storage = $this->container->get(''); // Create two languages: Spanish and German. foreach (['es', 'de'] as $langcode) { ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode($langcode)->save(); } } /** * Test CRUD API. */ public function testStringCRUDAPI() { // Create source string. $source = $this->buildSourceString(); $source->save(); $this->assertTrue($source->lid, format_string('Successfully created string %string', ['%string' => $source->source])); // Load strings by lid and source. $string1 = $this->storage->findString(['lid' => $source->lid]); $this->assertEqual($source, $string1, 'Successfully retrieved string by identifier.'); $string2 = $this->storage->findString(['source' => $source->source, 'context' => $source->context]); $this->assertEqual($source, $string2, 'Successfully retrieved string by source and context.'); $string3 = $this->storage->findString(['source' => $source->source, 'context' => '']); $this->assertFalse($string3, 'Cannot retrieve string with wrong context.'); // Check version handling and updating. $this->assertEqual($source->version, 'none', 'String originally created without version.'); $string = $this->storage->findTranslation(['lid' => $source->lid]); $this->assertEqual($string->version, \Drupal::VERSION, 'Checked and updated string version to Drupal version.'); // Create translation and find it by lid and source. $langcode = 'es'; $translation = $this->createTranslation($source, $langcode); $this->assertEqual($translation->customized, LOCALE_NOT_CUSTOMIZED, 'Translation created as not customized by default.'); $string1 = $this->storage->findTranslation(['language' => $langcode, 'lid' => $source->lid]); $this->assertEqual($string1->translation, $translation->translation, 'Successfully loaded translation by string identifier.'); $string2 = $this->storage->findTranslation(['language' => $langcode, 'source' => $source->source, 'context' => $source->context]); $this->assertEqual($string2->translation, $translation->translation, 'Successfully loaded translation by source and context.'); $translation ->setCustomized() ->save(); $translation = $this->storage->findTranslation(['language' => $langcode, 'lid' => $source->lid]); $this->assertEqual($translation->customized, LOCALE_CUSTOMIZED, 'Translation successfully marked as customized.'); // Delete translation. $translation->delete(); $deleted = $this->storage->findTranslation(['language' => $langcode, 'lid' => $source->lid]); $this->assertFalse(isset($deleted->translation), 'Successfully deleted translation string.'); // Create some translations and then delete string and all of its // translations. $lid = $source->lid; $this->createAllTranslations($source); $search = $this->storage->getTranslations(['lid' => $source->lid]); $this->assertEqual(count($search), 3, 'Created and retrieved all translations for our source string.'); $source->delete(); $string = $this->storage->findString(['lid' => $lid]); $this->assertFalse($string, 'Successfully deleted source string.'); $deleted = $search = $this->storage->getTranslations(['lid' => $lid]); $this->assertFalse($deleted, 'Successfully deleted all translation strings.'); // Tests that locations of different types and arbitrary lengths can be // added to a source string. Too long locations will be cut off. $source_string = $this->buildSourceString(); $source_string->addLocation('javascript', $this->randomString(8)); $source_string->addLocation('configuration', $this->randomString(50)); $source_string->addLocation('code', $this->randomString(100)); $source_string->addLocation('path', $location = $this->randomString(300)); $source_string->save(); $rows = db_query('SELECT * FROM {locales_location} WHERE sid = :sid', [':sid' => $source_string->lid])->fetchAllAssoc('type'); $this->assertEqual(count($rows), 4, '4 source locations have been persisted.'); $this->assertEqual($rows['path']->name, substr($location, 0, 255), 'Too long location has been limited to 255 characters.'); } /** * Test Search API loading multiple objects. */ public function testStringSearchAPI() { $language_count = 3; // Strings 1 and 2 will have some common prefix. // Source 1 will have all translations, not customized. // Source 2 will have all translations, customized. // Source 3 will have no translations. $prefix = $this->randomMachineName(100); $source1 = $this->buildSourceString(['source' => $prefix . $this->randomMachineName(100)])->save(); $source2 = $this->buildSourceString(['source' => $prefix . $this->randomMachineName(100)])->save(); $source3 = $this->buildSourceString()->save(); // Load all source strings. $strings = $this->storage->getStrings([]); $this->assertEqual(count($strings), 3, 'Found 3 source strings in the database.'); // Load all source strings matching a given string. $filter_options['filters'] = ['source' => $prefix]; $strings = $this->storage->getStrings([], $filter_options); $this->assertEqual(count($strings), 2, 'Found 2 strings using some string filter.'); // Not customized translations. $translate1 = $this->createAllTranslations($source1); // Customized translations. $this->createAllTranslations($source2, ['customized' => LOCALE_CUSTOMIZED]); // Try quick search function with different field combinations. $langcode = 'es'; $found = $this->storage->findTranslation(['language' => $langcode, 'source' => $source1->source, 'context' => $source1->context]); $this->assertTrue($found && isset($found->language) && isset($found->translation) && !$found->isNew(), 'Translation found searching by source and context.'); $this->assertEqual($found->translation, $translate1[$langcode]->translation, 'Found the right translation.'); // Now try a translation not found. $found = $this->storage->findTranslation(['language' => $langcode, 'source' => $source3->source, 'context' => $source3->context]); $this->assertTrue($found && $found->lid == $source3->lid && !isset($found->translation) && $found->isNew(), 'Translation not found but source string found.'); // Load all translations. For next queries we'll be loading only translated // strings. $translations = $this->storage->getTranslations(['translated' => TRUE]); $this->assertEqual(count($translations), 2 * $language_count, 'Created and retrieved all translations for source strings.'); // Load all customized translations. $translations = $this->storage->getTranslations(['customized' => LOCALE_CUSTOMIZED, 'translated' => TRUE]); $this->assertEqual(count($translations), $language_count, 'Retrieved all customized translations for source strings.'); // Load all Spanish customized translations. $translations = $this->storage->getTranslations(['language' => 'es', 'customized' => LOCALE_CUSTOMIZED, 'translated' => TRUE]); $this->assertEqual(count($translations), 1, 'Found only Spanish and customized translations.'); // Load all source strings without translation (1). $translations = $this->storage->getStrings(['translated' => FALSE]); $this->assertEqual(count($translations), 1, 'Found 1 source string without translations.'); // Load Spanish translations using string filter. $filter_options['filters'] = ['source' => $prefix]; $translations = $this->storage->getTranslations(['language' => 'es'], $filter_options); $this->assertEqual(count($translations), 2, 'Found 2 translations using some string filter.'); } /** * Creates random source string object. * * @return \Drupal\locale\StringInterface * A locale string. */ public function buildSourceString($values = []) { return $this->storage->createString($values += [ 'source' => $this->randomMachineName(100), 'context' => $this->randomMachineName(20), ]); } /** * Creates translations for source string and all languages. */ public function createAllTranslations($source, $values = []) { $list = []; /* @var $language_manager \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface */ $language_manager = $this->container->get('language_manager'); foreach ($language_manager->getLanguages() as $language) { $list[$language->getId()] = $this->createTranslation($source, $language->getId(), $values); } return $list; } /** * Creates single translation for source string. */ public function createTranslation($source, $langcode, $values = []) { return $this->storage->createTranslation($values + [ 'lid' => $source->lid, 'language' => $langcode, 'translation' => $this->randomMachineName(100), ])->save(); } }