createBlockContentType(['id' => 'basic']); $this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser($this->permissions); if ($import_test_views) { ViewTestData::createTestViews(get_class($this), ['block_content_test_views']); } } /** * Creates a custom block. * * @param array $settings * (optional) An associative array of settings for the block_content, as * used in entity_create(). * * @return \Drupal\block_content\Entity\BlockContent * Created custom block. */ protected function createBlockContent(array $settings = []) { $status = 0; $settings += [ 'info' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'type' => 'basic', 'langcode' => 'en', ]; if ($block_content = BlockContent::create($settings)) { $status = $block_content->save(); } $this->assertEqual($status, SAVED_NEW, new FormattableMarkup('Created block content %info.', ['%info' => $block_content->label()])); return $block_content; } /** * Creates a custom block type (bundle). * * @param array $values * An array of settings to change from the defaults. * * @return \Drupal\block_content\Entity\BlockContentType * Created custom block type. */ protected function createBlockContentType(array $values = []) { // Find a non-existent random type name. if (!isset($values['id'])) { do { $id = strtolower($this->randomMachineName(8)); } while (BlockContentType::load($id)); } else { $id = $values['id']; } $values += [ 'id' => $id, 'label' => $id, 'revision' => FALSE, ]; $bundle = BlockContentType::create($values); $status = $bundle->save(); block_content_add_body_field($bundle->id()); $this->assertEqual($status, SAVED_NEW, new FormattableMarkup('Created block content type %bundle.', ['%bundle' => $bundle->id()])); return $bundle; } }