testUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(['access content', 'search content']); $this->drupalLogin($this->testUser); } /** * Tests that the search index info is properly updated when a node changes. */ public function testSearchIndexUpdateOnNodeChange() { // Create a node. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode([ 'title' => 'Someone who says Ni!', 'body' => [['value' => "We are the knights who say Ni!"]], 'type' => 'page', ]); $node_search_plugin = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.search')->createInstance('node_search'); // Update the search index. $node_search_plugin->updateIndex(); search_update_totals(); // Search the node to verify it appears in search results $edit = ['keys' => 'knights']; $this->drupalPostForm('search/node', $edit, t('Search')); $this->assertText($node->label()); // Update the node $node->body->value = "We want a shrubbery!"; $node->save(); // Run indexer again $node_search_plugin->updateIndex(); search_update_totals(); // Search again to verify the new text appears in test results. $edit = ['keys' => 'shrubbery']; $this->drupalPostForm('search/node', $edit, t('Search')); $this->assertText($node->label()); } /** * Tests that the search index info is updated when a node is deleted. */ public function testSearchIndexUpdateOnNodeDeletion() { // Create a node. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode([ 'title' => 'No dragons here', 'body' => [['value' => 'Again: No dragons here']], 'type' => 'page', ]); $node_search_plugin = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.search')->createInstance('node_search'); // Update the search index. $node_search_plugin->updateIndex(); search_update_totals(); // Search the node to verify it appears in search results $edit = ['keys' => 'dragons']; $this->drupalPostForm('search/node', $edit, t('Search')); $this->assertText($node->label()); // Get the node info from the search index tables. $search_index_dataset = db_query("SELECT sid FROM {search_index} WHERE type = 'node_search' AND word = :word", [':word' => 'dragons']) ->fetchField(); $this->assertNotEqual($search_index_dataset, FALSE, t('Node info found on the search_index')); // Delete the node. $node->delete(); // Check if the node info is gone from the search table. $search_index_dataset = db_query("SELECT sid FROM {search_index} WHERE type = 'node_search' AND word = :word", [':word' => 'dragons']) ->fetchField(); $this->assertFalse($search_index_dataset, t('Node info successfully removed from search_index')); // Search again to verify the node doesn't appear anymore. $this->drupalPostForm('search/node', $edit, t('Search')); $this->assertNoText($node->label()); } }