'filtered_html', 'name' => 'Filtered HTML', 'weight' => 0, ]); $filtered_html_format->save(); Editor::create([ 'format' => 'filtered_html', 'editor' => 'ckeditor', ])->save(); // Create note type with body field. $node_type = NodeType::create(['type' => 'page', 'name' => 'Page']); $node_type->save(); node_add_body_field($node_type); $account = $this->drupalCreateUser([ 'access content', 'administer nodes', 'edit any page content', 'use text format filtered_html', 'access contextual links', 'access in-place editing', ]); $this->drupalLogin($account); } /** * Tests that quickeditor works correctly for field with CKEditor. */ public function testFieldWithCkeditor() { $body_value = '

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'; $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'page', 'title' => 'Page node', 'body' => [['value' => $body_value, 'format' => 'filtered_html']], ]); $node->save(); $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $assert = $this->assertSession(); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id()); // Wait "Quick edit" button for node. $this->assertSession()->waitForElement('css', '[data-quickedit-entity-id="node/' . $node->id() . '"] .contextual .quickedit'); // Click by "Quick edit". $this->clickContextualLink('[data-quickedit-entity-id="node/' . $node->id() . '"]', 'Quick edit'); // Switch to body field. $page->find('css', '[data-quickedit-field-id="node/' . $node->id() . '/body/en/full"]')->click(); // Wait and click by "Blockquote" button from editor for body field. $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', '.cke_button.cke_button__blockquote')->click(); // Wait and click by "Save" button after body field was changed. $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', '.quickedit-toolgroup.ops [type="submit"][aria-hidden="false"]')->click(); // Wait until the save occurs and the editor UI disappears. $this->waitForNoElement('.cke_button.cke_button__blockquote'); // Ensure that the changes take effect. $assert->responseMatches("|
|"); } /** * Waits for an element to be removed from the page. * * @param string $selector * CSS selector. * @param int $timeout * (optional) Timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 10000. */ protected function waitForNoElement($selector, $timeout = 10000) { $condition = "(typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' && jQuery('$selector').length === 0)"; $this->assertJsCondition($condition, $timeout); } }