id: d6_node_revision label: Node revisions audit: true migration_tags: - Drupal 6 - Content deriver: Drupal\node\Plugin\migrate\D6NodeDeriver source: plugin: d6_node_revision process: # If you are using this file to build a custom migration consider removing # the nid and vid fields to allow incremental migrations. nid: nid vid: vid langcode: plugin: default_value source: language default_value: "und" title: title uid: node_uid status: status created: created changed: changed promote: promote sticky: sticky 'body/format': plugin: migration_lookup migration: d6_filter_format source: format 'body/value': body 'body/summary': teaser revision_uid: revision_uid revision_log: log revision_timestamp: timestamp # unmapped d6 fields. # tnid # translate # moderate # comment destination: plugin: entity_revision:node