findTaggedServiceIds('cache.context')) as $id) { if (strpos($id, 'cache_context.') !== 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The service "%s" has an invalid service ID: cache context service IDs must use the "cache_context." prefix. (The suffix is the cache context ID developers may use.)', $id)); } $cache_contexts[] = substr($id, 14); } // Validate. sort($cache_contexts); foreach ($cache_contexts as $id) { // Validate the hierarchy of non-root-level cache contexts. if (strpos($id, '.') !== FALSE) { $parent = substr($id, 0, strrpos($id, '.')); if (!in_array($parent, $cache_contexts)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The service "%s" has an invalid service ID: the period indicates the hierarchy of cache contexts, therefore "%s" is considered the parent cache context, but no cache context service with that name was found.', $id, $parent)); } } } $container->setParameter('cache_contexts', $cache_contexts); } }