createUser([ 'administer blocks', 'access contextual links', 'access toolbar', 'administer nodes', 'search content', ]); $this->drupalLogin($user); } /** * Tests opening off-canvas dialog by click blocks and elements in the blocks. */ public function testBlocks() { foreach ($this->getBlockTests() as $test) { call_user_func_array([$this, 'doTestBlocks'], $test); } } /** * Tests opening off-canvas dialog by click blocks and elements in the blocks. */ protected function doTestBlocks($theme, $block_plugin, $new_page_text, $element_selector, $label_selector, $button_text, $toolbar_item, $permissions) { if ($permissions) { $this->grantPermissions(Role::load(Role::AUTHENTICATED_ID), $permissions); } if ($new_page_text) { // Some asserts can be based on this value, so it should not be the same // for different blocks, because it can be saved in the site config. $new_page_text = $new_page_text . ' ' . $theme . ' ' . $block_plugin; } $web_assert = $this->assertSession(); $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $this->enableTheme($theme); $block = $this->placeBlock($block_plugin); $block_selector = $this->getBlockSelector($block); $block_id = $block->id(); $this->drupalGet('user'); $link = $web_assert->waitForElement('css', "$block_selector .contextual-links li a"); $this->assertEquals('Quick edit', $link->getHtml(), "'Quick edit' is the first contextual link for the block."); $destination = (string) $this->loggedInUser->toUrl()->toString(); $this->assertContains("/admin/structure/block/manage/$block_id/settings-tray?destination=$destination", $link->getAttribute('href')); if (isset($toolbar_item)) { // Check that you can open a toolbar tray and it will be closed after // entering edit mode. if ($element = $page->find('css', "#toolbar-administration")) { // If a tray was open from page load close it. $element->click(); $this->waitForNoElement("#toolbar-administration"); } $page->find('css', $toolbar_item)->click(); $this->assertElementVisibleAfterWait('css', "{$toolbar_item}.is-active"); } $this->enableEditMode(); if (isset($toolbar_item)) { $this->waitForNoElement("{$toolbar_item}.is-active"); } $this->openBlockForm($block_selector); switch ($block_plugin) { case 'system_powered_by_block': // Confirm "Display Title" is not checked. $web_assert->checkboxNotChecked('settings[label_display]'); // Confirm Title is not visible. $this->assertEquals($this->isLabelInputVisible(), FALSE, 'Label is not visible'); $page->checkField('settings[label_display]'); $this->assertEquals($this->isLabelInputVisible(), TRUE, 'Label is visible'); // Fill out form, save the form. $page->fillField('settings[label]', $new_page_text); break; case 'system_branding_block': // Fill out form, save the form. $page->fillField('settings[site_information][site_name]', $new_page_text); break; case 'settings_tray_test_class': $web_assert->elementExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-settings-some-setting"]'); break; } if (isset($new_page_text)) { $page->pressButton($button_text); // Make sure the changes are present. $new_page_text_locator = "$block_selector $label_selector:contains($new_page_text)"; $this->assertElementVisibleAfterWait('css', $new_page_text_locator); // The page is loaded with the new change but make sure page is // completely loaded. $this->assertPageLoadComplete(); } $this->openBlockForm($block_selector); $this->disableEditMode(); // Canvas should close when editing module is closed. $this->waitForOffCanvasToClose(); $this->enableEditMode(); // Open block form by clicking a element inside the block. // This confirms that default action for links and form elements is // suppressed. $this->openBlockForm("$block_selector {$element_selector}", $block_selector); $web_assert->elementTextContains('css', '.contextual-toolbar-tab button', 'Editing'); $web_assert->elementAttributeContains('css', '.dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas', 'class', 'js-settings-tray-edit-mode'); // Simulate press the Escape key. $this->getSession()->executeScript('jQuery("body").trigger(jQuery.Event("keyup", { keyCode: 27 }));'); $this->waitForOffCanvasToClose(); $this->getSession()->wait(100); $this->getSession()->executeScript("jQuery('[data-quickedit-entity-id]').trigger('mouseleave')"); $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', static::TOOLBAR_EDIT_LINK_SELECTOR)->mouseOver(); $this->assertEditModeDisabled(); $this->assertNotEmpty($web_assert->waitForElement('css', '#drupal-live-announce:contains(Exited edit mode)')); $this->waitForNoElement('.contextual-toolbar-tab button:contains(Editing)'); $web_assert->elementAttributeNotContains('css', '.dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas', 'class', 'js-settings-tray-edit-mode'); // Clean up test data so each test does not impact the next. $block->delete(); if ($permissions) { user_role_revoke_permissions(Role::AUTHENTICATED_ID, $permissions); } } /** * Creates tests for ::testBlocks(). */ public function getBlockTests() { $blocks = []; foreach ($this->getTestThemes() as $theme) { $blocks += [ "$theme: block-powered" => [ 'theme' => $theme, 'block_plugin' => 'system_powered_by_block', 'new_page_text' => 'Can you imagine anyone showing the label on this block', 'element_selector' => 'span a', 'label_selector' => 'h2', 'button_text' => 'Save Powered by Drupal', 'toolbar_item' => '#toolbar-item-user', NULL, ], "$theme: block-branding" => [ 'theme' => $theme, 'block_plugin' => 'system_branding_block', 'new_page_text' => 'The site that will live a very short life', 'element_selector' => "a[rel='home']:last-child", 'label_selector' => "a[rel='home']:last-child", 'button_text' => 'Save Site branding', 'toolbar_item' => '#toolbar-item-administration', ['administer site configuration'], ], "$theme: block-search" => [ 'theme' => $theme, 'block_plugin' => 'search_form_block', 'new_page_text' => NULL, 'element_selector' => '#edit-submit', 'label_selector' => 'h2', 'button_text' => 'Save Search form', 'toolbar_item' => NULL, NULL, ], // This is the functional JS test coverage accompanying // \Drupal\Tests\settings_tray\Functional\SettingsTrayTest::testPossibleAnnotations(). "$theme: " . SettingsTrayFormAnnotationIsClassBlock::class => [ 'theme' => $theme, 'block_plugin' => 'settings_tray_test_class', 'new_page_text' => NULL, 'element_selector' => 'span', 'label_selector' => NULL, 'button_text' => NULL, 'toolbar_item' => NULL, NULL, ], // This is the functional JS test coverage accompanying // \Drupal\Tests\settings_tray\Functional\SettingsTrayTest::testPossibleAnnotations(). "$theme: " . SettingsTrayFormAnnotationNoneBlock::class => [ 'theme' => $theme, 'block_plugin' => 'settings_tray_test_none', 'new_page_text' => NULL, 'element_selector' => 'span', 'label_selector' => NULL, 'button_text' => NULL, 'toolbar_item' => NULL, NULL, ], ]; } return $blocks; } /** * Tests enabling and disabling Edit Mode. */ public function testEditModeEnableDisable() { foreach ($this->getTestThemes() as $theme) { $this->enableTheme($theme); $block = $this->placeBlock('system_powered_by_block'); foreach (['contextual_link', 'toolbar_link'] as $enable_option) { $this->drupalGet('user'); $this->assertEditModeDisabled(); switch ($enable_option) { // Enable Edit mode. case 'contextual_link': $this->clickContextualLink($this->getBlockSelector($block), "Quick edit"); $this->waitForOffCanvasToOpen(); $this->assertEditModeEnabled(); break; case 'toolbar_link': $this->enableEditMode(); break; } $this->disableEditMode(); // Make another page request to ensure Edit mode is still disabled. $this->drupalGet('user'); $this->assertEditModeDisabled(); // Make sure on this page request it also re-enables and disables // correctly. $this->enableEditMode(); $this->disableEditMode(); } } } /** * Test that validation errors appear in the off-canvas dialog. */ public function testValidationMessages() { $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $web_assert = $this->assertSession(); foreach ($this->getTestThemes() as $theme) { $this->enableTheme($theme); $block = $this->placeBlock('settings_tray_test_validation'); $this->drupalGet('user'); $this->enableEditMode(); $this->openBlockForm($this->getBlockSelector($block)); $page->pressButton('Save Block with validation error'); $web_assert->assertWaitOnAjaxRequest(); // The settings_tray_test_validation test plugin form always has a // validation error. $web_assert->elementContains('css', '#drupal-off-canvas', 'Sorry system error. Please save again'); $this->disableEditMode(); $block->delete(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getTestThemes() { // Remove 'seven' theme. Setting Tray "Edit Mode" will not work with 'seven' // because it removes all contextual links the off-canvas dialog should. return array_filter(parent::getTestThemes(), function ($theme) { return $theme !== 'seven'; }); } }