drush('pm-releases', array($project), array('all' => NULL, 'fields' => 'Release')); $list = $this->getOutputAsList(); // Line 0 is "Release" // Line 1 is "...-dev" // Line 2 is "...-dev" // Line 3 is "...-dev" // Line 4 is current best release // Line 5 is the previous release return trim($list[5]); } /** * Download old core and older contrib releases which will always need updating. */ public function setUp() { if (UNISH_DRUPAL_MAJOR_VERSION >= 8) { // Make sure that we can still update from the previous release // to the current release. $core = $this->getPreviousStable("drupal-8"); $modules_str = 'unish-8.x-1.2,honeypot-8.x-1.19-beta14'; $this->modules = array('block', 'unish', 'honeypot'); } elseif (UNISH_DRUPAL_MAJOR_VERSION == 7) { $core = '7.0-rc3'; $modules_str = 'devel-7.x-1.0-rc1,webform-7.x-3.4-beta1'; $this->modules = array('menu', 'devel', 'webform'); } else { $core = '6.28'; $modules_str = 'devel-6.x-1.26,webform-6.x-3.18'; $this->modules = array('menu', 'devel', 'webform'); } $sites = $this->setUpDrupal(1, TRUE, $core); $options = array( 'root' => $this->webroot(), 'uri' => key($sites), 'yes' => NULL, 'quiet' => NULL, 'cache' => NULL, 'skip' => NULL, // No FirePHP 'strict' => 0, ); $this->drush('pm-download', array($modules_str), $options); $this->drush('pm-enable', $this->modules, $options); } function testUpdateCode() { if (UNISH_DRUPAL_MAJOR_VERSION < 7) { $this->markTestSkipped("pm-update does not work once Drupal core reaches EOL."); } $extension = UNISH_DRUPAL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8 ? '.info.yml' : '.info'; $first = $this->modules[1]; $second = $this->modules[2]; $options = array( 'root' => $this->webroot(), 'uri' => key($this->getSites()), 'yes' => NULL, 'backup-dir' => UNISH_SANDBOX . '/backups', 'cache' => NULL, 'check-updatedb' => 0, // Needed in order to get 'Up to date' in the return value of updatestatus. See pm_project_filter(). 'verbose' => NULL, 'strict' => 0, ); // Upgrade a specific module. $this->drush('pm-updatecode', array($first), $options + array()); // Assure that first was upgraded and second was not. $this->drush('pm-updatestatus', array(), $options + array('format' => 'json')); $all = $this->getOutputFromJSON(); $this->assertEquals($all->$first->existing_version, $all->$first->candidate_version); $this->assertNotEquals($all->$second->existing_version, $all->$second->candidate_version); // Lock second, and update core. $this->drush('pm-updatecode', array(), $options + array('lock' => $second)); $list = $this->getOutputAsList(); // For debugging. $this->drush('pm-updatestatus', array(), $options + array('format' => 'json')); $all = $this->getOutputFromJSON(); $this->assertEquals($all->drupal->existing_version, $all->drupal->candidate_version); $this->assertNotEquals($all->$second->existing_version, $all->$second->candidate_version); // Unlock second, update, and check. $this->drush('pm-updatecode', array(), $options + array('unlock' => $second, 'no-backup' => NULL)); $list = $this->getOutputAsList(); $this->drush('pm-updatestatus', array(), $options + array('format' => 'json')); $all = $this->getOutputFromJSON(); $this->assertEquals($all->$second->existing_version, $all->$second->candidate_version); // Verify that we keep backups as instructed. $backup_dir = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/backups'; $Directory = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($backup_dir); $Iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($Directory); $found = FALSE; foreach ($Iterator as $item) { if (basename($item) == $first . $extension) { $found = TRUE; break; } } $this->assertTrue($found, 'Backup exists and contains the first module.'); $Iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($Directory); $found = FALSE; foreach ($Iterator as $item) { if (basename($item) == $second . '.module') { $found = TRUE; break; } } $this->assertFalse($found, 'Backup exists and does not contain the second module.'); } }