* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ArgumentInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\IteratorArgument; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceClosureArgument; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CheckCircularReferencesPass; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\EnvParameterException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ExpressionLanguage; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\DumperInterface as ProxyDumper; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\NullDumper; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Parameter; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\TypedReference; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Variable; use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel; /** * PhpDumper dumps a service container as a PHP class. * * @author Fabien Potencier * @author Johannes M. Schmitt */ class PhpDumper extends Dumper { /** * Characters that might appear in the generated variable name as first character. */ const FIRST_CHARS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; /** * Characters that might appear in the generated variable name as any but the first character. */ const NON_FIRST_CHARS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_'; private $definitionVariables; private $referenceVariables; private $variableCount; private $inlinedDefinitions; private $serviceCalls; private $reservedVariables = array('instance', 'class', 'this'); private $expressionLanguage; private $targetDirRegex; private $targetDirMaxMatches; private $docStar; private $serviceIdToMethodNameMap; private $usedMethodNames; private $namespace; private $asFiles; private $hotPathTag; private $inlineRequires; private $inlinedRequires = array(); private $circularReferences = array(); /** * @var ProxyDumper */ private $proxyDumper; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct(ContainerBuilder $container) { if (!$container->isCompiled()) { @trigger_error('Dumping an uncompiled ContainerBuilder is deprecated since Symfony 3.3 and will not be supported anymore in 4.0. Compile the container beforehand.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } parent::__construct($container); } /** * Sets the dumper to be used when dumping proxies in the generated container. */ public function setProxyDumper(ProxyDumper $proxyDumper) { $this->proxyDumper = $proxyDumper; } /** * Dumps the service container as a PHP class. * * Available options: * * * class: The class name * * base_class: The base class name * * namespace: The class namespace * * as_files: To split the container in several files * * @return string|array A PHP class representing the service container or an array of PHP files if the "as_files" option is set * * @throws EnvParameterException When an env var exists but has not been dumped */ public function dump(array $options = array()) { $this->targetDirRegex = null; $this->inlinedRequires = array(); $options = array_merge(array( 'class' => 'ProjectServiceContainer', 'base_class' => 'Container', 'namespace' => '', 'as_files' => false, 'debug' => true, 'hot_path_tag' => 'container.hot_path', 'inline_class_loader_parameter' => 'container.dumper.inline_class_loader', 'build_time' => time(), ), $options); $this->namespace = $options['namespace']; $this->asFiles = $options['as_files']; $this->hotPathTag = $options['hot_path_tag']; $this->inlineRequires = $options['inline_class_loader_parameter'] && $this->container->hasParameter($options['inline_class_loader_parameter']) && $this->container->getParameter($options['inline_class_loader_parameter']); if (0 !== strpos($baseClass = $options['base_class'], '\\') && 'Container' !== $baseClass) { $baseClass = sprintf('%s\%s', $options['namespace'] ? '\\'.$options['namespace'] : '', $baseClass); $baseClassWithNamespace = $baseClass; } elseif ('Container' === $baseClass) { $baseClassWithNamespace = Container::class; } else { $baseClassWithNamespace = $baseClass; } $this->initializeMethodNamesMap('Container' === $baseClass ? Container::class : $baseClass); if ($this->getProxyDumper() instanceof NullDumper) { (new AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass(true, false))->process($this->container); try { (new CheckCircularReferencesPass())->process($this->container); } catch (ServiceCircularReferenceException $e) { $path = $e->getPath(); end($path); $path[key($path)] .= '". Try running "composer require symfony/proxy-manager-bridge'; throw new ServiceCircularReferenceException($e->getServiceId(), $path); } } (new AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass(false))->process($this->container); $this->circularReferences = array(); $checkedNodes = array(); foreach ($this->container->getCompiler()->getServiceReferenceGraph()->getNodes() as $id => $node) { $currentPath = array($id => $id); $this->analyzeCircularReferences($node->getOutEdges(), $checkedNodes, $currentPath); } $this->container->getCompiler()->getServiceReferenceGraph()->clear(); $this->docStar = $options['debug'] ? '*' : ''; if (!empty($options['file']) && is_dir($dir = \dirname($options['file']))) { // Build a regexp where the first root dirs are mandatory, // but every other sub-dir is optional up to the full path in $dir // Mandate at least 2 root dirs and not more that 5 optional dirs. $dir = explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, realpath($dir)); $i = \count($dir); if (3 <= $i) { $regex = ''; $lastOptionalDir = $i > 8 ? $i - 5 : 3; $this->targetDirMaxMatches = $i - $lastOptionalDir; while (--$i >= $lastOptionalDir) { $regex = sprintf('(%s%s)?', preg_quote(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir[$i], '#'), $regex); } do { $regex = preg_quote(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir[$i], '#').$regex; } while (0 < --$i); $this->targetDirRegex = '#'.preg_quote($dir[0], '#').$regex.'#'; } } $code = $this->startClass($options['class'], $baseClass, $baseClassWithNamespace). $this->addServices(). $this->addDefaultParametersMethod(). $this->endClass() ; if ($this->asFiles) { $fileStart = <<container->getRemovedIds())) { sort($ids); $c = "doExport($id)." => true,\n"; } $files['removed-ids.php'] = $c .= ");\n"; } foreach ($this->generateServiceFiles() as $file => $c) { $files[$file] = $fileStart.$c; } foreach ($this->generateProxyClasses() as $file => $c) { $files[$file] = " $c) { $code["Container{$hash}/{$file}"] = $c; } array_pop($code); $code["Container{$hash}/{$options['class']}.php"] = substr_replace($files[$options['class'].'.php'], "namespace ? "\nnamespace {$this->namespace};\n" : ''; $time = $options['build_time']; $id = hash('crc32', $hash.$time); $code[$options['class'].'.php'] = << '$hash', 'container.build_id' => '$id', 'container.build_time' => $time, ), __DIR__.\\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Container{$hash}'); EOF; } else { foreach ($this->generateProxyClasses() as $c) { $code .= $c; } } $this->targetDirRegex = null; $this->inlinedRequires = array(); $this->circularReferences = array(); $unusedEnvs = array(); foreach ($this->container->getEnvCounters() as $env => $use) { if (!$use) { $unusedEnvs[] = $env; } } if ($unusedEnvs) { throw new EnvParameterException($unusedEnvs, null, 'Environment variables "%s" are never used. Please, check your container\'s configuration.'); } return $code; } /** * Retrieves the currently set proxy dumper or instantiates one. * * @return ProxyDumper */ private function getProxyDumper() { if (!$this->proxyDumper) { $this->proxyDumper = new NullDumper(); } return $this->proxyDumper; } private function analyzeCircularReferences(array $edges, &$checkedNodes, &$currentPath) { foreach ($edges as $edge) { $node = $edge->getDestNode(); $id = $node->getId(); if ($node->getValue() && ($edge->isLazy() || $edge->isWeak())) { // no-op } elseif (isset($currentPath[$id])) { foreach (array_reverse($currentPath) as $parentId) { $this->circularReferences[$parentId][$id] = $id; $id = $parentId; } } elseif (!isset($checkedNodes[$id])) { $checkedNodes[$id] = true; $currentPath[$id] = $id; $this->analyzeCircularReferences($node->getOutEdges(), $checkedNodes, $currentPath); unset($currentPath[$id]); } } } private function collectLineage($class, array &$lineage) { if (isset($lineage[$class])) { return; } if (!$r = $this->container->getReflectionClass($class, false)) { return; } if ($this->container instanceof $class) { return; } $file = $r->getFileName(); if (!$file || $this->doExport($file) === $exportedFile = $this->export($file)) { return; } if ($parent = $r->getParentClass()) { $this->collectLineage($parent->name, $lineage); } foreach ($r->getInterfaces() as $parent) { $this->collectLineage($parent->name, $lineage); } foreach ($r->getTraits() as $parent) { $this->collectLineage($parent->name, $lineage); } $lineage[$class] = substr($exportedFile, 1, -1); } private function generateProxyClasses() { $alreadyGenerated = array(); $definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions(); $strip = '' === $this->docStar && method_exists('Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel', 'stripComments'); $proxyDumper = $this->getProxyDumper(); ksort($definitions); foreach ($definitions as $definition) { if (!$proxyDumper->isProxyCandidate($definition)) { continue; } if (isset($alreadyGenerated[$class = $definition->getClass()])) { continue; } $alreadyGenerated[$class] = true; // register class' reflector for resource tracking $this->container->getReflectionClass($class); if ("\n" === $proxyCode = "\n".$proxyDumper->getProxyCode($definition)) { continue; } if ($strip) { $proxyCode = " $proxyCode; } } /** * Generates the require_once statement for service includes. * * @return string */ private function addServiceInclude($cId, Definition $definition) { $code = ''; if ($this->inlineRequires && !$this->isHotPath($definition)) { $lineage = array(); foreach ($this->inlinedDefinitions as $def) { if (!$def->isDeprecated() && \is_string($class = \is_array($factory = $def->getFactory()) && \is_string($factory[0]) ? $factory[0] : $def->getClass())) { $this->collectLineage($class, $lineage); } } foreach ($this->serviceCalls as $id => list($callCount, $behavior)) { if ('service_container' !== $id && $id !== $cId && ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE !== $behavior && $this->container->has($id) && $this->isTrivialInstance($def = $this->container->findDefinition($id)) && \is_string($class = \is_array($factory = $def->getFactory()) && \is_string($factory[0]) ? $factory[0] : $def->getClass()) ) { $this->collectLineage($class, $lineage); } } foreach (array_diff_key(array_flip($lineage), $this->inlinedRequires) as $file => $class) { $code .= sprintf(" include_once %s;\n", $file); } } foreach ($this->inlinedDefinitions as $def) { if ($file = $def->getFile()) { $code .= sprintf(" include_once %s;\n", $this->dumpValue($file)); } } if ('' !== $code) { $code .= "\n"; } return $code; } /** * Generates the service instance. * * @param string $id * @param Definition $definition * @param bool $isSimpleInstance * * @return string * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws RuntimeException */ private function addServiceInstance($id, Definition $definition, $isSimpleInstance) { $class = $this->dumpValue($definition->getClass()); if (0 === strpos($class, "'") && false === strpos($class, '$') && !preg_match('/^\'(?:\\\{2})?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*(?:\\\{2}[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)*\'$/', $class)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s" is not a valid class name for the "%s" service.', $class, $id)); } $isProxyCandidate = $this->getProxyDumper()->isProxyCandidate($definition); $instantiation = ''; if (!$isProxyCandidate && $definition->isShared()) { $instantiation = "\$this->services['$id'] = ".($isSimpleInstance ? '' : '$instance'); } elseif (!$isSimpleInstance) { $instantiation = '$instance'; } $return = ''; if ($isSimpleInstance) { $return = 'return '; } else { $instantiation .= ' = '; } return $this->addNewInstance($definition, $return, $instantiation, $id); } /** * Checks if the definition is a trivial instance. * * @param Definition $definition * * @return bool */ private function isTrivialInstance(Definition $definition) { if ($definition->isSynthetic() || $definition->getFile() || $definition->getMethodCalls() || $definition->getProperties() || $definition->getConfigurator()) { return false; } if ($definition->isDeprecated() || $definition->isLazy() || $definition->getFactory() || 3 < \count($definition->getArguments())) { return false; } foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $arg) { if (!$arg || $arg instanceof Parameter) { continue; } if (\is_array($arg) && 3 >= \count($arg)) { foreach ($arg as $k => $v) { if ($this->dumpValue($k) !== $this->dumpValue($k, false)) { return false; } if (!$v || $v instanceof Parameter) { continue; } if ($v instanceof Reference && $this->container->has($id = (string) $v) && $this->container->findDefinition($id)->isSynthetic()) { continue; } if (!is_scalar($v) || $this->dumpValue($v) !== $this->dumpValue($v, false)) { return false; } } } elseif ($arg instanceof Reference && $this->container->has($id = (string) $arg) && $this->container->findDefinition($id)->isSynthetic()) { continue; } elseif (!is_scalar($arg) || $this->dumpValue($arg) !== $this->dumpValue($arg, false)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Adds method calls to a service definition. * * @param Definition $definition * @param string $variableName * * @return string */ private function addServiceMethodCalls(Definition $definition, $variableName = 'instance') { $calls = ''; foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $call) { $arguments = array(); foreach ($call[1] as $value) { $arguments[] = $this->dumpValue($value); } $calls .= $this->wrapServiceConditionals($call[1], sprintf(" \$%s->%s(%s);\n", $variableName, $call[0], implode(', ', $arguments))); } return $calls; } private function addServiceProperties(Definition $definition, $variableName = 'instance') { $code = ''; foreach ($definition->getProperties() as $name => $value) { $code .= sprintf(" \$%s->%s = %s;\n", $variableName, $name, $this->dumpValue($value)); } return $code; } /** * Adds configurator definition. * * @param Definition $definition * @param string $variableName * * @return string */ private function addServiceConfigurator(Definition $definition, $variableName = 'instance') { if (!$callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { return ''; } if (\is_array($callable)) { if ($callable[0] instanceof Reference || ($callable[0] instanceof Definition && $this->definitionVariables->contains($callable[0]))) { return sprintf(" %s->%s(\$%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $variableName); } $class = $this->dumpValue($callable[0]); // If the class is a string we can optimize call_user_func away if (0 === strpos($class, "'") && false === strpos($class, '$')) { return sprintf(" %s::%s(\$%s);\n", $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), $callable[1], $variableName); } if (0 === strpos($class, 'new ')) { return sprintf(" (%s)->%s(\$%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $variableName); } return sprintf(" \\call_user_func(array(%s, '%s'), \$%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $variableName); } return sprintf(" %s(\$%s);\n", $callable, $variableName); } /** * Adds a service. * * @param string $id * @param Definition $definition * @param string &$file * * @return string */ private function addService($id, Definition $definition, &$file = null) { $this->definitionVariables = new \SplObjectStorage(); $this->referenceVariables = array(); $this->variableCount = 0; $this->definitionVariables[$definition] = $this->referenceVariables[$id] = new Variable('instance'); $return = array(); if ($class = $definition->getClass()) { $class = $class instanceof Parameter ? '%'.$class.'%' : $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($class); $return[] = sprintf(0 === strpos($class, '%') ? '@return object A %1$s instance' : '@return \%s', ltrim($class, '\\')); } elseif ($definition->getFactory()) { $factory = $definition->getFactory(); if (\is_string($factory)) { $return[] = sprintf('@return object An instance returned by %s()', $factory); } elseif (\is_array($factory) && (\is_string($factory[0]) || $factory[0] instanceof Definition || $factory[0] instanceof Reference)) { $class = $factory[0] instanceof Definition ? $factory[0]->getClass() : (string) $factory[0]; $class = $class instanceof Parameter ? '%'.$class.'%' : $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($class); $return[] = sprintf('@return object An instance returned by %s::%s()', $class, $factory[1]); } } if ($definition->isDeprecated()) { if ($return && 0 === strpos($return[\count($return) - 1], '@return')) { $return[] = ''; } $return[] = sprintf('@deprecated %s', $definition->getDeprecationMessage($id)); } $return = str_replace("\n * \n", "\n *\n", implode("\n * ", $return)); $return = $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($return); $shared = $definition->isShared() ? ' shared' : ''; $public = $definition->isPublic() ? 'public' : 'private'; $autowired = $definition->isAutowired() ? ' autowired' : ''; if ($definition->isLazy()) { $lazyInitialization = '$lazyLoad = true'; } else { $lazyInitialization = ''; } $asFile = $this->asFiles && $definition->isShared() && !$this->isHotPath($definition); $methodName = $this->generateMethodName($id); if ($asFile) { $file = $methodName.'.php'; $code = " // Returns the $public '$id'$shared$autowired service.\n\n"; } else { $code = <<docStar} * Gets the $public '$id'$shared$autowired service. * * $return */ protected function {$methodName}($lazyInitialization) { EOF; } $this->serviceCalls = array(); $this->inlinedDefinitions = $this->getDefinitionsFromArguments(array($definition), null, $this->serviceCalls); $code .= $this->addServiceInclude($id, $definition); if ($this->getProxyDumper()->isProxyCandidate($definition)) { $factoryCode = $asFile ? "\$this->load('%s.php', false)" : '$this->%s(false)'; $code .= $this->getProxyDumper()->getProxyFactoryCode($definition, $id, sprintf($factoryCode, $methodName)); } if ($definition->isDeprecated()) { $code .= sprintf(" @trigger_error(%s, E_USER_DEPRECATED);\n\n", $this->export($definition->getDeprecationMessage($id))); } $head = $tail = ''; $arguments = array($definition->getArguments(), $definition->getFactory()); $this->addInlineVariables($head, $tail, $id, $arguments, true); $code .= '' !== $head ? $head."\n" : ''; if ($arguments = array_filter(array($definition->getProperties(), $definition->getMethodCalls(), $definition->getConfigurator()))) { $this->addInlineVariables($tail, $tail, $id, $arguments, false); $tail .= '' !== $tail ? "\n" : ''; $tail .= $this->addServiceProperties($definition); $tail .= $this->addServiceMethodCalls($definition); $tail .= $this->addServiceConfigurator($definition); } $code .= $this->addServiceInstance($id, $definition, '' === $tail) .('' !== $tail ? "\n".$tail."\n return \$instance;\n" : ''); if ($asFile) { $code = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return $line ? substr($line, 8) : $line; }, explode("\n", $code))); } else { $code .= " }\n"; } $this->definitionVariables = $this->inlinedDefinitions = null; $this->referenceVariables = $this->serviceCalls = null; return $code; } private function addInlineVariables(&$head, &$tail, $id, array $arguments, $forConstructor) { $hasSelfRef = false; foreach ($arguments as $argument) { if (\is_array($argument)) { $hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineVariables($head, $tail, $id, $argument, $forConstructor) || $hasSelfRef; } elseif ($argument instanceof Reference) { $hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineReference($head, $id, $this->container->normalizeId($argument), $forConstructor) || $hasSelfRef; } elseif ($argument instanceof Definition) { $hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineService($head, $tail, $id, $argument, $forConstructor) || $hasSelfRef; } } return $hasSelfRef; } private function addInlineReference(&$code, $id, $targetId, $forConstructor) { $hasSelfRef = isset($this->circularReferences[$id][$targetId]); if ('service_container' === $targetId || isset($this->referenceVariables[$targetId])) { return $hasSelfRef; } list($callCount, $behavior) = $this->serviceCalls[$targetId]; if (2 > $callCount && (!$hasSelfRef || !$forConstructor)) { return $hasSelfRef; } $name = $this->getNextVariableName(); $this->referenceVariables[$targetId] = new Variable($name); $reference = ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE >= $behavior ? new Reference($targetId, $behavior) : null; $code .= sprintf(" \$%s = %s;\n", $name, $this->getServiceCall($targetId, $reference)); if (!$hasSelfRef || !$forConstructor) { return $hasSelfRef; } $code .= sprintf(<<<'EOTXT' if (isset($this->%s['%s'])) { return $this->%1$s['%2$s']; } EOTXT , 'services', $id ); return false; } private function addInlineService(&$head, &$tail, $id, Definition $definition, $forConstructor) { if (isset($this->definitionVariables[$definition])) { return false; } $arguments = array($definition->getArguments(), $definition->getFactory()); if (2 > $this->inlinedDefinitions[$definition] && !$definition->getMethodCalls() && !$definition->getProperties() && !$definition->getConfigurator()) { return $this->addInlineVariables($head, $tail, $id, $arguments, $forConstructor); } $name = $this->getNextVariableName(); $this->definitionVariables[$definition] = new Variable($name); $code = ''; if ($forConstructor) { $hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineVariables($code, $tail, $id, $arguments, $forConstructor); } else { $hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineVariables($code, $code, $id, $arguments, $forConstructor); } $code .= $this->addNewInstance($definition, '$'.$name, ' = ', $id); $hasSelfRef && !$forConstructor ? $tail .= ('' !== $tail ? "\n" : '').$code : $head .= ('' !== $head ? "\n" : '').$code; $code = ''; $arguments = array($definition->getProperties(), $definition->getMethodCalls(), $definition->getConfigurator()); $hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineVariables($code, $code, $id, $arguments, false) || $hasSelfRef; $code .= '' !== $code ? "\n" : ''; $code .= $this->addServiceProperties($definition, $name); $code .= $this->addServiceMethodCalls($definition, $name); $code .= $this->addServiceConfigurator($definition, $name); if ('' !== $code) { $hasSelfRef ? $tail .= ('' !== $tail ? "\n" : '').$code : $head .= $code; } return $hasSelfRef; } /** * Adds multiple services. * * @return string */ private function addServices() { $publicServices = $privateServices = ''; $definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions(); ksort($definitions); foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) { if ($definition->isSynthetic() || ($this->asFiles && $definition->isShared() && !$this->isHotPath($definition))) { continue; } if ($definition->isPublic()) { $publicServices .= $this->addService($id, $definition); } else { $privateServices .= $this->addService($id, $definition); } } return $publicServices.$privateServices; } private function generateServiceFiles() { $definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions(); ksort($definitions); foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) { if (!$definition->isSynthetic() && $definition->isShared() && !$this->isHotPath($definition)) { $code = $this->addService($id, $definition, $file); yield $file => $code; } } } private function addNewInstance(Definition $definition, $return, $instantiation, $id) { $class = $this->dumpValue($definition->getClass()); $return = ' '.$return.$instantiation; $arguments = array(); foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $value) { $arguments[] = $this->dumpValue($value); } if (null !== $definition->getFactory()) { $callable = $definition->getFactory(); if (\is_array($callable)) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $callable[1])) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid factory method (%s)', $callable[1] ?: 'n/a')); } if ($callable[0] instanceof Reference || ($callable[0] instanceof Definition && $this->definitionVariables->contains($callable[0]))) { return $return.sprintf("%s->%s(%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : ''); } $class = $this->dumpValue($callable[0]); // If the class is a string we can optimize call_user_func away if (0 === strpos($class, "'") && false === strpos($class, '$')) { if ("''" === $class) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot dump definition: The "%s" service is defined to be created by a factory but is missing the service reference, did you forget to define the factory service id or class?', $id)); } return $return.sprintf("%s::%s(%s);\n", $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), $callable[1], $arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : ''); } if (0 === strpos($class, 'new ')) { return $return.sprintf("(%s)->%s(%s);\n", $class, $callable[1], $arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : ''); } return $return.sprintf("\\call_user_func(array(%s, '%s')%s);\n", $class, $callable[1], $arguments ? ', '.implode(', ', $arguments) : ''); } return $return.sprintf("%s(%s);\n", $this->dumpLiteralClass($this->dumpValue($callable)), $arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : ''); } if (false !== strpos($class, '$')) { return sprintf(" \$class = %s;\n\n%snew \$class(%s);\n", $class, $return, implode(', ', $arguments)); } return $return.sprintf("new %s(%s);\n", $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), implode(', ', $arguments)); } /** * Adds the class headers. * * @param string $class Class name * @param string $baseClass The name of the base class * @param string $baseClassWithNamespace Fully qualified base class name * * @return string */ private function startClass($class, $baseClass, $baseClassWithNamespace) { $bagClass = $this->container->isCompiled() ? 'use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\FrozenParameterBag;' : 'use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\\ParameterBag;'; $namespaceLine = !$this->asFiles && $this->namespace ? "\nnamespace {$this->namespace};\n" : ''; $code = <<docStar} * This class has been auto-generated * by the Symfony Dependency Injection Component. * * @final since Symfony 3.3 */ class $class extends $baseClass { private \$parameters; private \$targetDirs = array(); public function __construct() { EOF; if (null !== $this->targetDirRegex) { $dir = $this->asFiles ? '$this->targetDirs[0] = \\dirname($containerDir)' : '__DIR__'; $code .= <<targetDirMaxMatches}; ++\$i) { \$this->targetDirs[\$i] = \$dir = \\dirname(\$dir); } EOF; } if ($this->asFiles) { $code = str_replace('$parameters', "\$buildParameters;\n private \$containerDir;\n private \$parameters", $code); $code = str_replace('__construct()', '__construct(array $buildParameters = array(), $containerDir = __DIR__)', $code); $code .= " \$this->buildParameters = \$buildParameters;\n"; $code .= " \$this->containerDir = \$containerDir;\n"; } if ($this->container->isCompiled()) { if (Container::class !== $baseClassWithNamespace) { $r = $this->container->getReflectionClass($baseClassWithNamespace, false); if (null !== $r && (null !== $constructor = $r->getConstructor()) && 0 === $constructor->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() && Container::class !== $constructor->getDeclaringClass()->name ) { $code .= " parent::__construct();\n"; $code .= " \$this->parameterBag = null;\n\n"; } } if ($this->container->getParameterBag()->all()) { $code .= " \$this->parameters = \$this->getDefaultParameters();\n\n"; } $code .= " \$this->services = array();\n"; } else { $arguments = $this->container->getParameterBag()->all() ? 'new ParameterBag($this->getDefaultParameters())' : null; $code .= " parent::__construct($arguments);\n"; } $code .= $this->addNormalizedIds(); $code .= $this->addSyntheticIds(); $code .= $this->addMethodMap(); $code .= $this->asFiles ? $this->addFileMap() : ''; $code .= $this->addPrivateServices(); $code .= $this->addAliases(); $code .= $this->addInlineRequires(); $code .= <<<'EOF' } EOF; $code .= $this->addRemovedIds(); if ($this->container->isCompiled()) { $code .= <<asFiles) { $code .= <<containerDir.\\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.\$file; } EOF; } $proxyDumper = $this->getProxyDumper(); foreach ($this->container->getDefinitions() as $definition) { if (!$proxyDumper->isProxyCandidate($definition)) { continue; } if ($this->asFiles) { $proxyLoader = '$this->load("{$class}.php")'; } elseif ($this->namespace) { $proxyLoader = 'class_alias("'.$this->namespace.'\\\\{$class}", $class, false)'; } else { $proxyLoader = ''; } if ($proxyLoader) { $proxyLoader = "class_exists(\$class, false) || {$proxyLoader};\n\n "; } $code .= <<container->getNormalizedIds(); ksort($normalizedIds); foreach ($normalizedIds as $id => $normalizedId) { if ($this->container->has($normalizedId)) { $code .= ' '.$this->doExport($id).' => '.$this->doExport($normalizedId).",\n"; } } return $code ? " \$this->normalizedIds = array(\n".$code." );\n" : ''; } /** * Adds the syntheticIds definition. * * @return string */ private function addSyntheticIds() { $code = ''; $definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions(); ksort($definitions); foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) { if ($definition->isSynthetic() && 'service_container' !== $id) { $code .= ' '.$this->doExport($id)." => true,\n"; } } return $code ? " \$this->syntheticIds = array(\n{$code} );\n" : ''; } /** * Adds the removedIds definition. * * @return string */ private function addRemovedIds() { if (!$ids = $this->container->getRemovedIds()) { return ''; } if ($this->asFiles) { $code = "require \$this->containerDir.\\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'removed-ids.php'"; } else { $code = ''; $ids = array_keys($ids); sort($ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (preg_match('/^\d+_[^~]++~[._a-zA-Z\d]{7}$/', $id)) { continue; } $code .= ' '.$this->doExport($id)." => true,\n"; } $code = "array(\n{$code} )"; } return <<container->getDefinitions(); ksort($definitions); foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) { if (!$definition->isSynthetic() && (!$this->asFiles || !$definition->isShared() || $this->isHotPath($definition))) { $code .= ' '.$this->doExport($id).' => '.$this->doExport($this->generateMethodName($id)).",\n"; } } return $code ? " \$this->methodMap = array(\n{$code} );\n" : ''; } /** * Adds the fileMap property definition. * * @return string */ private function addFileMap() { $code = ''; $definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions(); ksort($definitions); foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) { if (!$definition->isSynthetic() && $definition->isShared() && !$this->isHotPath($definition)) { $code .= sprintf(" %s => '%s.php',\n", $this->doExport($id), $this->generateMethodName($id)); } } return $code ? " \$this->fileMap = array(\n{$code} );\n" : ''; } /** * Adds the privates property definition. * * @return string */ private function addPrivateServices() { $code = ''; $aliases = $this->container->getAliases(); ksort($aliases); foreach ($aliases as $id => $alias) { if ($alias->isPrivate()) { $code .= ' '.$this->doExport($id)." => true,\n"; } } $definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions(); ksort($definitions); foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) { if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $code .= ' '.$this->doExport($id)." => true,\n"; } } if (empty($code)) { return ''; } $out = " \$this->privates = array(\n"; $out .= $code; $out .= " );\n"; return $out; } /** * Adds the aliases property definition. * * @return string */ private function addAliases() { if (!$aliases = $this->container->getAliases()) { return $this->container->isCompiled() ? "\n \$this->aliases = array();\n" : ''; } $code = " \$this->aliases = array(\n"; ksort($aliases); foreach ($aliases as $alias => $id) { $id = $this->container->normalizeId($id); while (isset($aliases[$id])) { $id = $this->container->normalizeId($aliases[$id]); } $code .= ' '.$this->doExport($alias).' => '.$this->doExport($id).",\n"; } return $code." );\n"; } private function addInlineRequires() { if (!$this->hotPathTag || !$this->inlineRequires) { return ''; } $lineage = array(); foreach ($this->container->findTaggedServiceIds($this->hotPathTag) as $id => $tags) { $definition = $this->container->getDefinition($id); $inlinedDefinitions = $this->getDefinitionsFromArguments(array($definition)); foreach ($inlinedDefinitions as $def) { if (\is_string($class = \is_array($factory = $def->getFactory()) && \is_string($factory[0]) ? $factory[0] : $def->getClass())) { $this->collectLineage($class, $lineage); } } } $code = ''; foreach ($lineage as $file) { if (!isset($this->inlinedRequires[$file])) { $this->inlinedRequires[$file] = true; $code .= sprintf("\n include_once %s;", $file); } } return $code ? sprintf("\n \$this->privates['service_container'] = function () {%s\n };\n", $code) : ''; } /** * Adds default parameters method. * * @return string */ private function addDefaultParametersMethod() { if (!$this->container->getParameterBag()->all()) { return ''; } $php = array(); $dynamicPhp = array(); $normalizedParams = array(); foreach ($this->container->getParameterBag()->all() as $key => $value) { if ($key !== $resolvedKey = $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($key)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Parameter name cannot use env parameters: %s.', $resolvedKey)); } if ($key !== $lcKey = strtolower($key)) { $normalizedParams[] = sprintf(' %s => %s,', $this->export($lcKey), $this->export($key)); } $export = $this->exportParameters(array($value)); $export = explode('0 => ', substr(rtrim($export, " )\n"), 7, -1), 2); if (preg_match("/\\\$this->(?:getEnv\('(?:\w++:)*+\w++'\)|targetDirs\[\d++\])/", $export[1])) { $dynamicPhp[$key] = sprintf('%scase %s: $value = %s; break;', $export[0], $this->export($key), $export[1]); } else { $php[] = sprintf('%s%s => %s,', $export[0], $this->export($key), $export[1]); } } $parameters = sprintf("array(\n%s\n%s)", implode("\n", $php), str_repeat(' ', 8)); $code = ''; if ($this->container->isCompiled()) { $code .= <<<'EOF' public function getParameter($name) { $name = (string) $name; if (isset($this->buildParameters[$name])) { return $this->buildParameters[$name]; } if (!(isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters))) { $name = $this->normalizeParameterName($name); if (!(isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The parameter "%s" must be defined.', $name)); } } if (isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name])) { return $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] ? $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name); } return $this->parameters[$name]; } public function hasParameter($name) { $name = (string) $name; if (isset($this->buildParameters[$name])) { return true; } $name = $this->normalizeParameterName($name); return isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters); } public function setParameter($name, $value) { throw new LogicException('Impossible to call set() on a frozen ParameterBag.'); } public function getParameterBag() { if (null === $this->parameterBag) { $parameters = $this->parameters; foreach ($this->loadedDynamicParameters as $name => $loaded) { $parameters[$name] = $loaded ? $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name); } foreach ($this->buildParameters as $name => $value) { $parameters[$name] = $value; } $this->parameterBag = new FrozenParameterBag($parameters); } return $this->parameterBag; } EOF; if (!$this->asFiles) { $code = preg_replace('/^.*buildParameters.*\n.*\n.*\n/m', '', $code); } if ($dynamicPhp) { $loadedDynamicParameters = $this->exportParameters(array_combine(array_keys($dynamicPhp), array_fill(0, \count($dynamicPhp), false)), '', 8); $getDynamicParameter = <<<'EOF' switch ($name) { %s default: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The dynamic parameter "%%s" must be defined.', $name)); } $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true; return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value; EOF; $getDynamicParameter = sprintf($getDynamicParameter, implode("\n", $dynamicPhp)); } else { $loadedDynamicParameters = 'array()'; $getDynamicParameter = str_repeat(' ', 8).'throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(\'The dynamic parameter "%s" must be defined.\', $name));'; } $code .= <<docStar} * Computes a dynamic parameter. * * @param string The name of the dynamic parameter to load * * @return mixed The value of the dynamic parameter * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When the dynamic parameter does not exist */ private function getDynamicParameter(\$name) { {$getDynamicParameter} } EOF; $code .= ' private $normalizedParameterNames = '.($normalizedParams ? sprintf("array(\n%s\n );", implode("\n", $normalizedParams)) : 'array();')."\n"; $code .= <<<'EOF' private function normalizeParameterName($name) { if (isset($this->normalizedParameterNames[$normalizedName = strtolower($name)]) || isset($this->parameters[$normalizedName]) || array_key_exists($normalizedName, $this->parameters)) { $normalizedName = isset($this->normalizedParameterNames[$normalizedName]) ? $this->normalizedParameterNames[$normalizedName] : $normalizedName; if ((string) $name !== $normalizedName) { @trigger_error(sprintf('Parameter names will be made case sensitive in Symfony 4.0. Using "%s" instead of "%s" is deprecated since Symfony 3.4.', $name, $normalizedName), E_USER_DEPRECATED); } } else { $normalizedName = $this->normalizedParameterNames[$normalizedName] = (string) $name; } return $normalizedName; } EOF; } elseif ($dynamicPhp) { throw new RuntimeException('You cannot dump a not-frozen container with dynamic parameters.'); } $code .= <<docStar} * Gets the default parameters. * * @return array An array of the default parameters */ protected function getDefaultParameters() { return $parameters; } EOF; return $code; } /** * Exports parameters. * * @param array $parameters * @param string $path * @param int $indent * * @return string * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function exportParameters(array $parameters, $path = '', $indent = 12) { $php = array(); foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { if (\is_array($value)) { $value = $this->exportParameters($value, $path.'/'.$key, $indent + 4); } elseif ($value instanceof ArgumentInterface) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain special arguments. "%s" found in "%s".', \get_class($value), $path.'/'.$key)); } elseif ($value instanceof Variable) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain variable references. Variable "%s" found in "%s".', $value, $path.'/'.$key)); } elseif ($value instanceof Definition) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain service definitions. Definition for "%s" found in "%s".', $value->getClass(), $path.'/'.$key)); } elseif ($value instanceof Reference) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain references to other services (reference to service "%s" found in "%s").', $value, $path.'/'.$key)); } elseif ($value instanceof Expression) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain expressions. Expression "%s" found in "%s".', $value, $path.'/'.$key)); } else { $value = $this->export($value); } $php[] = sprintf('%s%s => %s,', str_repeat(' ', $indent), $this->export($key), $value); } return sprintf("array(\n%s\n%s)", implode("\n", $php), str_repeat(' ', $indent - 4)); } /** * Ends the class definition. * * @return string */ private function endClass() { return <<<'EOF' } EOF; } /** * Wraps the service conditionals. * * @param string $value * @param string $code * * @return string */ private function wrapServiceConditionals($value, $code) { if (!$condition = $this->getServiceConditionals($value)) { return $code; } // re-indent the wrapped code $code = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return $line ? ' '.$line : $line; }, explode("\n", $code))); return sprintf(" if (%s) {\n%s }\n", $condition, $code); } /** * Get the conditions to execute for conditional services. * * @param string $value * * @return string|null */ private function getServiceConditionals($value) { $conditions = array(); foreach (ContainerBuilder::getInitializedConditionals($value) as $service) { if (!$this->container->hasDefinition($service)) { return 'false'; } $conditions[] = sprintf("isset(\$this->services['%s'])", $service); } foreach (ContainerBuilder::getServiceConditionals($value) as $service) { if ($this->container->hasDefinition($service) && !$this->container->getDefinition($service)->isPublic()) { continue; } $conditions[] = sprintf("\$this->has('%s')", $service); } if (!$conditions) { return ''; } return implode(' && ', $conditions); } private function getDefinitionsFromArguments(array $arguments, \SplObjectStorage $definitions = null, array &$calls = array()) { if (null === $definitions) { $definitions = new \SplObjectStorage(); } foreach ($arguments as $argument) { if (\is_array($argument)) { $this->getDefinitionsFromArguments($argument, $definitions, $calls); } elseif ($argument instanceof Reference) { $id = $this->container->normalizeId($argument); if (!isset($calls[$id])) { $calls[$id] = array(0, $argument->getInvalidBehavior()); } else { $calls[$id][1] = min($calls[$id][1], $argument->getInvalidBehavior()); } ++$calls[$id][0]; } elseif (!$argument instanceof Definition) { // no-op } elseif (isset($definitions[$argument])) { $definitions[$argument] = 1 + $definitions[$argument]; } else { $definitions[$argument] = 1; $arguments = array($argument->getArguments(), $argument->getFactory(), $argument->getProperties(), $argument->getMethodCalls(), $argument->getConfigurator()); $this->getDefinitionsFromArguments($arguments, $definitions, $calls); } } return $definitions; } /** * Dumps values. * * @param mixed $value * @param bool $interpolate * * @return string * * @throws RuntimeException */ private function dumpValue($value, $interpolate = true) { if (\is_array($value)) { if ($value && $interpolate && false !== $param = array_search($value, $this->container->getParameterBag()->all(), true)) { return $this->dumpValue("%$param%"); } $code = array(); foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $code[] = sprintf('%s => %s', $this->dumpValue($k, $interpolate), $this->dumpValue($v, $interpolate)); } return sprintf('array(%s)', implode(', ', $code)); } elseif ($value instanceof ArgumentInterface) { $scope = array($this->definitionVariables, $this->referenceVariables); $this->definitionVariables = $this->referenceVariables = null; try { if ($value instanceof ServiceClosureArgument) { $value = $value->getValues()[0]; $code = $this->dumpValue($value, $interpolate); if ($value instanceof TypedReference) { $code = sprintf('$f = function (\\%s $v%s) { return $v; }; return $f(%s);', $value->getType(), ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE !== $value->getInvalidBehavior() ? ' = null' : '', $code); } else { $code = sprintf('return %s;', $code); } return sprintf("function () {\n %s\n }", $code); } if ($value instanceof IteratorArgument) { $operands = array(0); $code = array(); $code[] = 'new RewindableGenerator(function () {'; if (!$values = $value->getValues()) { $code[] = ' return new \EmptyIterator();'; } else { $countCode = array(); $countCode[] = 'function () {'; foreach ($values as $k => $v) { ($c = $this->getServiceConditionals($v)) ? $operands[] = "(int) ($c)" : ++$operands[0]; $v = $this->wrapServiceConditionals($v, sprintf(" yield %s => %s;\n", $this->dumpValue($k, $interpolate), $this->dumpValue($v, $interpolate))); foreach (explode("\n", $v) as $v) { if ($v) { $code[] = ' '.$v; } } } $countCode[] = sprintf(' return %s;', implode(' + ', $operands)); $countCode[] = ' }'; } $code[] = sprintf(' }, %s)', \count($operands) > 1 ? implode("\n", $countCode) : $operands[0]); return implode("\n", $code); } } finally { list($this->definitionVariables, $this->referenceVariables) = $scope; } } elseif ($value instanceof Definition) { if (null !== $this->definitionVariables && $this->definitionVariables->contains($value)) { return $this->dumpValue($this->definitionVariables[$value], $interpolate); } if ($value->getMethodCalls()) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have method calls.'); } if ($value->getProperties()) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have properties.'); } if (null !== $value->getConfigurator()) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have a configurator.'); } $arguments = array(); foreach ($value->getArguments() as $argument) { $arguments[] = $this->dumpValue($argument); } if (null !== $value->getFactory()) { $factory = $value->getFactory(); if (\is_string($factory)) { return sprintf('%s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($this->dumpValue($factory)), implode(', ', $arguments)); } if (\is_array($factory)) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $factory[1])) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid factory method (%s)', $factory[1] ?: 'n/a')); } $class = $this->dumpValue($factory[0]); if (\is_string($factory[0])) { return sprintf('%s::%s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), $factory[1], implode(', ', $arguments)); } if ($factory[0] instanceof Definition) { if (0 === strpos($class, 'new ')) { return sprintf('(%s)->%s(%s)', $class, $factory[1], implode(', ', $arguments)); } return sprintf("\\call_user_func(array(%s, '%s')%s)", $class, $factory[1], \count($arguments) > 0 ? ', '.implode(', ', $arguments) : ''); } if ($factory[0] instanceof Reference) { return sprintf('%s->%s(%s)', $class, $factory[1], implode(', ', $arguments)); } } throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definition because of invalid factory'); } $class = $value->getClass(); if (null === $class) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have no class nor factory.'); } return sprintf('new %s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($this->dumpValue($class)), implode(', ', $arguments)); } elseif ($value instanceof Variable) { return '$'.$value; } elseif ($value instanceof Reference) { $id = $this->container->normalizeId($value); if (null !== $this->referenceVariables && isset($this->referenceVariables[$id])) { return $this->dumpValue($this->referenceVariables[$id], $interpolate); } return $this->getServiceCall($id, $value); } elseif ($value instanceof Expression) { return $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile((string) $value, array('this' => 'container')); } elseif ($value instanceof Parameter) { return $this->dumpParameter($value); } elseif (true === $interpolate && \is_string($value)) { if (preg_match('/^%([^%]+)%$/', $value, $match)) { // we do this to deal with non string values (Boolean, integer, ...) // the preg_replace_callback converts them to strings return $this->dumpParameter($match[1]); } else { $replaceParameters = function ($match) { return "'.".$this->dumpParameter($match[2]).".'"; }; $code = str_replace('%%', '%', preg_replace_callback('/(?export($value))); return $code; } } elseif (\is_object($value) || \is_resource($value)) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to dump a service container if a parameter is an object or a resource.'); } return $this->export($value); } /** * Dumps a string to a literal (aka PHP Code) class value. * * @param string $class * * @return string * * @throws RuntimeException */ private function dumpLiteralClass($class) { if (false !== strpos($class, '$')) { return sprintf('${($_ = %s) && false ?: "_"}', $class); } if (0 !== strpos($class, "'") || !preg_match('/^\'(?:\\\{2})?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*(?:\\\{2}[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)*\'$/', $class)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid class name (%s)', $class ?: 'n/a')); } $class = substr(str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $class), 1, -1); return 0 === strpos($class, '\\') ? $class : '\\'.$class; } /** * Dumps a parameter. * * @param string $name * * @return string */ private function dumpParameter($name) { if ($this->container->isCompiled() && $this->container->hasParameter($name)) { $value = $this->container->getParameter($name); $dumpedValue = $this->dumpValue($value, false); if (!$value || !\is_array($value)) { return $dumpedValue; } if (!preg_match("/\\\$this->(?:getEnv\('(?:\w++:)*+\w++'\)|targetDirs\[\d++\])/", $dumpedValue)) { return sprintf("\$this->parameters['%s']", $name); } } return sprintf("\$this->getParameter('%s')", $name); } /** * Gets a service call. * * @param string $id * @param Reference $reference * * @return string */ private function getServiceCall($id, Reference $reference = null) { while ($this->container->hasAlias($id)) { $id = (string) $this->container->getAlias($id); } $id = $this->container->normalizeId($id); if ('service_container' === $id) { return '$this'; } if ($this->container->hasDefinition($id) && $definition = $this->container->getDefinition($id)) { if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { $code = sprintf('$this->get(\'%s\'%s)', $id, null !== $reference ? ', '.$reference->getInvalidBehavior() : ''); } elseif (null !== $reference && ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE === $reference->getInvalidBehavior()) { $code = 'null'; if (!$definition->isShared()) { return $code; } } elseif ($this->isTrivialInstance($definition)) { $code = substr($this->addNewInstance($definition, '', '', $id), 8, -2); if ($definition->isShared()) { $code = sprintf('$this->services[\'%s\'] = %s', $id, $code); } } elseif ($this->asFiles && $definition->isShared() && !$this->isHotPath($definition)) { $code = sprintf("\$this->load('%s.php')", $this->generateMethodName($id)); } else { $code = sprintf('$this->%s()', $this->generateMethodName($id)); } } elseif (null !== $reference && ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE === $reference->getInvalidBehavior()) { return 'null'; } elseif (null !== $reference && ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE !== $reference->getInvalidBehavior()) { $code = sprintf('$this->get(\'%s\', /* ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE */ %d)', $id, ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE); } else { $code = sprintf('$this->get(\'%s\')', $id); } // The following is PHP 5.5 syntax for what could be written as "(\$this->services['$id'] ?? $code)" on PHP>=7.0 return "\${(\$_ = isset(\$this->services['$id']) ? \$this->services['$id'] : $code) && false ?: '_'}"; } /** * Initializes the method names map to avoid conflicts with the Container methods. * * @param string $class the container base class */ private function initializeMethodNamesMap($class) { $this->serviceIdToMethodNameMap = array(); $this->usedMethodNames = array(); if ($reflectionClass = $this->container->getReflectionClass($class)) { foreach ($reflectionClass->getMethods() as $method) { $this->usedMethodNames[strtolower($method->getName())] = true; } } } /** * Convert a service id to a valid PHP method name. * * @param string $id * * @return string * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function generateMethodName($id) { if (isset($this->serviceIdToMethodNameMap[$id])) { return $this->serviceIdToMethodNameMap[$id]; } $i = strrpos($id, '\\'); $name = Container::camelize(false !== $i && isset($id[1 + $i]) ? substr($id, 1 + $i) : $id); $name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]/', '', $name); $methodName = 'get'.$name.'Service'; $suffix = 1; while (isset($this->usedMethodNames[strtolower($methodName)])) { ++$suffix; $methodName = 'get'.$name.$suffix.'Service'; } $this->serviceIdToMethodNameMap[$id] = $methodName; $this->usedMethodNames[strtolower($methodName)] = true; return $methodName; } /** * Returns the next name to use. * * @return string */ private function getNextVariableName() { $firstChars = self::FIRST_CHARS; $firstCharsLength = \strlen($firstChars); $nonFirstChars = self::NON_FIRST_CHARS; $nonFirstCharsLength = \strlen($nonFirstChars); while (true) { $name = ''; $i = $this->variableCount; if ('' === $name) { $name .= $firstChars[$i % $firstCharsLength]; $i = (int) ($i / $firstCharsLength); } while ($i > 0) { --$i; $name .= $nonFirstChars[$i % $nonFirstCharsLength]; $i = (int) ($i / $nonFirstCharsLength); } ++$this->variableCount; // check that the name is not reserved if (\in_array($name, $this->reservedVariables, true)) { continue; } return $name; } } private function getExpressionLanguage() { if (null === $this->expressionLanguage) { if (!class_exists('Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage')) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to use expressions as the Symfony ExpressionLanguage component is not installed.'); } $providers = $this->container->getExpressionLanguageProviders(); $this->expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage(null, $providers, function ($arg) { $id = '""' === substr_replace($arg, '', 1, -1) ? stripcslashes(substr($arg, 1, -1)) : null; if (null !== $id && ($this->container->hasAlias($id) || $this->container->hasDefinition($id))) { return $this->getServiceCall($id); } return sprintf('$this->get(%s)', $arg); }); if ($this->container->isTrackingResources()) { foreach ($providers as $provider) { $this->container->addObjectResource($provider); } } } return $this->expressionLanguage; } private function isHotPath(Definition $definition) { return $this->hotPathTag && $definition->hasTag($this->hotPathTag) && !$definition->isDeprecated(); } private function export($value) { if (null !== $this->targetDirRegex && \is_string($value) && preg_match($this->targetDirRegex, $value, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $prefix = $matches[0][1] ? $this->doExport(substr($value, 0, $matches[0][1]), true).'.' : ''; $suffix = $matches[0][1] + \strlen($matches[0][0]); $suffix = isset($value[$suffix]) ? '.'.$this->doExport(substr($value, $suffix), true) : ''; $dirname = $this->asFiles ? '$this->containerDir' : '__DIR__'; $offset = 1 + $this->targetDirMaxMatches - \count($matches); if ($this->asFiles || 0 < $offset) { $dirname = sprintf('$this->targetDirs[%d]', $offset); } if ($prefix || $suffix) { return sprintf('(%s%s%s)', $prefix, $dirname, $suffix); } return $dirname; } return $this->doExport($value, true); } private function doExport($value, $resolveEnv = false) { if (\is_string($value) && false !== strpos($value, "\n")) { $cleanParts = explode("\n", $value); $cleanParts = array_map(function ($part) { return var_export($part, true); }, $cleanParts); $export = implode('."\n".', $cleanParts); } else { $export = var_export($value, true); } if ($resolveEnv && "'" === $export[0] && $export !== $resolvedExport = $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($export, "'.\$this->getEnv('string:%s').'")) { $export = $resolvedExport; if (".''" === substr($export, -3)) { $export = substr($export, 0, -3); if ("'" === $export[1]) { $export = substr_replace($export, '', 18, 7); } } if ("'" === $export[1]) { $export = substr($export, 3); } } return $export; } }