toolbox = $toolbox; $this->redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean(); } /** * Finds a bean using a type and a where clause (SQL). * As with most Query tools in RedBean you can provide values to * be inserted in the SQL statement by populating the value * array parameter; you can either use the question mark notation * or the slot-notation (:keyname). * * @param string $type type the type of bean you are looking for * @param string $sql sql SQL query to find the desired bean, starting right after WHERE clause * @param array $bindings values array of values to be bound to parameters in query * * @return array */ public function find( $type, $sql = NULL, $bindings = array() ) { if ( !is_array( $bindings ) ) { throw new RedException( 'Expected array, ' . gettype( $bindings ) . ' given.' ); } return $this->redbean->find( $type, array(), $sql, $bindings ); } /** * Like find() but also exports the beans as an array. * This method will perform a find-operation. For every bean * in the result collection this method will call the export() method. * This method returns an array containing the array representations * of every bean in the result set. * * @see Finder::find * * @param string $type type the type of bean you are looking for * @param string $sql sql SQL query to find the desired bean, starting right after WHERE clause * @param array $bindings values array of values to be bound to parameters in query * * @return array */ public function findAndExport( $type, $sql = NULL, $bindings = array() ) { $arr = array(); foreach ( $this->find( $type, $sql, $bindings ) as $key => $item ) { $arr[] = $item->export(); } return $arr; } /** * Like find() but returns just one bean instead of an array of beans. * This method will return only the first bean of the array. * If no beans are found, this method will return NULL. * * @see Finder::find * * @param string $type type the type of bean you are looking for * @param string $sql sql SQL query to find the desired bean, starting right after WHERE clause * @param array $bindings values array of values to be bound to parameters in query * * @return OODBBean */ public function findOne( $type, $sql = NULL, $bindings = array() ) { $sql = $this->toolbox->getWriter()->glueLimitOne( $sql ); $items = $this->find( $type, $sql, $bindings ); if ( empty($items) ) { return NULL; } return reset( $items ); } /** * Like find() but returns the last bean of the result array. * Opposite of Finder::findLast(). * If no beans are found, this method will return NULL. * * @see Finder::find * * @param string $type the type of bean you are looking for * @param string $sql SQL query to find the desired bean, starting right after WHERE clause * @param array $bindings values array of values to be bound to parameters in query * * @return OODBBean */ public function findLast( $type, $sql = NULL, $bindings = array() ) { $items = $this->find( $type, $sql, $bindings ); if ( empty($items) ) { return NULL; } return end( $items ); } /** * Tries to find beans of a certain type, * if no beans are found, it dispenses a bean of that type. * Note that this function always returns an array. * * @see Finder::find * * @param string $type the type of bean you are looking for * @param string $sql SQL query to find the desired bean, starting right after WHERE clause * @param array $bindings values array of values to be bound to parameters in query * * @return array */ public function findOrDispense( $type, $sql = NULL, $bindings = array() ) { $foundBeans = $this->find( $type, $sql, $bindings ); if ( empty( $foundBeans ) ) { return array( $this->redbean->dispense( $type ) ); } else { return $foundBeans; } } /** * Finds a BeanCollection using the repository. * A bean collection can be used to retrieve one bean at a time using * cursors - this is useful for processing large datasets. A bean collection * will not load all beans into memory all at once, just one at a time. * * @param string $type the type of bean you are looking for * @param string $sql SQL query to find the desired bean, starting right after WHERE clause * @param array $bindings values array of values to be bound to parameters in query * * @return BeanCollection */ public function findCollection( $type, $sql, $bindings = array() ) { return $this->redbean->findCollection( $type, $sql, $bindings ); } /** * Finds or creates a bean. * Tries to find a bean with certain properties specified in the second * parameter ($like). If the bean is found, it will be returned. * If multiple beans are found, only the first will be returned. * If no beans match the criteria, a new bean will be dispensed, * the criteria will be imported as properties and this new bean * will be stored and returned. * * Format of criteria set: property => value * The criteria set also supports OR-conditions: property => array( value1, orValue2 ) * * @param string $type type of bean to search for * @param array $like criteria set describing bean to search for * * @return OODBBean */ public function findOrCreate( $type, $like = array() ) { $beans = $this->findLike( $type, $like ); if ( count( $beans ) ) { $bean = reset( $beans ); return $bean; } $bean = $this->redbean->dispense( $type ); $bean->import( $like ); $this->redbean->store( $bean ); return $bean; } /** * Finds beans by its type and a certain criteria set. * * Format of criteria set: property => value * The criteria set also supports OR-conditions: property => array( value1, orValue2 ) * * If the additional SQL is a condition, this condition will be glued to the rest * of the query using an AND operator. Note that this is as far as this method * can go, there is no way to glue additional SQL using an OR-condition. * This method provides access to an underlying mechanism in the RedBeanPHP architecture * to find beans using criteria sets. However, please do not use this method * for complex queries, use plain SQL instead ( the regular find method ) as it is * more suitable for the job. This method is * meant for basic search-by-example operations. * * @param string $type type of bean to search for * @param array $conditions criteria set describing the bean to search for * @param string $sql additional SQL (for sorting) * * @return array */ public function findLike( $type, $conditions = array(), $sql = '' ) { if ( count( $conditions ) > 0 ) { foreach( $conditions as $key => $condition ) { if ( !count( $condition ) ) unset( $conditions[$key] ); } } return $this->redbean->find( $type, $conditions, $sql ); } /** * Returns a hashmap with bean arrays keyed by type using an SQL * query as its resource. Given an SQL query like 'SELECT movie.*, review.* FROM movie... JOIN review' * this method will return movie and review beans. * * Example: * * * $stuff = $finder->findMulti('movie,review', ' * SELECT movie.*, review.* FROM movie * LEFT JOIN review ON review.movie_id ='); * * * After this operation, $stuff will contain an entry 'movie' containing all * movies and an entry named 'review' containing all reviews (all beans). * You can also pass bindings. * * If you want to re-map your beans, so you can use $movie->ownReviewList without * having RedBeanPHP executing an SQL query you can use the fourth parameter to * define a selection of remapping closures. * * The remapping argument (optional) should contain an array of arrays. * Each array in the remapping array should contain the following entries: * * * array( * 'a' => TYPE A * 'b' => TYPE B * 'matcher' => MATCHING FUNCTION ACCEPTING A, B and ALL BEANS * 'do' => OPERATION FUNCTION ACCEPTING A, B, ALL BEANS, ALL REMAPPINGS * ) * * * Using this mechanism you can build your own 'preloader' with tiny function * snippets (and those can be re-used and shared online of course). * * Example: * * * array( * 'a' => 'movie' //define A as movie * 'b' => 'review' //define B as review * 'matcher' => function( $a, $b ) { * return ( $b->movie_id == $a->id ); //Perform action if review.movie_id equals * } * 'do' => function( $a, $b ) { * $a->noLoad()->ownReviewList[] = $b; //Add the review to the movie * $a->clearHistory(); //optional, act 'as if these beans have been loaded through ownReviewList'. * } * ) * * * The Query Template parameter is optional as well but can be used to * set a different SQL template (sprintf-style) for processing the original query. * * @note the SQL query provided IS NOT THE ONE used internally by this function, * this function will pre-process the query to get all the data required to find the beans. * * @note if you use the 'book.*' notation make SURE you're * selector starts with a SPACE. ' book.*' NOT ',book.*'. This is because * it's actually an SQL-like template SLOT, not real SQL. * * @note instead of an SQL query you can pass a result array as well. * * @param string|array $types a list of types (either array or comma separated string) * @param string|array $sqlOrArr an SQL query or an array of prefetched records * @param array $bindings optional, bindings for SQL query * @param array $remappings optional, an array of remapping arrays * @param string $queryTemplate optional, query template * * @return array */ public function findMulti( $types, $sql, $bindings = array(), $remappings = array(), $queryTemplate = ' %s.%s AS %s__%s' ) { if ( !is_array( $types ) ) $types = explode( ',', $types ); if ( !is_array( $sql ) ) { $writer = $this->toolbox->getWriter(); $adapter = $this->toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter(); //Repair the query, replace book.* with AS book_id etc.. foreach( $types as $type ) { $pattern = " {$type}.*"; if ( strpos( $sql, $pattern ) !== FALSE ) { $newSelectorArray = array(); $columns = $writer->getColumns( $type ); foreach( $columns as $column => $definition ) { $newSelectorArray[] = sprintf( $queryTemplate, $type, $column, $type, $column ); } $newSelector = implode( ',', $newSelectorArray ); $sql = str_replace( $pattern, $newSelector, $sql ); } } $rows = $adapter->get( $sql, $bindings ); } else { $rows = $sql; } //Gather the bean data from the query results using the prefix $wannaBeans = array(); foreach( $types as $type ) { $wannaBeans[$type] = array(); $prefix = "{$type}__"; foreach( $rows as $rowkey=>$row ) { $wannaBean = array(); foreach( $row as $cell => $value ) { if ( strpos( $cell, $prefix ) === 0 ) { $property = substr( $cell, strlen( $prefix ) ); unset( $rows[$rowkey][$cell] ); $wannaBean[$property] = $value; } } if ( !isset( $wannaBean['id'] ) ) continue; if ( is_null( $wannaBean['id'] ) ) continue; $wannaBeans[$type][$wannaBean['id']] = $wannaBean; } } //Turn the rows into beans $beans = array(); foreach( $wannaBeans as $type => $wannabees ) { $beans[$type] = $this->redbean->convertToBeans( $type, $wannabees ); } //Apply additional re-mappings foreach($remappings as $remapping) { $a = $remapping['a']; $b = $remapping['b']; $matcher = $remapping['matcher']; $do = $remapping['do']; foreach( $beans[$a] as $bean ) { foreach( $beans[$b] as $putBean ) { if ( $matcher( $bean, $putBean, $beans ) ) $do( $bean, $putBean, $beans, $remapping ); } } } return $beans; } }