waitForServerToStop(); $this->process = new Process("php -S $serverOptions", $workingDir); $this->process->start(); $this->waitForServerStart(); } /** * When collecting make the stuff die */ public function __destruct() { echo "Stopping the local server...\n"; $this->process->stop(); } /** * If the server is up wait for it to stop */ protected function waitForServerToStop() { echo "Waiting for local server to die...\n"; $serverUp = true; while ($serverUp) { $sock = @fsockopen("", 6789, $errno, $errstr, 5); if (is_resource($sock)) { fclose($sock); $serverUp = true; echo "Server still listening to connections waiting..\n"; sleep(1); } else { echo "Server is not listening connection $errno $errstr, getting out..\n"; $serverUp = false; } } } protected function waitForServerStart() { $notReady = true; echo "Waiting for local server to startup...\n"; while ($notReady) { $sock = @fsockopen("", 6789, $errno, $errstr, 5); if (is_resource($sock)) { fclose($sock); $notReady = false; } else { echo "Not ready yet $errno, $errstr\n"; sleep(1); } } echo "Local server ready to start testing...\n"; } /** * Creates or returns the local server instance * @param $serverOptions * @param string $workingDir * @return LocalWebServer */ public static function getInstance($serverOptions, $workingDir = __DIR__) { if (null === self::$instance) { self::$instance = new self($serverOptions, $workingDir); } return self::$instance; } /** * @return Process */ public function getProcess() { return $this->process; } }