setMode( 1 ); $debugger->setParamStringLength( 20 ); if (!is_null($bindings)) { $debugger->log($query, $bindings); } else { $debugger->log($query); } $logs = $debugger->getLogs(); $log = reset($logs); $log = str_replace( "\e[32m", '', $log ); $log = str_replace( "\e[39m", '', $log ); asrt($log, $expected); $debugger->clear(); } /** * Tests the bean dump function used to inspect * the contents of a bean. * * @return void */ public function testDump() { $beans = R::dispense( 'bean', 2 ); $beans[0]->name = 'hello'; $beans[1]->name = 'world'; $array = R::dump($beans); asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE ); foreach( $array as $item ) { asrt( is_string( $item ), TRUE ); } $beans[1]->name = 'world, and a very long string that should be shortened'; $array = R::dump($beans); asrt( is_array( $array ), TRUE ); asrt( strpos( $array[1], '...' ), 35 ); //just to get 100% test cov, we dont need to test this dmp( $beans ); pass(); //test wrong input asrt( is_array( R::dump( NULL ) ), TRUE ); asrt( count( R::dump( NULL ) ), 0 ); asrt( is_array( R::dump( '' ) ), TRUE ); asrt( count( R::dump( '' ) ), 0 ); asrt( is_array( R::dump( 1 ) ), TRUE ); asrt( count( R::dump( 1 ) ), 0 ); asrt( is_array( R::dump( TRUE ) ), TRUE ); asrt( count( R::dump( FALSE ) ), 0 ); } /** * Tests debugging with parameters. * * @return void */ public function testDebugger2() { testpack( 'Test debugger with params.' ); $this->testDebug('SELECT * FROM table', NULL, 'SELECT * FROM table'); $this->testDebug('SELECT * FROM book WHERE title = ?', array('my book'), 'SELECT * FROM book WHERE title = \'my book\''); $this->testDebug('title = ? OR title = ?', array('book1', 'book2'), 'title = \'book1\' OR title = \'book2\''); $this->testDebug('title = ? OR price = ?', array('book1', 20), 'title = \'book1\' OR price = 20'); $this->testDebug('number IN (?,?)', array(8,900), 'number IN (8,900)'); $this->testDebug('?', array(20), '20'); $this->testDebug('?,?', array('test',20), '\'test\',20'); $this->testDebug('?', array( NULL ), 'NULL'); $this->testDebug('title = ?', array( NULL ), 'title = NULL'); $this->testDebug('?,?', array( NULL,NULL ), 'NULL,NULL'); $this->testDebug('title = ?', array('a very long title that should be shortened'), 'title = \'a very long title th... \''); $this->testDebug('title = ? OR title = ?', array('a very long title that should be shortened', 'another long title that should be shortened'), 'title = \'a very long title th... \' OR title = \'another long title t... \''); $this->testDebug('title = ? OR ?', array('a very long title that should be shortened', NULL), 'title = \'a very long title th... \' OR NULL'); $this->testDebug('?,?', array('hello'), '\'hello\',:slot1'); $this->testDebug('title = :first OR title = :second', array(':first'=>'book1', ':second'=>'book2'), 'title = \'book1\' OR title = \'book2\''); $this->testDebug('title = :first OR price = :second', array(':first'=>'book1', ':second'=>20), 'title = \'book1\' OR price = 20'); $this->testDebug('number IN (:one,:two)', array(':one'=>8, ':two'=>900), 'number IN (8,900)'); $this->testDebug('number IN (:one,:two)', array(':one'=>8, ':two'=>900, ':three'=>999), 'number IN (8,900)'); $this->testDebug('number IN (:one,:two)', array(':three'=>999, ':one'=>8, ':two'=>900), 'number IN (8,900)'); $this->testDebug('number IN (:one,:two)', array(':one'=>8, ':three'=>999, ':two'=>900), 'number IN (8,900)'); $this->testDebug(':a', array(':a'=>20), '20'); $this->testDebug(':a,?', array(':a'=>20, 30), '20,30'); $this->testDebug(':a,?', array(30, ':a'=>20), '20,30'); $this->testDebug('?,?', array('test',20), '\'test\',20'); $this->testDebug('?', array( NULL ), 'NULL'); $this->testDebug('title = ?', array( NULL ), 'title = NULL'); $this->testDebug('?,?', array( NULL,NULL ), 'NULL,NULL'); $this->testDebug('title = ?', array('a very long title that should be shortened'), 'title = \'a very long title th... \''); $this->testDebug('title = ? OR title = ?', array('a very long title that should be shortened', 'another long title that should be shortened'), 'title = \'a very long title th... \' OR title = \'another long title t... \''); $this->testDebug('title = ? OR ?', array('a very long title that should be shortened', NULL), 'title = \'a very long title th... \' OR NULL'); $this->testDebug('?,?', array('hello'), '\'hello\',:slot1'); $this->testDebug('hello ?', 'world', 'hello ?'); $this->testDebug(':slot0 :slot1 :slot2 :slot3 :slot4 :slot5 :slot6 :slot7 :slot8 :slot9 :slot10', array( 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k' ),"'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k'"); $this->testDebug('? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?', array( 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k' ),"'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k'"); $this->testDebug(':a :aaa :ab', array(':a'=>1,':aaa'=>2,':ab'=>3),'1 2 3'); } /** * Test facade fancyDebug function */ public function testDebug2InFacade() { R::fancyDebug( TRUE ); pass(); } }