drupalCreateUser(['access content', 'administer taxonomy', 'access administration pages', 'administer site configuration', 'administer content types', 'administer nodes', 'bypass node access', 'administer node fields', 'administer node display']); $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); // Create content type, with underscores. $this->typeName = 'test_' . strtolower($this->randomMachineName()); $type = $this->drupalCreateContentType(['name' => $this->typeName, 'type' => $this->typeName]); $this->type = $type->id(); } /** * Options (integer) : test 'allowed values' input. */ public function testOptionsAllowedValuesInteger() { $this->fieldName = 'field_options_integer'; $this->createOptionsField('list_integer'); // Flat list of textual values. $string = "Zero\nOne"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '1' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Unkeyed lists are accepted.'); // Explicit integer keys. $string = "0|Zero\n2|Two"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '2' => 'Two']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Integer keys are accepted.'); // Check that values can be added and removed. $string = "0|Zero\n1|One"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '1' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values can be added and removed.'); // Non-integer keys. $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("1.1|One", 'keys must be integers', 'Non integer keys are rejected.'); $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("abc|abc", 'keys must be integers', 'Non integer keys are rejected.'); // Mixed list of keyed and unkeyed values. $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("Zero\n1|One", 'invalid input', 'Mixed lists are rejected.'); // Create a node with actual data for the field. $settings = [ 'type' => $this->type, $this->fieldName => [['value' => 1]], ]; $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings); // Check that a flat list of values is rejected once the field has data. $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("Zero\nOne", 'invalid input', 'Unkeyed lists are rejected once the field has data.'); // Check that values can be added but values in use cannot be removed. $string = "0|Zero\n1|One\n2|Two"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '1' => 'One', '2' => 'Two']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values can be added.'); $string = "0|Zero\n1|One"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '1' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values not in use can be removed.'); $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("0|Zero", 'some values are being removed while currently in use', 'Values in use cannot be removed.'); // Delete the node, remove the value. $node->delete(); $string = "0|Zero"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values not in use can be removed.'); // Check that the same key can only be used once. $string = "0|Zero\n0|One"; $array = ['0' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Same value cannot be used multiple times.'); } /** * Options (float) : test 'allowed values' input. */ public function testOptionsAllowedValuesFloat() { $this->fieldName = 'field_options_float'; $this->createOptionsField('list_float'); // Flat list of textual values. $string = "Zero\nOne"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '1' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Unkeyed lists are accepted.'); // Explicit numeric keys. $string = "0|Zero\n.5|Point five"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '0.5' => 'Point five']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Integer keys are accepted.'); // Check that values can be added and removed. $string = "0|Zero\n.5|Point five\n1.0|One"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '0.5' => 'Point five', '1' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values can be added and removed.'); // Non-numeric keys. $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("abc|abc\n", 'each key must be a valid integer or decimal', 'Non numeric keys are rejected.'); // Mixed list of keyed and unkeyed values. $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("Zero\n1|One\n", 'invalid input', 'Mixed lists are rejected.'); // Create a node with actual data for the field. $settings = [ 'type' => $this->type, $this->fieldName => [['value' => .5]], ]; $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings); // Check that a flat list of values is rejected once the field has data. $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("Zero\nOne", 'invalid input', 'Unkeyed lists are rejected once the field has data.'); // Check that values can be added but values in use cannot be removed. $string = "0|Zero\n.5|Point five\n2|Two"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '0.5' => 'Point five', '2' => 'Two']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values can be added.'); $string = "0|Zero\n.5|Point five"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '0.5' => 'Point five']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values not in use can be removed.'); $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("0|Zero", 'some values are being removed while currently in use', 'Values in use cannot be removed.'); // Delete the node, remove the value. $node->delete(); $string = "0|Zero"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values not in use can be removed.'); // Check that the same key can only be used once. $string = "0.5|Point five\n0.5|Half"; $array = ['0.5' => 'Half']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Same value cannot be used multiple times.'); // Check that different forms of the same float value cannot be used. $string = "0|Zero\n.5|Point five\n0.5|Half"; $array = ['0' => 'Zero', '0.5' => 'Half']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Different forms of the same value cannot be used.'); } /** * Options (text) : test 'allowed values' input. */ public function testOptionsAllowedValuesText() { $this->fieldName = 'field_options_text'; $this->createOptionsField('list_string'); // Flat list of textual values. $string = "Zero\nOne"; $array = ['Zero' => 'Zero', 'One' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Unkeyed lists are accepted.'); // Explicit keys. $string = "zero|Zero\none|One"; $array = ['zero' => 'Zero', 'one' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Explicit keys are accepted.'); // Check that values can be added and removed. $string = "zero|Zero\ntwo|Two"; $array = ['zero' => 'Zero', 'two' => 'Two']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values can be added and removed.'); // Mixed list of keyed and unkeyed values. $string = "zero|Zero\nOne\n"; $array = ['zero' => 'Zero', 'One' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Mixed lists are accepted.'); // Overly long keys. $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("zero|Zero\n" . $this->randomMachineName(256) . "|One", 'each key must be a string at most 255 characters long', 'Overly long keys are rejected.'); // Create a node with actual data for the field. $settings = [ 'type' => $this->type, $this->fieldName => [['value' => 'One']], ]; $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings); // Check that flat lists of values are still accepted once the field has // data. $string = "Zero\nOne"; $array = ['Zero' => 'Zero', 'One' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Unkeyed lists are still accepted once the field has data.'); // Check that values can be added but values in use cannot be removed. $string = "Zero\nOne\nTwo"; $array = ['Zero' => 'Zero', 'One' => 'One', 'Two' => 'Two']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values can be added.'); $string = "Zero\nOne"; $array = ['Zero' => 'Zero', 'One' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values not in use can be removed.'); $this->assertAllowedValuesInput("Zero", 'some values are being removed while currently in use', 'Values in use cannot be removed.'); // Delete the node, remove the value. $node->delete(); $string = "Zero"; $array = ['Zero' => 'Zero']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Values not in use can be removed.'); // Check that string values with dots can be used. $string = "Zero\nexample.com|Example"; $array = ['Zero' => 'Zero', 'example.com' => 'Example']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'String value with dot is supported.'); // Check that the same key can only be used once. $string = "zero|Zero\nzero|One"; $array = ['zero' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Same value cannot be used multiple times.'); } /** * Options (text) : test 'trimmed values' input. */ public function testOptionsTrimmedValuesText() { $this->fieldName = 'field_options_trimmed_text'; $this->createOptionsField('list_string'); // Explicit keys. $string = "zero |Zero\none | One"; $array = ['zero' => 'Zero', 'one' => 'One']; $this->assertAllowedValuesInput($string, $array, 'Explicit keys are accepted and trimmed.'); } /** * Helper function to create list field of a given type. * * @param string $type * One of 'list_integer', 'list_float' or 'list_string'. */ protected function createOptionsField($type) { // Create a field. FieldStorageConfig::create([ 'field_name' => $this->fieldName, 'entity_type' => 'node', 'type' => $type, ])->save(); FieldConfig::create([ 'field_name' => $this->fieldName, 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => $this->type, ])->save(); entity_get_form_display('node', $this->type, 'default')->setComponent($this->fieldName)->save(); $this->adminPath = 'admin/structure/types/manage/' . $this->type . '/fields/node.' . $this->type . '.' . $this->fieldName . '/storage'; } /** * Tests a string input for the 'allowed values' form element. * * @param $input_string * The input string, in the pipe-linefeed format expected by the form * element. * @param $result * Either an expected resulting array in * $field->getSetting('allowed_values'), or an expected error message. * @param $message * Message to display. */ public function assertAllowedValuesInput($input_string, $result, $message) { $edit = ['settings[allowed_values]' => $input_string]; $this->drupalPostForm($this->adminPath, $edit, t('Save field settings')); $this->assertNoRaw('<', 'The page does not have double escaped HTML tags.'); if (is_string($result)) { $this->assertText($result, $message); } else { $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('node', $this->fieldName); $this->assertIdentical($field_storage->getSetting('allowed_values'), $result, $message); } } /** * Tests normal and key formatter display on node display. */ public function testNodeDisplay() { $this->fieldName = strtolower($this->randomMachineName()); $this->createOptionsField('list_integer'); $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => $this->type]); $on = $this->randomMachineName(); $off = $this->randomMachineName(); $edit = [ 'settings[allowed_values]' => "1|$on 0|$off", ]; $this->drupalPostForm($this->adminPath, $edit, t('Save field settings')); $this->assertText(format_string('Updated field @field_name field settings.', ['@field_name' => $this->fieldName]), "The 'On' and 'Off' form fields work for boolean fields."); // Select a default value. $edit = [ $this->fieldName => '1', ]; $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save')); // Check the node page and see if the values are correct. $file_formatters = ['list_default', 'list_key']; foreach ($file_formatters as $formatter) { $edit = [ "fields[$this->fieldName][type]" => $formatter, "fields[$this->fieldName][region]" => 'content', ]; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $this->typeName . '/display', $edit, t('Save')); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id()); if ($formatter == 'list_default') { $output = $on; } else { $output = '1'; } $elements = $this->xpath('//div[text()="' . $output . '"]'); $this->assertEqual(count($elements), 1, 'Correct options found.'); } } }