select('field_config_instance', 'fci') ->fields('fci') ->condition('fci.entity_type', $entity_type) ->condition('fci.bundle', isset($bundle) ? $bundle : $entity_type) ->condition('fci.deleted', 0); // Join the 'field_config' table and add the 'translatable' setting to the // query. $query->leftJoin('field_config', 'fc', 'fci.field_id ='); $query->addField('fc', 'translatable'); return $query->execute()->fetchAllAssoc('field_name'); } /** * Retrieves field values for a single field of a single entity. * * @param string $entity_type * The entity type. * @param string $field * The field name. * @param int $entity_id * The entity ID. * @param int|null $revision_id * (optional) The entity revision ID. * @param string $language * (optional) The field language. * * @return array * The raw field values, keyed by delta. */ protected function getFieldValues($entity_type, $field, $entity_id, $revision_id = NULL, $language = NULL) { $table = (isset($revision_id) ? 'field_revision_' : 'field_data_') . $field; $query = $this->select($table, 't') ->fields('t') ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type) ->condition('entity_id', $entity_id) ->condition('deleted', 0); if (isset($revision_id)) { $query->condition('revision_id', $revision_id); } // Add 'language' as a query condition if it has been defined by Entity // Translation. if ($language) { $query->condition('language', $language); } $values = []; foreach ($query->execute() as $row) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $delta = $row['delta']; if (strpos($key, $field) === 0) { $column = substr($key, strlen($field) + 1); $values[$delta][$column] = $value; } } } return $values; } /** * Checks if an entity type uses Entity Translation. * * @param string $entity_type * The entity type. * * @return bool * Whether the entity type uses entity translation. */ protected function isEntityTranslatable($entity_type) { return in_array($entity_type, $this->variableGet('entity_translation_entity_types', []), TRUE); } /** * Gets an entity source language from the 'entity_translation' table. * * @param string $entity_type * The entity type. * @param int $entity_id * The entity ID. * * @return string|bool * The entity source language or FALSE if no source language was found. */ protected function getEntityTranslationSourceLanguage($entity_type, $entity_id) { try { return $this->select('entity_translation', 'et') ->fields('et', ['language']) ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type) ->condition('entity_id', $entity_id) ->condition('source', '') ->execute() ->fetchField(); } // The table might not exist. catch (\Exception $e) { return FALSE; } } }