileNotExists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); } } } } else { $this->markTestSkipped('unzip command not available.'); } } function testMakeSvn() { return $this->markTestSkipped('svn support is deprecated.'); // Silently skip svn test if svn is not installed. exec('which svn', $output, $whichSvnErrorCode); if (!$whichSvnErrorCode) { $this->runMakefileTest('svn'); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('svn command not available.'); } } /** * Translations can change arbitrarily, so these test for the existence of .po * files, rather than trying to match a build hash. */ function testMakeTranslations() { $config = $this->getMakefile('translations'); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['makefile']; $install_directory = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/translations'; $this->drush('make', array($makefile, $install_directory), $config['options']); $po_files = array( 'sites/all/modules/token/translations/pt-br.po', 'sites/all/modules/token/translations/es.po', ); foreach ($po_files as $po_file) { $this->assertFileExists($install_directory . '/' . $po_file); } } /** * Translations can change arbitrarily, so these test for the existence of .po * files, rather than trying to match a build hash. */ function testMakeTranslationsInside() { $config = $this->getMakefile('translations-inside'); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . '/' . $config['makefile']; $install_directory = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/translations-inside'; $this->drush('make', array($makefile, $install_directory)); $po_files = array( 'profiles/default/translations/pt-br.po', 'profiles/default/translations/es.po', 'sites/all/modules/token/translations/pt-br.po', 'sites/all/modules/token/translations/es.po', 'modules/system/translations/pt-br.po', 'modules/system/translations/es.po', ); foreach ($po_files as $po_file) { $this->assertFileExists($install_directory . '/' . $po_file); } } /** * Translations can change arbitrarily, so these test for the existence of .po * files, rather than trying to match a build hash. */ function testMakeTranslationsInside7() { $config = $this->getMakefile('translations-inside7'); $makefile = $this->makefile_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['makefile']; $install_directory = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/translations-inside7'; $this->drush('make', array($makefile, $install_directory)); $po_files = array( 'profiles/minimal/translations/pt-br.po', 'profiles/minimal/translations/es.po', 'profiles/testing/translations/pt-br.po', 'profiles/testing/translations/es.po', 'profiles/standard/translations/pt-br.po', 'profiles/standard/translations/es.po', 'sites/all/modules/token/translations/pt-br.po', 'sites/all/modules/token/translations/es.po', 'modules/system/translations/pt-br.po', 'modules/system/translations/es.po', ); foreach ($po_files as $po_file) { $this->assertFileExists($install_directory . '/' . $po_file); } } /** * Test that a distribution can be used as a "core" project. */ function testMakeUseDistributionAsCore() { $this->runMakefileTest('use-distribution-as-core'); } /** * Test that files without a core attribute are correctly identified. */ public function testNoCoreMakefileParsing() { require_once __DIR__ . '/../commands/make/'; // INI. $data = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/makefiles/no-core.make'); $parsed = _make_determine_format($data); $this->assertEquals('ini', $parsed['format']); $this->assertEquals(42, $parsed['projects']['foo']['version']); // YAML. $data = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/makefiles/no-core.make.yml'); $parsed = _make_determine_format($data); $this->assertEquals('yaml', $parsed['format']); $this->assertEquals(42, $parsed['projects']['foo']['version']); } }