Using PEL in applications Learn how to load, edit, and save images Martin Geisler {@link} {@toc} Loading a JPEG image The typical use for PEL is to read and write data from JPEG images. Such an image is represented in PEL using an object of the PelJpeg class. With the filename of a JPEG image stored in the variable $filename, then it is a simple matter of creating a {@link PelJpeg} object: If this succeeded without any exceptions being thrown, one can proceed to find the Exif data itself. The Exif data is retrieved using the {@link PelJpeg::getExif()} method: getExif(); ]]> The section stored in $exif is now a {@link PelExif} object. If the JPEG image does not contain Exif information, then the $exif variable will be null. Obtaining the TIFF data The Exif data is not stored directly in this object, instead it is stored in a {@link PelTiff} object, which can be retrieved using the {@link PelExif::getTiff() getTiff()} method: getTiff(); ]]> This peculiar step is necessary because what one normally thinks of as Exif data is really just an extension of the TIFF standard. PEL models this by having the {@link PelExif} object contain a {@link PelTiff} object. TIFF data is organized as a chain of Image File Directories (IFDs), each represented by a {@link PelIfd} object. Each IFD has a number of entries ({@link PelEntry} objects) which one can get hold of using the {@link PelIfd::getEntry() getEntry()} method. The first IFD, number zero, will normally contain the {@link PelTag::IMAGE_DESCRIPTION IMAGE_DESCRIPTION} tag. The following code will initialize $ifd0 with the first IFD, and $desc with the description: getIfd(); $desc = $ifd0->getEntry(PelTag::IMAGE_DESCRIPTION); ]]> Now $desc will contain a {@link PelEntryAscii} object holding the description. Each entry is represented using an object of a class descendent of {@link PelEntry}. There are classes for numbers such as {@link PelEntryShort} for small numbers and {@link PelEntryLong} for big numbers, and more specialized classes, such as {@link PelEntryVersion} for version numbers, {@link PelEntryTime} for date and time, and so on. Reading Values The value of any entry can be retrieved by calling the {@link PelEntry::getValue() getValue()} method on the object. Doing this on $desc will return a string, while doing it on a {@link PelEntryShort} will normally return an integer (see {@link PelEntryNumber::getValue() the documentation} for the full story). So to echo the description one simply does: getValue(); ]]> Writing Values Writing new values (changing values) to an entry is just as easy as reading values, one just uses the {@link PelEntry::setValue() setValue()} method on the entry in question. Continuing on our example from before where $desc contains a {@link PelEntryAscii} object with the description for the image, one changes the description with: setValue('The new description.'); ]]> The object is now updated and is ready to be turned back into bytes, so that the image can be saved with the new, updated description. Saving an Image After having changed an image, one would probably want to save it to keep the changes. {@link PelJpeg} objects (and {@link PelTiff} objects) can be turned back into bytes with the {@link PelJpeg::getBytes() getBytes} method. This will turn the object and all the objects within it into bytes, which can then be saved in a file to produce a JPEG image. With the image loaded into $jpeg it is a simple matter to write the new JPEG file: saveFile('new-' . $filename); ]]>