'book', 'title' => 'Book', 'book' => ['bid' => 'new'], ]); $book->save(); $page1 = Node::create([ 'type' => 'book', 'title' => '1st page', 'book' => ['bid' => $book->id(), 'pid' => $book->id(), 'weight' => 0], ]); $page1->save(); $page2 = Node::create([ 'type' => 'book', 'title' => '2nd page', 'book' => ['bid' => $book->id(), 'pid' => $book->id(), 'weight' => 1], ]); $page2->save(); // Head to admin screen and attempt to re-order. $this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(['administer book outlines'])); $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/book/' . $book->id()); $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $weight_select1 = $page->findField("table[book-admin-{$page1->id()}][weight]"); $weight_select2 = $page->findField("table[book-admin-{$page2->id()}][weight]"); // Check that rows weight selects are hidden. $this->assertFalse($weight_select1->isVisible()); $this->assertFalse($weight_select2->isVisible()); // Check that '2nd page' row is heavier than '1st page' row. $this->assertGreaterThan($weight_select1->getValue(), $weight_select2->getValue()); // Check that '1st page' precedes the '2nd page'. $this->assertOrderInPage(['1st page', '2nd page']); // Check that the 'unsaved changes' text is not present in the message area. $this->assertSession()->pageTextNotContains('You have unsaved changes.'); // Drag and drop the '1st page' row over the '2nd page' row. // @todo: Test also the reverse, '2nd page' over '1st page', when // https://www.drupal.org/node/2769825 is fixed. // @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2769825 $dragged = $this->xpath("//tr[@data-drupal-selector='edit-table-book-admin-{$page1->id()}']//a[@class='tabledrag-handle']")[0]; $target = $this->xpath("//tr[@data-drupal-selector='edit-table-book-admin-{$page2->id()}']//a[@class='tabledrag-handle']")[0]; $dragged->dragTo($target); // Give javascript some time to manipulate the DOM. $this->assertJsCondition('jQuery(".tabledrag-changed-warning").is(":visible")'); // Check that the 'unsaved changes' text appeared in the message area. $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('You have unsaved changes.'); // Check that '2nd page' page precedes the '1st page'. $this->assertOrderInPage(['2nd page', '1st page']); $this->submitForm([], 'Save book pages'); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains(new FormattableMarkup('Updated book @book.', ['@book' => $book->getTitle()])); // Check that page reordering was done in the backend for drag-n-drop. $page1 = Node::load($page1->id()); $page2 = Node::load($page2->id()); $this->assertGreaterThan($page2->book['weight'], $page1->book['weight']); // Check again that '2nd page' is on top after form submit in the UI. $this->assertOrderInPage(['2nd page', '1st page']); // Toggle row weight selects as visible. $page->findButton('Show row weights')->click(); // Check that rows weight selects are visible. $this->assertTrue($weight_select1->isVisible()); $this->assertTrue($weight_select2->isVisible()); // Check that '1st page' row became heavier than '2nd page' row. $this->assertGreaterThan($weight_select2->getValue(), $weight_select1->getValue()); // Reverse again using the weight fields. Use the current values so the test // doesn't rely on knowing the values in the select boxes. $value1 = $weight_select1->getValue(); $value2 = $weight_select2->getValue(); $weight_select1->setValue($value2); $weight_select2->setValue($value1); // Toggle row weight selects back to hidden. $page->findButton('Hide row weights')->click(); // Check that rows weight selects are hidden again. $this->assertFalse($weight_select1->isVisible()); $this->assertFalse($weight_select2->isVisible()); $this->submitForm([], 'Save book pages'); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains(new FormattableMarkup('Updated book @book.', ['@book' => $book->getTitle()])); // Check that the '1st page' is first again. $this->assertOrderInPage(['1st page', '2nd page']); // Check that page reordering was done in the backend for manual weight // field usage. $page1 = Node::load($page1->id()); $page2 = Node::load($page2->id()); $this->assertGreaterThan($page2->book['weight'], $page1->book['weight']); } /** * Asserts that several pieces of markup are in a given order in the page. * * @param string[] $items * An ordered list of strings. * * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException * When any of the given string is not found. * * @todo Remove this once https://www.drupal.org/node/2817657 is committed. */ protected function assertOrderInPage(array $items) { $session = $this->getSession(); $text = $session->getPage()->getHtml(); $strings = []; foreach ($items as $item) { if (($pos = strpos($text, $item)) === FALSE) { throw new ExpectationException("Cannot find '$item' in the page", $session->getDriver()); } $strings[$pos] = $item; } ksort($strings); $ordered = implode(', ', array_map(function ($item) { return "'$item'"; }, $items)); $this->assertSame($items, array_values($strings), "Found strings, ordered as: $ordered."); } }